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No one can greet you when you come back home as pets do. Having a pet at home brings boundless joy to a family. One-third of the families in the world have some kind of pet, and it is 67% in the USA. This number is steadily increasing year on year. Along with this trend, the pet care industry is also growing rapidly. Now is the best time to start a pet business. If pets are your passion, and you …

Since the beginning of time when Netflix still wasn’t a thing, some theatres provided entertainment to people. There are two definitions of what a theatre is. One, theatre is a place in which a play is performed. It doesn’t even have to be a formal location indoors. Sometimes play is performed in spaces that are not in theatres at all, such as a parking lot or a park. Second, theatre also refers …

“Sharing is caring.” We know this by heart. An act of kindness creates a huge impact on others. It is a domino effect when you help other people ease the burden they carry. Just as you are about to order your favorite pepperoni pizza near you. You help the local business which is the pizza store and the store goes on with their operation to keep their employees paid. This is a simple representati…

Whether you’re working in a 9 to 5 job or taking care of your kids at home, who doesn’t like the idea of spending some time being involved in doing what you feel passionate about? And if you can find the right hobbies that can make money, there can be nothing better than that. Surprisingly, with the advent of the internet, that is not only easily possible but can be done to build a full time hobb…

Art is probably something that has always stayed in our lives in one way or the other, and has either helped us overcome hard times, or accompanied us in a joyful expression of ourselves. We all love art and being involved in it. Some may like to dance and sing, while others may like to paint or write. Whatever it is, art is inseparable from a person whose very nature is to be creative. Today, we…

What is the first thing that you want people to see in your website? You may want to show some attractive offer, a catchy phrase, or just a heads-up about any required plug-in to use your website to its full potential. The best way to grab attention to this detail before they go on to do anything else in your website, is to include a splash page. What is a splash page? A splash page is a dialog /…

Personal Websites: A personal website allows you to create a website about yourself. It can be used as a portfolio, resume or even a blog. You can make a personal website pursuing your passion and sharing something with the world. You can also use it for enhancing your business engagement and gaining an audience. Here at Strikingly, we are all about empowering people and providing them with the r…

Image taken from Canva Every artist has their own distinct character. A unique identity which makes them stand-out. From their style of making their art, to their distinct way of conveying deep messages. These factors make them more interesting to the eyes of their viewers. As an artist, being creative is not the only thing you should have. You need to be equipped with the right weapon to share y…

As more businesses start to open again, innovation is king. With cutthroat competition, your business concept should always be on top of the game. If one idea doesn’t work out, don’t hesitate to pursue another. Don’t let failure stop you from trying, because it just takes one great idea to launch something that could alter your life and make a difference in the world. With that being said, there’…

Are you a writer, designer, illustrator, instructor, music teacher, English tutor, wellness coach, or just one of the talented freelancers out there? If the answer is yes, then we created this blog to help you build a freelancer website. You might be asking why you should build one of those freelancer portfolio websites. The answer is simple: because you are awesome and great. The world needs to …

With most people spending a huge amount of time online, the internet remains one of the most effective vehicles for promoting products, services, and events. People rely on the web for information on virtually everything so if your event website does not provide visitors what they need to know, you will not be able to generate excitement and hype around your upcoming event. In the past, building …

Are you someone who wants to create a website? Well, in that case you may be part of a business looking to provide consultancy services, or may be an individual blogger selling homemade products to your internet audience, the list can go on. Whoever you might be, if you want to create a website from the scratch or want to rediscover your website by starting over again, you must have heard from ot…

Image taken from Canva Anyone can fall in love with art and drawing. It may sound impossible but anyone could be a master in the field of art as long as you have the passion to pursue what you truly want. Digital arts have been prominent for the past years. Not just because it is fun, but with the fact that one can gain a lot from learning it. It has tons of uses specifically in the field of onli…

Konnichiwa! Japan, the beautiful island country and also the homeland to one of the largest creative culture and technological hubs in the world. We’ve all seen glimpses of Japanese culture and talent through television dramas, anime or comics. We also know about the humble nature and polite manners of the people in Japan. It would not be wrong to say that Japan has its own culture and practices,…

Have you ever wondered how to improve your website’s conversion rate? Have you wished to increase your email subscribers list? Are you struggling to boost your sales, despite generous discounts? What you need is a pop up website. What is a pop up? A pop up is a window that appears over a web page. It may appear at different positions, and at different times. Unlike a splash page that appears only…