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The day you decide to set up your brick-and-mortar or online shop is the day you start to conceptualize your brand and layout the foundation of your business. One of the first things you need to do is to think of pricing strategies for your goods. The way you price your products and services can affect whether customers think it is worth their time and investment, so you have to set it just right…

Imagination knows no boundaries. This is the idea behind composite images. Creativity and imagination work harmoniously to achieve a perfect illusion in an image. Have you ever dreamed of being a warrior princess when you are a child? Fancy about being an astronaut floating in space or a time-traveler who happened to be in the late 60s’? These and all your wildest imagination when you were a chil…

Customers play a major role in the world of business. They serve as the “life source” of any company and makes them more alive. As an entrepreneur who seeks stability in this field, you must know how to handle your target market properly. It is a must for you to do your part as a provider for these individuals and make effective customer acquisition your top priority. What is customer acquisition…

Business is first and foremost about generating income. No matter how good your products and services are, if your customers have a hard time processing payments from your shop, they would, in most cases, choose not to proceed with the transaction. You don’t want this happening so as your business evolves, so does the need to explore different payment options for your customer. In this article, w…

Be like a pro without needing to know it all. Creating your own website from scratch doesn’t need to be complicated and expensive. Yes, you read it right. Website builders have made this process free and easy for beginners and even professionals who want to make a complex style website. And Strikingly is one of the website builders that offer a free plan forever. If you fancy how to start a websi…

Creating your own name in the field of business is a necessity. For you to build a strong foundation in your chosen battleground, you must know how to keep things intact, specifically your own identity. You have to make everyone remember who you are, what you can do, and even what makes you unique from everyone else. In the field of business and ecommerce, having your own identity will make thing…

According to, Youtube is the most popular online video property in the United States with over 126 million unique viewers monthly. With a population of 328 million people, that means that over 38% use Youtube. That is a LOT of people and a big platform to take advantage of if you want to build your brand. Some more research suggests that: 86% of businesses use video as a marketing to…

Layout Design is one of the most powerful tools anyone can have. When it comes to website designing being able to know the proper ways of how to layouts is an instant advantage among your competitors. Having the ability to produce modern layout design is an asset in securing a large number of website loyalists. Being in an industry where there are tons of choices to choose from, it is a must to m…

Do you have that idea which you’re itching to share with the rest of the world? Starting a personal blog might be just the thing you need to get your story heard. Having an online space to call your own enables you to build a personal brand and share your own insights on different topics which you are very passionate about. This can also pave the way for tons of potentially lucrative careers in d…

Creating websites requires someone to be creative in a way that once someone decides to visit your website he/she will instantly be hooked and fall in love with it without him/her noticing it. One effective way to do that is to give them a striking impression--a unique and robust splash page which will not just serve as a “magnet” of your own website, but be an instant eye-candy to your viewers. …

Website designing has been massive in almost every part of the world. For the past years, many individuals and even companies who engage in the field of business have taken turns in developing their own websites. Each made their own designs in their own unique ways. From the overall layout up to the smallest details, webmasters made sure that each of their websites will definitely stand out. Amon…

When we talk about customers/consumers, we are not just referring to a single individual. Customers are mainly a large group of individuals with different characteristics from one another. They come in different ages, gender, type of work, address, nationality and even relationship status (‘cause not everyone is definitely taken). These people seek for their needs depending on what they specifica…

As a creative professional in the digital era, you would need an online space where you can showcase all your best works for potential clients to see. The best way to do this are through graphic design websites. Your portfolio is one of the most effective ways to market your work and display your talent for all the world to see. Treat your graphic designer website portfolio as if it were your onl…

The job market today is ripe with opportunities. If you can travel back in time and tell people that they can work from home and earn money, people wouldn’t believe you. What usually happened back then was people get a job and stick all throughout their lives. The idea of having multiple sources of income was almost an impossible idea. But now, with the internet and with most people owning a pers…

As human beings, we all have good and bad days. There are days when we are just ready to face the world and feel like we can take on anything. On other days, we can feel a little bit down. And during the down days, sometimes we want nothing else other than a hot cup of tea by our sides, someone to talk to, a blog to read, and an outlet for all our emotions. When life sometimes gets a little tough…

You may think that the world of fashion design is all glitz and glamor, but didn’t you know that aside from talent, it is hard work as well? To be the best in any endeavor, you must aim to have the heart and the hustle. Not to mention, a great portfolio to back you up. The pandemic has affected a lot of industries and professions, and fashion designers are one of them. If you want to be the next …