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How an Eager Beaver, Noob Freelancer can do Customer Research “If I had 20 days to solve a problem, I would take 19 days to define it”. -Albert Einstein Think about your Freelancer’s journey like a Goofus and Gallant cartoon strip. The Goofus Way: Step 1 – Publish your site. Step 2 – Post it on your social media a few times a week and wait for the offers to NOT come pouring in. (We’ve talked ab…

How to Build an App for Under $100 without Writing Code Tara Reed (@tarareed_) is the CEO of Apps Without Code. Her tagline is “I like to build apps without writing a line of code”. Aaaaand, mic drop. In this guest post from Tara, she’s going to explain why bypassing her friends opinions was one of the smartest decisions she’s ever made, how she created her app for under $100 without writing a …

Aaron Nace on the Realities of Becoming a Full-Time Freelancer This is a solid interview we were ecstatic to do with Conceptual Photographer, Photoshop Educator, and Full-Time Freelancer – Aaron Nace. Aaron is the creator of Phlearn, an online video tutorial resource for Photographers, Photoshop enthusiasts, and Digital Retouchers, across every stage of their career, on YouTube. I stumbled acros…