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The job market today is ripe with opportunities. If you can travel back in time and tell people that they can work from home and earn money, people wouldn’t believe you. What usually happened back then was people get a job and stick all throughout their lives. The idea of having multiple sources of income was almost an impossible idea. But now, with the internet and with most people owning a pers…

As human beings, we all have good and bad days. There are days when we are just ready to face the world and feel like we can take on anything. On other days, we can feel a little bit down. And during the down days, sometimes we want nothing else other than a hot cup of tea by our sides, someone to talk to, a blog to read, and an outlet for all our emotions. When life sometimes gets a little tough…

You may think that the world of fashion design is all glitz and glamor, but didn’t you know that aside from talent, it is hard work as well? To be the best in any endeavor, you must aim to have the heart and the hustle. Not to mention, a great portfolio to back you up. The pandemic has affected a lot of industries and professions, and fashion designers are one of them. If you want to be the next …

When promoting a brand, companies must make sure that they get the customer’s attention within the first look. Different strategies can be used to do this, and one of them is making an excellent copy that delivers a powerful and impactful brand message with just a few words. That’s where slogans come in. What Is a Slogan? According to Oxford Languages, a slogan is a short and striking or memorabl…

Running your own business is not an easy feat. For one, you need to create a good product mix at a competitive price. Another is to make sure that a wide audience actually knows about your business. The traditional way of doing this is by going door to door to hand out flyers to your neighbors. However, with modern technology, you can extend your reach to nationwide and even international clients…

Now you can add the site top navigation on your blog header. This will be helpful to show your logo and other pages for your blog reader who’s browsing.

Apps are a way to transform your business. Having your own app extends the reach and makes customers navigate your website in an easier and more functional way. It also increases visibility to clients and you would be able to market more directly to them. In this day and age, there are numerous ways to build an app. One of these is building an app without code. Before you think twice about whethe…

If you’ve ordered at least one thing online, then congrats, you aren’t a stranger to the world of eCommerce. With the global pandemic still on the loom and nationwide lockdowns imposed, more and more merchants are choosing to take up their shops online. But what exactly goes behind the process from adding an item to a cart to receiving it on your front porch? That’s where eCommerce fulfillment co…

Nowadays, the thought of having a website of your own is becoming more and more appealing. In fact, if you’re an entrepreneur, creating a website for your business is a must if you want to expand your clientele and capture the interest of your target market. Websites aren’t limited to business ventures as well, as there has been an increasing number of websites for personal use. After all, isn’t …

These days, there is an increasing number of workplaces that telecommute. But just exactly what is telecommuting? Cambridge Dictionary defines telecommuting as “the activity of working at home while communicating with your office by phone or email.” This telecommuting definition pertains to what most workers have experienced during the global pandemic, one way or another. It is also known as tele…

A new year has rung — it’s finally 2021. It’s time to do an overhaul and leave behind all the gunk and grime that weren’t adding value to your life in 2020. And yes, that includes the old website ideas that weren’t working for you, anyway. Unique website ideas are a dime a dozen, but the best ones are harder to come by. Perhaps a great way to start the year is to have new website ideas from us to…

For each section’s background, you can now easily choose theme colors or choose any custom color for the background. Make your sections stand out with background colors!

The trend of going digital is experiencing rapid development. With the various possibilities and opportunities for businesses, selling digital products is one of the most appealing businesses one can pursue. In this article, we will talk about what these digital goods are and why you should sell digital products. What are Digital Products? Digital products are items that are sold online which do …

Whether you’re moving to Canada, meeting new Canadian friends, or traveling to Canada for a short while and blogging about it, you’ll do well to learn all the Canadian slang words, Canadian phrases and funny Canadian sayings. This is because while Canadians speak English, they’ve got their own quirks and peculiarities that make them unique and interesting as a culture. Learning Canadian words, Ca…

We're making a significant change to our site editor: You can now freely add, remove, and move elements in a section! Just enter "Drag & Drop Mode" from a section's Layout Settings and see what you can do! Note: We'll be rolling this out to all users over the next few weeks. If you want early access to this, please contact us at

"The Benjamins are all about it," Puff Daddy sang. But the legendary American rapper didn't sing about a good friend named Ben, considering what you might have wrongly believed. Actually, no. Sean John Combs, AKA P. Diddy, explained a basic truth about our capitalist culture. Money is simply so critical that people have come up with hundreds of ways to communicate about it over the years and thus…