Creative Marketing Ideas

Marketing is critical for any business. If you want to make sales, you have to do some marketing. If you're going to get your business off the ground, you need to develop a proper marketing plan and creative marketing strategies. The thing that matters the most in building marketing strategy is creativity. In today’s digital age, you can have so many creative marketing ideas that wouldn’t have been possible to implement for companies decades ago. The internet provides us with numerous platforms and means to promote products, services, skills, and brands.

Successful creative marketing ideas are those that really hit the intended targets at the right time and place. We have been looking into some creative marketing trends that have helped so many businesses worldwide boost their sales. Today we are here to give you some of the top creative marketing ideas that you might want to consider to increase your sales and grow your business.

10 Creative Marketing Ideas for Businesses

Here is a list of 10 creative marketing strategies that work as well for large organizations as they do for small businesses.

1. Social Media Witticisms

Using social media marketing is an extraordinary method for drawing clients and customers to your business. That is why it is the first on our practical and creative marketing ideas list. There are two fundamental conditions for accomplishing this objective: having valuable goods to sell or services to offer and knowing how to introduce them in your social media posts.

a clothing line business' Instagram feed embedded on its website

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

You can start by using Facebook. Facebook is an excellent place for you to showcase your brand in the form of quick posts about the products that you sell regularly. You can also build an online community in the form of a Facebook group. Many successful businesses use Facebook groups to collect customer feedback and resolve customer inquiries.

You can also use Twitter marketing to give brand updates to your audience and followers daily. It is relatively easier to grow your Twitter followership if you post new comments and tweet often. Do not just post content that’s specific about your products. Give industry highlights and tweet news snippets about your particular niche. This will surely grab the attention of the crowd.

social feed section in a website built on Strikingly

Image taken on Strikingly user’s website

2. Video Marketing

The second on our list of creative marketing ideas is video marketing. Video marketing has risen immensely in popularity over the past couple of years. Businesses realize that people tend to view their marketing content until the end if it is presented in videos. Whether you produce animations, make explainer videos, shoot live footage, use stock footage, or create slideshows of images, your marketing videos have a chance of reaching a larger audience than you ever did before with other marketing methods.

an explainer video on a website selling visual developments

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

The fantastic thing is that knowing the value of video marketing, most digital marketing platforms now allow you to embed videos in your content. You can add videos to your social media posts by simply inserting YouTube links into them. You can also add videos to your website, and it usually does not even require you to do any coding or complicated work. For instance, if you build your website on Strikingly, all you need to do to add a video to your webpage is take these simple steps.

  1. Click ‘Add New Section’ from the left panel on the editor.
  2. Select ‘Big Media’.
  3. Click the small ‘Edit’ button.
  4. Toggle to ‘Video’.
  5. Paste your Youtube video link in the field that appears.
  6. Hit ‘Save’.

how to add a video in the Strikingly editor

Image taken from Strikingly

a sample video added to a web page built on Strikingly

Image taken from Strikingly

3. Newsletter Emailing

Newsletters and email marketing will never get outdated. But if you keep using the same layout and content in your newsletters for months, the recipients will get bored and stop opening them. To include newsletters in your list of creative marketing ideas, you need to adopt new styles, templates, content elements, and color palettes to them.

invitation to sign up for a newsletter

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Be creative in creating your newsletters. Include different types of exciting content, such as discount offers, industry news, gift ideas, and the latest trends. Make your headings bold and catchy. Make sure you have the appropriate and creatively designed call-to-action buttons. Take your audience’s interest in your brand to the next level.

Sample newsletter

4. Eye-Candy Infographics

Infographics are a great way to tell people about your business in an informative way that captures their attention. They are concise, clever, and can be used as creative marketing ideas in many different places, including email newsletters. Not only do they save you time in preparation because they are unique, but they are also eye-catching with full use of color.

an infographic on a website promoting an app

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

5. Prizes and Contests

The benefits of using prizes and contests to entice your audience to engage with your brand or take any other desired action are two-fold. First, you get to give out your product for free as a present to the winners, which will promote it within the network of the person who receives it. Second, you can get your audience excited about participating in the contest in anticipation of getting great rewards.

a sign up form enticing people with a free giveaway upon subscription

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

6. Trade Fairs

This is not about organizing trade fairs sponsored by your brand. A better strategy on our list of creative marketing ideas is attending trade fairs sponsored by other businesses or brands. Visiting trade fairs can introduce you to a fair share of potential customers and clients. You can participate in such events as a spectator or visitor and get business cards of people who could be your next big customer. The point is that merely being an observer will allow you to meet people. Hence, trade fairs are bound to be fruitful for your business.

7. Freebies for Fastest Users

Giveaways are an underrated and old-fashioned way you can get people to try your product. Make sure you implement this strategy over social media platforms to reach many potential customers. They do not have to be fantastic items, extraordinary services, or tangible products.

For example, if you are in the photography business, you could teach photography for free in exchange for a potential client’s contact information. With the massive rise of high-speed internet worldwide, you can find a willing audience anywhere and reach them to offer such freebies as one of your creative marketing strategies.

a good photography portfolio on a website

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

8. Inventive Funding

As a business owner, you have a lot of departments and aspects of your business to manage. Sooner or later, you will need a cash inflow or a good funding source for business growth. If your business is a start-up firm, you will typically require a long-term loan, and getting such a loan approved is not always easy.

A better way of getting your business funded is next on our list of creative marketing ideas. You can consider inventive funding, or in other words, online crowdfunding instead of going to the bank. You will be amazed by how many people are willing to help ambitious start-ups get off the ground and start making profits.

9. Promotional Partnerships

This is among the simplest of creative marketing ideas. If you are running a small business, you can popularize it for free, at least on a local level, by connecting with other small businesses in your region. A perfect way of going about this would be to negotiate deals for running mutual promotional campaigns with enterprises related to your field but are not your direct competitors.

For example, if you run a graphic designing business, you can agree with a printing company. They can use your designs on their website and billboards, and at the same time, promote your brand. You, in return, can use their printing service for clients who ask for a hard copy of the designs you deliver. Thus both parties get benefits out of the deal.

10. Traditional Marketing

You might be wondering what traditional marketing has to do with creative marketing ideas and creative marketing trends. But if you are at the old and conventional advertising methods, you can really make them work by adding creative elements. After all, television and radio ads still play a role in our buying decisions.

An excellent example of using traditional marketing to build creative marketing strategies is making radio commercials targeted at cab drivers. Studies show that drivers are the most active listeners to radio programs. This opens a broad range of multi-channel, creative marketing ideas that blend traditional and modern media.

A Couple of Bonus Creative Marketing Strategies

Here are two bonus creative marketing strategies that you can use for boosting your sales.

1. Build a Website on Strikingly

Strikingly is a great website-building platform that provides ready-to-use templates and a user-friendly editor. The tools we offer allow you to create attractive and professional websites without indulging in any coding or programming work. We have updated our editor to include a drag-and-drop interface, which literally allows you to add any kind of content by simply dropping it as a file onto your web page. You can also rearrange the elements of your page layout and change your site’s color theme to suit your brand’s colors.

The advantage of using a website builder like Strikingly to create your website is that you will be free from dealing with any technical issues related to web development. We take care of the technical aspects on our end while you can continue focusing on your creative marketing ideas to generate leads and make sales.

2. Use Strikingly Tools to Market Your Business

We have a lot of tools that will be part of your website once you sign up for an account on Strikingly. You can use these tools to implement your creative marketing strategies in a time-saving manner. For example, you can use our order management tool to keep track of your customers and orders. You can use our newsletter feature to send out marketing emails built on our newsletter templates. You can even insert part of your social media feed into your web pages.

We often update our platform to add more exciting features and tools, allowing you to implement more creative marketing ideas through your Strikingly website. Our goal is to provide you with a smooth and convenient experience of building, running, and maintaining an attractive website that can help you successfully promote and grow your business. Our customer support staff is always available to answer your queries through live chat support. We strive to be as quick in our responses to your feedback and complaints as quickly as possible.