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As a business owner, there are numerous things for you to administer. You have to work blood and sweat to attract customers via marketing strategies, social media, and brand strategies. However, retaining customers requires a lot of investment, time, and energy. Therefore, you must develop the best customer retention strategies to ensure that you win their trust. It is no big deal to attract new …

When we talk about the website color schemes, we don’t just talk about aesthetics or our preference for a particular color. A color scheme also relates to Google ranking, color psychology, and marketing in today's digitized world. If you want to make your website attractive, you need to choose the best color scheme for the website. If you make the wrong choices in this regard, it will hurt your p…

As we continue to find ways to live in the pandemic, eCommerce is becoming more common and prevalent. Technology continues to find ways to evolve, whereas government policies and regulations have a huge influence on the way people consider eCommerce shipping solutions. With time passing by, businesses are changing, especially those related to retail outlets or online stores. According to a survey…

We’ve added an option to hide the Strikingly logo for visitors who use your site’s Live Chat widget. Find this setting in Audience - Live Chat!

Podcasts have been top-rated these past few months. With people mostly staying in their homes due to the pandemic, listening to various podcasting business have been one of their hobbies. Starting a podcast provides a lot of benefits to businesses. It provides entertainment for an audience and serves as a form of marketing strategy. How does that happen? Well, stay tuned to this blog for more awe…

Ideal website header designs make your website attractive and improve your integrity. If your web design is good, you will expect to see many visitors not just coming to your platform but finding reasons to return to your website again. You must create an environment on your website that enables them to stay on your website for a longer period. If they find your design attractive, they will likel…

If you’re a small business owner, an illustrator, a photographer, or someone who has just founded a startup, having a website is one of the smart ideas to introduce it to the global market. When you are just starting out a business, it doesn’t mean that you will always find your way to success. There are vital steps that will lead you in the right direction in achieving your business goals. And y…

It isn’t a secret that starting a vlog has become a popular and entertaining format in the past decade. Considering how easy it is to make and how entertaining it is to share on multiple social media platforms, making videos has become a dream for today’s generation. Whether you own a Tiktok account or a YouTube channel, people produce creative videos from time to time. So, why should you leave y…

Are you a writer who enjoys sharing his thoughts with other people online? Do you enjoy making articles in different niches? How about starting your own blog website? Perhaps, you are someone interested in starting your own blog site but don't know how to choose the best free blogging platform suited for you? If your answer is yes, you just happen to be in the right place. In this blog, we will b…

In recent years, the term "lifestyle photography" has grown popular. You've probably come across a self-proclaimed lifestyle photographer on social media on more than a few occasions. But what are lifestyle photos? Is it something you should consider and incorporate into your photography website? Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about lifestyle photography, from what it is to…

Cover letters, resumes, and networking is essential components of the job application process. However, there is another tool that every digital marketing professional should add to their job search toolkit: the portfolio (and increasingly, the online portfolio – an excellent tool for showing examples of your work). To begin, let's look at some of the digital marketing portfolio examples and reas…

If an online store has a great window display, have you considered taking a second look at it? How about the visual styling related to the dresses and blocking of the mannequins? Have you ever wondered why an online store stands out among the rest of its competitors? All of these questions are pretty relevant in the world of eCommerce today. When we shop in a store, we look for the best shops to …

You've probably come across content created by a thought leader who is an expert in their field if you've ever read a blog post. If the blog post was well-written, you most likely gained useful information and a positive impression of the author or brand that created the content. Anyone can use blogging to connect with their audience and reap the numerous benefits that blogging provides, such as …

Typography can evoke a feeling, recall a brand, or create an atmosphere. Consider the boldness of the FedEx logo (complete with a sneaky hidden arrow!) or the classic blackletter style of The New York Times' masthead. Consider the layout of your favorite magazine when it comes to editorial typesetting. Consider how different fonts are used across different apps on your phone. However, typography …

How can you boost your company's sales figures? Several methods can be used. The most obvious requirement is that you have a good marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy can assist you in targeting the right people and converting them into customers for your company. The ease of using the internet, such as social media, can assist you in marketing through multiple channels. Another option i…

Art gallery websites have become extremely common in the digital world these days. As the pandemic has resulted in minimal face-to-face interactions and more exposure to the internet, these websites have become more frequent in building an online presence. In today’s digital world, it is easier for artists to publish their best work and ensure that they get displayed to their website visitors. By…