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In the last decade, particularly since the coronavirus pandemic, the art of selling online has become a prominent part of the online business. In 2022, you won’t find a single business owner in the world that doesn’t have the ambitions to increase online sales. The businessmen have gone through various tutorials to understand the usage of marketing tools and techniques that either didn’t exist or…

Simply having a website for your brand or business is not enough today. You need to have a responsive website if you want to gain success through the sole use of a website. People are no longer satisfied with a simple information-providing website. It needs to give them something more, something new. Otherwise, your website will not stand out, and it will not be able to do what you intend it to f…

A blog is one of the most common ways of communicating through the internet nowadays. Even though a concept is as old as day, it caught the light much more in the past few years. People from all around use their blogs to let the world know their experiences and resulting views about the world. Starting a blog has become common practice regardless of your age or occupation. Anybody can do it, and …

When you start a career in digital marketing, there are many things for you to configure. The factors involved in digital marketing include blogging, search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, graphic designing, etc. To take care of all of these elements, you must choose a quality website builder, such as Strikingly. You will likely work on a limited budget in the starting phase of your career.…

If we talk about business websites, an old saying comes into mind i.e. first impression is the last impression. When you create a splash page website on here Strikingly, you must know that your landing page elements are equally as important as the bigger picture. When your potential visitors come to your website, they come in with many expectations. As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility t…

Whether we are familiar with the entire content or not, we are most likely to be familiar with the website homepage. Why so? Well, of course, because a website homepage is the first web page anyone sees when they visit a website. Even if it is a one-page website, it is bound to have a website homepage. In such a case, the only page the website has is the website’s homepage. This is why it is vita…

When setting up Pop-ups for your site, you can now choose a time delay, scroll delay, or exit delay setting, to create a better browsing experience for your visitors.

More businesses are using the concept of a mobile app website to increase their sales and further the progress of their businesses today. This is something that companies did not do until a few years ago, and the idea of an app website only recently started gaining traction. The credit for this goes to how fast the positive impacts of having a mobile app website manifest themselves. Mobile web de…

You might have noticed that the number of mobile device users has gone pretty high. In fact, most people prefer to use mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets instead of the regular desktop or family computer. Because of the convenience and efficiency of using mobile devices, it is where people do most of their online transactions, such as shopping, making reservations, and doing informati…

Do you have the intention to create a blog for free? If the answer is yes, you couldn’t have come to a better article than this. If you are in the learning phase about writing website content, it can be challenging. Sometimes, you will see the biggest blogging professionals struggling to come up with a profitable niche idea that can elevate their business leads. This can be a consequence of writi…

Have you wanted to quit your nine-to-five job? Then, looking for a legit online job is the smartest escape plan. These days, we are truly blessed with the flexibility and accessibility of the best online jobs and work from home opportunities that we can see on the internet. This digital age gives modern workers the freedom to work in a more convenient setting at home or anywhere they like. It als…

Graphic design magazines are always a good source of graphic design inspiration and knowledge from industry professionals. Especially nowadays, when publishers provide fantastic information in various formats for your convenience. Even though digital publications and design magazines are beneficial for various reasons, there is something special about a printed magazine. The simple pleasure of ho…

Anyone who even remotely spends part of their day on the internet must know about a landing page. Every website needs to use a landing page builder to create a landing page - there is simply no way around it. There are so many free landing page templates and landing page examples available in today's day and age that using a landing page builder should be no problem for anyone. Landing page inspi…

The concept of a membership website is becoming increasingly popular. Being a relatively simple way to build a business and generate revenue, building a membership website seems like a good idea to most people. When you create a membership website, keep in mind that either every source of traffic will generate profit, or there will be no traffic generated in the first place. If you favor using a …

If you use the best free website builders to build and manage your online platform, it will only add to your online presence. Apart from building a website to promote your business or platform, using a website builder opens the door for many opportunities. By choosing a top-class builder, such as Strikingly, you can create a website to have a chance of reaching out to a wide audience. It also hel…

Do you intend to start a new blog or make changes to one you already have? It's a brilliant concept! Product reviews and how-to information, as well as for instructions and advice, are all common uses for blogs. Because of this widespread appeal, there are many blog examples and over 600 million blogs. However, how do you build a successful blog with an attractive blog design when there are hundr…