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Can you imagine a world without words? It's impossible to fathom a life without the very foundation of meaning. Written words are everywhere, from traffic signs to print advertisements. The absence of text would render many things meaningless. Words are more than just letters arbitrarily arranged to give meaning. Today, creating text has transformed into a kind of digital art that warrants organi…

A mechanic website? Yes, an auto repair website. It sounds pretty much like a needless idea for a website, doesn't it? But wait till you read this. Every business needs a website. It is no news that the world is getting more and more digitized daily. Individuals and corporate organizations are optimizing the benefits that technology avails them to promote their brand. Suppose you are a business o…

The prevalence of smartphones made it necessary to develop apps that meet everyday needs. There are games and music streaming apps for entertainment. Then there are utility apps for productivity. Whether you’re just a regular user or an app developer yourself, it’s hard to deny how rapidly apps changed the way we live today. However, with the app market full of thousands of options, it would be h…

It is fascinating how makeup has always been a part of every culture. It might have evolved from sacred rites or vanity forms, but either way, makeup has always played a huge part in our history. Not so long ago, most children learned about cosmetics by observing their mothers applying their red lipsticks in front of their vanity mirrors - a very intimate memory. Moms are often people’s first bea…

We’ve upgraded our blog editor for a much smoother experience when writing blog posts! Add images easily, copy and paste from other sources, and enjoy more flexible formatting options. Note: We'll be rolling this out to all users over the next few weeks. If you want early access to this, please contact us at:

Once upon a time, buying or selling a property involved visiting the real estate agent’s office and then going to multiple sites to look at available options. Today, like every other business, the real estate business is also disrupted by technology. Buyers and sellers no longer depend on realtors to find the right property. There are online portals that list properties and act as a bridge betwee…

Not only has the advent of technology launched us into a whole new world of endless opportunities, but it has also created a pattern that now helps individuals build careers and explores virtual opportunities. How do you become a part of this uprising world of immense benefits? Well. It’s simple! You need to own a personal profile website. Gone are those days when websites are designed by compani…

Ever find yourself creating something out of boredom, interest, or just sheer curiosity of your abilities? Then after posting it on social media, you would receive comments like: “Hey! where did you buy that?” Or “That’s pretty! I want one!” Such a wonderful and exciting feeling, isn’t it? But what if you sell those creations? Use your talents and turn your craft ideas into something profitable? …

In modern web design, one-page websites are introducing a new paradigm in which everything that you have to say on your site can all be relayed through a single document. In a generation where we’re constantly inundated by tons of information, one page website design offers a refreshing break from multi-page spaces that compel us to make several clicks before getting to the content we want to see…

Whether you’re a new business owner or had been in the industry for a while, it’s always important to have a strong marketing plan. If you’re introducing a new product to your market or simply improving your existing one, you need a marketing plan to launch it successfully. However, many business owners find themselves falling in the wrong direction when creating a marketing plan. Generally, mark…

To run any business successfully, it is crucial to abide by the law of the land. When you are a small business operating out of your garage, you may not worry about the marketplace regulations. But, when your business starts attracting revenue, it becomes imperative to comply with all the required paperwork and legalities. One such very important part of running a business is sales tax. Except fo…

Money indeed makes the world go round. That’s why the financial sector is one of the world’s largest industries. It’s made up of brokers, financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies, money markets all of which provide the services needed for consumers and businesses every day. Financial services examples include commercial banking, investment banks for wealth management, brokerag…

Home improvements and decoration is something which we are required to do. As much as we try to avoid it, there would be times when home repairs are necessary to make our everyday life more comfortable. For some of us, doing home improvements is too much to bear. With all the busy schedules and other important priorities, we are not that capable of doing it by ourselves. Home improvements website…

Everyone loves a good party. Whether there is something to celebrate or you and your friends simply want to have fun. Throwing a party is an excellent way to gather and share joy. Great music, great food, and great friends are some of the things that make a good party. Although many people love a good party, the truth is that not many people can arrange a good one. You need to prepare a lot of th…

Class reunions are one of the most awaited events of many alumni. After a couple of years, they can finally have the chance to meet friends who’ve been there during the most memorable moments of their youthful days. Planning a high school reunion can be too stressful, especially now that everyone has their jobs and other priorities. It will take too much time and effort to collect all the details…

For a business, a name is very important. It represents the identity of your company. It is the first thing that people know and remember about your business. As an identity, your company name is an essential asset in your branding strategy. The logo, banners, slogans, and other content your company creates to market your products and business will be attached to your company name. This is what m…