Website statistics

There are over 1.9 billion web pages on the internet right now. That implies your competitors are almost certain to have a website that functions similarly to yours. So, how can you ensure that your website is working optimally and that your internet marketing initiatives are yielding the most potential return on investment? Website statistics is where it all begins. After all, you can't manage what you don't track.

The most successful companies monitor as many metrics as possible. You can't tell what's working and what isn't unless you track it. It's also impossible to understand where you're squandering time or money, and how you may cut back.

Why Is It Essential to Analyze Website Statistics?

The following questions can be answered with website traffic checker:

  1. What percentage of the target audience (in terms of overall site traffic) sees your site?
  2. Which traffic source attracts the most targeted visitors and leads to the most conversions?
  3. How long do users stay on the site and how many pages do they look at?
  4. What should we do next (what should we fix) in order to meet our objectives?

You'll gain a better understanding of your visitors and their activity patterns once you start studying traffic analytics.

Traffic website statistics

Image is taken from Strikingly

How to Analyze the Traffic on Your Website?

We will use the following website statistics tools to assess the above-mentioned site traffic indicators:

Google Analytics

Website statistics

Image is taken from Strikingly

One of the most extensively utilized is Google Analytics. You may utilize the platform's rich reports to check how much traffic a website gets, its sources, and user behavior on your site. It allows you to see demographic information about your visitors, such as their age and gender, where they live, and how they found your website. You'll need to add a basic tracking code to your website to use Google Analytics. There are various plugins available to make the procedure easier if you have a WordPress site. Some of the tools on this list can interact with Google Analytics, allowing you to connect your website data to a more comprehensive solution to compare against competitors.

Strikingly’s Built-In Analytics Tool

strikingly website statistics

Image is taken from Strikingly

Strikingly comes with a built-in website statistics tool that offers you a breakdown of your site's visitors, including where they came from and which pages they frequent. The website stats might help you get started with your market research, but we recommend digging further into the performance of your website. When you link your website to Google Analytics, you get more detailed information on everything related to your website, such as how much site traffic it receives, the kind of visitors it receives, where they come from, the search phrases people use to find your site, and so on. This platform has a variety of information that may be used to shape digital marketing campaigns and brand-building activities. More information about how users have turned their website into a more profitable business can be found here.

The Most Important Website Statistics to Pay Attention To

attention website statistics

Every website owner wants to improve their site's performance, but it's not always clear which metrics best indicate how well a site is performing. Real-world data can be used to check what works and what doesn't on your website, highlight areas for improvement, and discover any unusual findings.

If you're interested in this topic, you've either established a new website and want to measure its success, or you currently have a website and want to keep track of its performance.

Website Traffic

In general, the counts on how much traffic a website gets are a solid indicator of whether it is increasing, staying the same, or dropping. It can also be used to track the effectiveness of the specific promotional activity. For example, if you see a significant increase in traffic after publishing a guest post on a popular blog, this is a sign that you should do more of the same. If, on the other hand, you're seeing a constant, long-term drop in the number of visitors, you know what you're doing isn't working—you need to try new things, or your website will fail.

• Check Website Traffic Sources

You should know where your traffic is coming from as well as your top-level traffic metrics. Again, utilizing a service like Google Analytics, you can get this information. Google Analytics categorizes your website's traffic sources into four groups:

  1. Organic Search: traffic that originates from search engines.
  2. Referral traffic: traffic that comes from another website.
  3. Direct: visitors who type your domain into a browser.
  4. Social media: social media traffic

Each site traffic sources will provide you with a few key details about your website statistics.

The organic search traffic will show you how well your website is ranked in search engines. Referral traffic indicates how many people originate from other websites, either as a result of a guest post or a link to your material from another website. If other websites routinely link to you, it will not only help you rank higher in the search engines, but will also minimize your reliance on them. Aside from that, having a lot of links heading your way indicates that you're doing a good job and is a terrific endorsement of your content.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate of your website is another key measure to keep track of while evaluating its success. The bounce rate metric, which is expressed as a percentage, indicates how many people leave your website just after they arrive—Google refers to these as "single-page sessions." The lower your bounce rate, the more people will stay on your site to appreciate it and, maybe, convert.

Bounce rates vary depending on the type of website—blogs have different bounce rates than landing pages, which have different bounce rates than eCommerce sites. In addition, you must apply some logic to the situation. However, if you make modifications on the basis of your website statistics that improve your bounce rate over time, you will be on the correct track.

A high bounce rate indicates one thing about a website: visitors are quickly leaving.

With these considerations in mind, you can reduce bounce rate by ensuring that your website looks excellent, functions well, and contains high-quality content.

• Pages with the Best Performance

website analytics data

You can check your best-performing pages in terms of visitor volume in Google Analytics' Behavior section—website statistics displays the number of page views and how those pageviews look as a percentage of total page views throughout the entire website.

Knowing which pages generate the most site traffic is critical since it provides you with real-time data on how your audience interacts. This is where you can begin to assess what's working and produce more of the content your readers enjoy if you experiment with different sorts of content.

• Rate of Conversion

Conversion data

Image is taken from Strikingly

Conversion rate is yet another crude top-level measure, but it's perhaps the most essential of them all because it has a substantial impact on your site's profitabilityincreasing your conversion rate from 1% to 2% doubles your profits.

Total conversion figures are crucial, but the conversion rate tells you how well you encourage your traffic to take the desired action. Obviously, the higher your website's conversion rate, the better. A low conversion rate implies that you're drawing the wrong kind of visitors, that your call to action is ineffective, and/or that your sales copy is useless.

• Website Traffic Source Conversion

The same four traffic source categories are used to compute the conversion rate by traffic source: organic search, referral, direct, and social.

To begin with, direct traffic is the most valuable form of traffic for this website. Because loyal visitors frequently drive direct traffic, this website should take steps to foster loyalty and return visits.

Similarly, social traffic is the least effective, so while it's always good to get free traffic from social media, this website would be stupid to chase it too aggressively.

Referral traffic converts better than search engine traffic, as can be shown. This is a sign that your referral traffic plan is working (you're getting links from the proper sources), but your search engine strategy isn't (you're targeting the wrong keywords).

The Conclusion

The key to effectively use these metrics is to determine which metrics can assist you in determining whether your website is satisfying your company's needs.

You'll rapidly become overwhelmed and obsessed with boosting the numbers in your website statistics dashboard if you try to measure all indicators at once without a goal. Instead, concentrate on gaining insights from the metrics you're tracking—insights that you can turn into practical knowledge for bettering your site's user experience.

While website stats tools such as Google Analytics can provide insight into your own digital marketing and website performance, there is often a need to also understand the digital marketing presence of a rival. Understanding competitor web traffic may help you come up with fresh ideas for your own digital marketing initiatives, identify new ways to attract new users, and even show you which channels you're using efficiently. Even if you're at the top of your field, staying there can be difficult, so keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing will help you stay ahead of the pack.

When you understand how to analyze your website statistics, you'll be able to access a wealth of data for your website and business that will evolve with your market and brand. Strikingly has designed its platform for a seamless Google Analytics connecting experience and is continually trying to provide users with the greatest website construction and business support solutions. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to chat with us. We are online 24/7!