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Any photographer worth his salt requires more than just a claim that he can take good pictures. He needs a photography website to show potential clients just how good he is at capturing those precious moments and bringing out the best in his subjects through still images. If you’re looking to build a career in photography, an online photographer website portfolio can help you present your best ph…

While social media remains to be one of the most effective ways for you to build a following for your brand online, there’s still a case to be made for creating a band website. Social media attracts an audience but it’s easy to get lost in a sea of cute baby videos and politically-charged discussions. A website brings back the focus to your band and your music. Band websites can serve a lot of pu…

Recent statistics show that more than a third of homeowners are composed of younger individuals aged 35 years old and below. This constitutes millennials looking for starter homes or new properties that are suited to their budgets. This is the age group that is known to rely a lot on the internet for information and access to services so it makes perfect sense to build a real estate website to ca…

In 2017, Chinese tech giant Tencent changed the game in app development after introducing mini programs in WeChat. These are mini apps embedded in the WeChat ecosystem where no download is required. Just open the mini app, launch it, then you’re good to go! This radical move from the company influenced changes in the app economy in China. Now, app developers are driven to adapt to these innovativ…

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method, in which you can sell things without having to stock up inventory. If you are reading about dropshipping for the first time, you may think it can not be true! But, the fact is that you can very well start your e-commerce business without investing a single penny in inventory management. Read on to know more. What is dropshipping? Dropshipping refers to…

Have you experienced a moment in your life when you went out for a date but ended up with no conversation with the person at all? Truly, the scenario mentioned above is disappointing because you’ve given your time and effort for nothing. The same feeling goes when your website visitors click on your website and leave without taking any action because your site doesn’t talk to them directly. They …

When you want to search for a particular thing online, what is the first thing that comes to mind? We are sure you will first think of Google Search. It’s no news that the world “Let me google it” is common among people around the world. With Google site search, you can search for anything on the internet. However, not everyone is a pro when it comes to Google search. But, that’s ok. No one knows…

What makes an exceptional creative project? If you’ve been asked this question before, did you answer based on the output or based on the process? When we talk about exceptional creative projects, we’re talking about projects that combine the artistic abilities of the designer and the objectives of the client. In project management, it is extremely essential to know what the clients want to see a…

Have you been dreaming of walking the runway dressed in luxurious clothes from brands like Chanel, Gucci, Versace, Dior, or Prada? Do you find yourself amazed by magazine covers from famous magazines like Vogue and Elle? Have you ever wondered how it feels like having your own photoshoot? If yes, it seems like the limelight for modeling is calling you. Image taken from Karen-L Ideas that will dr…

Users can now use Strikingly Taiwan Payments to accept NT$ payments in Strikingly stores! Note: We'll be rolling this out to all users over the next few weeks. If you want early access to this, please contact us at

The most compelling type of marketing does not only market viable products to the consumer world but also delivers a lasting association with customers. When consumers look at a certain product, they won't instantly know that it's effective. Psychology says that the purchasing factor of people depends highly on the emotional variables—how does a product's message make its potential customers feel…

Ever wonder why people are very much drawn to visual entertainment? From the Ancient Greeks’ dramatic presentations to today’s movies on-the-go, it doesn’t seem like a matter of debate that humans just love to watch or see things. Well, as it turns out, there is a pretty plausible explanation for that: humans are 90% visual beings. This fact is backed by research, and it also explains our collect…

Are you aspiring to be an animal photographer? Do you love taking cool animal pictures? That’s great! We thought it’s a lovely idea to give you some tips about animal photography. A blooming interest in wildlife photography is evident on social media platforms and photograph websites. You can’t blame these people, especially the photographers, who take great interest in taking nice shots of anima…

Writing is an art that transcends time and space. Authors take their readers to a different world and a different era in a matter of seconds. Though we are moving fast towards visual media and social networks, authors still exert a significant influence on readers around the world. After all, however good the movie is, we always say the book was better. To retain the influence of literature on th…

Building websites is always a privilege. May it be for a business, or personal portfolio, having your own website gives an instant plus points. Nowadays, website building has started to go viral, specifically, in the field of ecommerce. Many companies started to engage in creating one, not just because it's in the top trend's list, but also with the benefits they could get from it. There are tons…

Maintaining a stable image is essential in the business world. For you to gather loyal customers and earn revenues, your reputation must be reliable and free of any scratches. Nowadays, getting involved in any dispute or scandals is one of every company/business’s biggest nightmare. Who would want to lose valued customers just because of false accusations right? To maintain a clean reputation, an…