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The internet is built on the premise that information is fluid and we are all interconnected in one way or another. Online communities are thriving because of this idea that we are social beings and as such, we need the human connection to survive. For many brands, building a community website not only provides them with a viable marketing vehicle but also allows them to reach out to their custom…

One day you discovered a hidden talent. You took out your camera, took some shots, and were surprised with the end result. All your photos looked stunning and your subjects looked magnificent under natural lights. Then you decide to take it a step further. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a professional one, you must have an interesting story about how you found your great love for photo…

The first impression creates a massive impact in the field of business and e-commerce. Everyone can be unique in their ways and make everyone drawn into them. For you to be remembered you must have the right tools you can use to keep everyone aware of your existence. With that, you will be needing to design a business card customized just for your business. Business cards design skills to help yo…

Collage art-making is one of the most underrated, yet interesting types of art-making. Many people find it complicated or even boring. But unknown to them, the world of collage art-making is filled with an abundance of beauty. If you are one of those people who is curious about how you could enjoy collage art and be amazing collage artists, then you just happen to be in the right place. Why becom…

Are you a consultant who aims to bring out the best of your consulting services online? We’ve got you an interesting topic and ideas to help you create a web presence for your consulting business. After all, you don’t want to keep your expertise hidden from your target audience. As much as possible you want to come out and share your talents and skills with the world. Building a consulting websit…

An undeniably effective digital marketing campaign involves getting word out about your business or your project as much and as early as possible. Picture this: You’ve got the best business idea laid down. You did not cut corners while in the planning stage. You spent time hyping your product up in order to pique your target demographic’s interest, encouraging just the right amount of anticipatio…

Image from Canva Slash Youth is becoming a trendy topic in recent years. As the world becomes more uncertain and unpredictable, the youth’s career is becoming shifting. Rather than sticking to a particular job, many youths are now pursuing multiple careers simultaneously. These sets of youths are regarded as slash youths. What does the slash mean? The word “Slash” first emerged in the United Stat…

People love products they could buy at their fingertips. But they will love it even more when they can easily pick up their orders. If you're a brick-and-mortar store going online, chances are you’ve already heard of the click & collect model. But what exactly is it, and what can it do for your business? Don’t lag behind the competition. Know how you could go big with the click and collect concep…

There are many reasons to start a business. For one, you have unlimited earning potential. Then, there’s also the freedom of working on your own time. However, with all the advantages of starting your own business, you should also take note of the hardships that you can encounter, such as working longer hours during the start-up phase: needing to wear different hats to address problems on various…

Image taken from Canva So you’ve just started your website. You have everything up and running: a fantastic website name, a unique URL, and a responsive design that works on almost all devices out in the market. All you need to do is to register your desired domain name. But by the time you decided to register, the domain name you want may already be taken. If you’re an online entrepreneur, parki…

Mobile website design banner Is your business website design mobile ready? Are you one of the many business owners opting to have a desktop and mobile website design for their online stores? Then, this content is made especially for you. Google encourages websites to have a mobile friendly web design.They reward mobile friendly websites to rank well on google search analytics. On the other hand, …

We've improved SEO for store products! Store products and portfolio items now have keywords in their URL by default, and you can now customize a single product's URL.

Have you ever had a brilliant idea but never knew exactly how to explain it? Your brain is a powerful yet complex organ, and thoughts sometimes get tangled along the way. If you’re in the process of building your website, it’s normal to have hundreds of ideas each day. But without the right tools and practices, all your valuable ideas can go to waste. Imagine having a billion-dollar idea in your …

If your business is not on social media, you’re missing out on an opportunity to reach a bigger market base. People rely on social media platforms not just to be connected, but to be informed. In this setting, no business can overlook the role of social media as a marketing tool. Most companies have embraced social media marketing as an integral part of their digital marketing strategy but the on…

Commerce, or the activity of large-scale buying and selling, has long been deeply ingrained in society. In today’s Internet Age and with the relatively younger and more tech-savvy generation becoming the buying class, present-day business owners and entrepreneurs find themselves asking themselves questions that seem to be very specific to these times, at least for now: how to sell online successf…

There’s something about good lighting that makes you want to take out your camera and take a photo. The golden hour is famous for a reason. Known as the last hour before sunset, the golden hour is said to be the perfect time to take photographs because it captures the best natural lighting in the day. But why, exactly, is photography lighting important? Before diving into all that, let’s look int…