Why Plan Customer Acquisition
Customers play a major role in the world of business. They serve as the “life source” of any company and makes them more alive. As an entrepreneur who seeks stability in this field, you must know how to handle your target market properly. It is a must for you to do your part as a provider for these individuals and make effective customer acquisition your top priority.

What is customer acquisition

Customer acquisition definition is simply the process of gathering a secured number of loyal customers. This is the act of changing any potential site user into a loyal customer. New customer acquisition can be also described as any user acquisition strategy which companies formulate in order to build a solid connection towards their customers. Customer acquisition definition mainly revolves around the idea of being able to adapt to the changing minds of the market and how a company is able to provide immediate and effective solutions on such requests. It is like creating huge efforts in a relationship to ensure that your partner will be staying by your side for a long time.

Sample Contact Form

Why is customer acquisition good for you

After knowing what customer acquisition is, let’s now talk about its main advantages. Aside from the fact that it can collect more potential customers for the company, a new customer acquisition strategy can also help the company grow as a firm and create more opportunities to continue expanding.

Stability and Growth. These two are the main perks of having a firm plan for customer acquisition. If you can master the art of creating a firm customer acquisition plan, these two will be right in your own palms without you even noticing it. And with that, Strikingly can help you accomplish it in just one visit.

Best examples of customer acquisition strategy There are tons of customer acquisition examples which companies could use in making successful customer acquisition much easier for them. All you need to do is carefully analyze and study which is one will best fit you. Here are some strategies:

  • Use a referral system. Referral systems are among the best types of customer acquisition for online marketing. This type of campaign will push your current customers to share and influence other people to go and check your website. Through various incentives and rewards being offered to them, their urge to participate in marketing your business instantly increases. Once done by a single person, curiosity drives one and the other and it creates a ripple effect.. Websites like Dropbox use this type of customer acquisition strategy in building a solid connection towards customers.
  • Send emails. Who wouldn’t love personal letters? Letters never get old. Being able to receive them feels like heaven specifically if you know it is meant for you. One way you can surely get more attention is through sending emails. It is not just showing that you “care” for them but also be able to give them the latest updates from you and your business. Emails are easy to generate yet have the ability to cover a wide audience.
  • Consider free trials. It may not seem like it but offering free trials is one strong and effective customer acquisition strategy. Customers nowadays are more practical and observant. They seek assurance. Well, we can’t really blame them especially in times where scams are all over and can happen anytime. If you want to capture your customer’s trust, you must show them that you are truly deserve it. Offering free trials and subscriptions are best examples for that customer acquisition strategy.

Connecting your business towards your target market becomes a handful if you do not have sufficient idea on how you will gain their trust. Strikingly offers various ways and ideas on how you can make yourself a bag that you trust. By signing up our services, you will be filled with all the weapons you will be need in building a strong and surely effective customer acquisition plan.

How to build your own customer acquisition strategy

Creating customer acquisition strategies might be confusing if you do not know where to start. You do not have to worry because Strikingly already made its part of making things lighter for you in searching for different acquisition strategy examples. Follow these three basic guidelines and in no time, you will be finding that perfect recipe for the best customer acquisition strategy right in your possession.

  1. Take high considerations of your customer acquisition cost
  2. Familiarize and take a thorough research about your target market
  3. Use and apply your collected data in formulating your own acquisition strategy.

Site & Blog Section

What is acquisition marketing?

Acquisition marketing is a more “special” type of marketing. It is different because it specifically targets the customers. It is a marketing plan intended directly on every aspect involving the overall target market of the business itself. It involves different acquisition strategy examples which companies could use in achieving a stronger hold of their market’s stability.

There are a variety of acquisition marketing examples and tools which companies could use for their customer acquisition planning. Among them are listed below.

  • Social Media. Who doesn’t have a social media account nowadays? Guess almost none. It is not surprising that social media can be used as a tool for customer acquisition. With it being one of the most powerful possessions any person could have nowadays, gathering customers through it is truly worth-trying. Conducting your customer strategy through the use of social media is also one of the easiest tools to use. Simply create your own page on any social media platform, link it to your main website and voila! You just added more years and opportunities to your own business.

Social Media Section

  • Blogs. Blogs offer tons of perks when it comes to increasing user acquisition. Many people nowadays are fond of reading blogs and articles online. It serves like an online encyclopedia where people could get the information they need for any specific issue. And that is one opportunity for your business to engage in such customer acquisition tools. You can create your own blogs/blog section on your main website where you can add information about your product/business. You can also use it as a platform where your loyal customers can share personal thoughts and feedbacks on your service. Through this, visitors are given a chance to know from other people about your way of giving attention to customers.

There are tons of platforms where you can generate blogging in your own website, and Strikingly is one of them. It does not only offer a large collection of free templates, but also possesses a collection of reliable blogs which you can use as an inspiration and guide on making your own. Strikingly would not just help you build your website, but most importantly, make it last. Who in the field of business wouldn’t want that?

Securing your customer acquisition process with Strikingly

Strikingly is one of the best platforms which can help you in website building. Besides the fact it offers a free collection of free templates, blog guides and even themes, they can also offer various tools and features which are surely effective in your customer acquisition process.

One special feature which Strikingly can offer you is that you can add your own customized contact form or sign up form for your website users and other potential followers.

If you are wondering how, here are the steps and guidelines you just need to follow to make your Strikingly website outstanding and perfect the art of customer acquisition.

Contact Form Section

Adding Contact Form

  1. Sign up for a Strikingly account and select a template that you like.
  2. Add a new section to your own website by first clicking the "Add new section" button in the left side editor toolbar of your Strikingly account.

Add New Section

  1. Select the section with the "Contact Form" label. There, you will find four specific fields of standard contact form that you can toggle on or off! These are email, name, phone and message fields (you can rename this as well if you wish).

Contacts & Forms Strikingly

  1. Add the map of your current location.

Contact Form Strikingly

Here's one great example of our templates from Light Deck template:

Contact Form Template

Adding Sign Up Form

  1. Just like for the Contact Form, start this process by clicking the "Add new section" button in the left side editor toolbar.
  2. Then, select/click the section with the "Sign up Form" label. You will find here two fields on our standard sign up form that you can also toggle on or off! These are name and email fields (which you can also rename).

Sign Up Form Strikingly

Each (non-spam) entry to the contact form you added will be directly emailed to you.

If you are not receiving messages from us, we highly recommend that you should check the recipient address you put for your contact form, and also go to your account and check if you have unsubscribed to us at any given point.

If you want, you can edit your mail settings here! When you receive emails, the "reply-to" address should be the email of the person who filled out your designed form, and the subject line should say "a new comment on yoursite.com."

If you want the comments from the contact form to be sent to a specific email account, you also have the option to change it within the editor.

Here are the basic steps you should follow:

1. In your website editor, simply click "Edit" on the contact form.

Edit Form Strikingly

2. Then, type the specific email address where you want to receive the comments into the "Recipient Email" field.

Form Options Strikingly

The messages which are sent through the contact form should be sent directly to your recipient email address.

Notes/Points to remember:

The Contact/Sign-up form "Recipient Email" only allows one email address.

  • If you are subscribed on a Free plan, website visitors who submitted their info through your designed contact form will receive a confirmation message like this: "Hello, xxx! We've just received a form submission from you on site-123456-7890-000.strikingly.com. Thanks for your message!"

Keep in mind that there is no email confirmation which will be sent to your site visitors who filled out your form if you're on any of our paid plans (Limited, Pro, VIP).

Still got questions? You can always reach for us. Just check out our solutions here. If you've got questions and clarifications send them to support@strikingly.com or chat with us.