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Thinking about a catchy domain name for your website? You need to remember that choosing a domain name also gives your business or personal site a unique identity in online and offline engagements. Whether it is a part of your brand marketing strategy or simply creating a professional space for your own cause, you have to choose a perfect domain name for your website. Truly, there are many factor…

Regardless of what website you build, be it an online store or a fitness blog, you would require a domain for your website. Every website has a unique combination of numbers as its identity, called an IP address. However, there should be another identity as part of it. This is where we see people discuss the difference between .com and .net. After drawing our respective conclusions between .net v…

With the availability of several website builders these days, individuals and businesses are able to develop their websites on their own. On one hand, this saves them the cost and time of hiring a full-time web developer. On the other hand, some people try to save so much cost that they don’t even spend on purchasing a personal domain. Having a personal domain for your website is important. After…

If you are into browsing different websites or plan to create a website of your own, you must be familiar with the typical items on a site’s menu bar. One of a website’s main functions is to give information to the audience about the site owner, the business, the company, and its background. This information is usually put in the ‘About’ section of the site. If it’s an organization’s professional…

As of 2021, 75% of the data breaches happen because of external hackers and website attackers. The thing that is even more astonishing is that the cost of attacking a website or doing a security breach can result in a loss of $3.62 billion. This is exactly why domain privacy is important for your platform. If you want to protect your website, you must understand the importance of domain protectio…

The use of the internet only keeps getting more and more important for businesses these days. Many organizations started relying on digital marketing and other online services to promote their brand, and then we hit this pandemic. As companies were forced to shift their operational procedures to adopt the work-from-home routine, digital networking and marketing became even more critical. If a bus…

When you start a new business, you would probably come across different phrases like ‘non-profit’, ‘not-for-profit’ and others, for selecting your business type. It is often hard and confusing to differentiate between these terms and understand what a non-profit website is. It is, in fact, easy to assume that ‘non-profit’ and not-for-profit’ mean the same thing. Nonprofits and not-for-profit orga…

Digital communications have largely replaced paper communication across numerous working platforms. Especially since the pandemic came to the surface, people rely more on digital communication tools (such as Slack) to communicate with their colleagues. Therefore, email etiquette is now as crucial as proper business email etiquette. A proper email etiquette enables you to create a solid impression…

( eCommerce Homepage Practices.png "eCommerce Homepage Best Practices") The ongoing pandemic has changed the way we see eCommerce businesses. From being a choice to a necessity due to COVID19 being outspread, eCommerce has come full circle. According to a report, North American eCommerce giants like Amazo…

If you have used or made a purchase from any ecommerce website, you must have noticed or skimmed through its terms and conditions. All professional websites must have a page to display terms and conditions, but some make the page more prominent than others. Websites selling products online often include a link to their terms and conditions on their checkout page as well. If you are thinking of bu…

Email marketing mistakes have such significance that they can make your business go from having a setback to a state of disaster. Even the best business email services are inclined to the idea of not making the same marketing mistakes over and over again. However, the most important thing is to ensure that you discover these mistakes and rectify them. Have you ever realized an email mistake just …

Small businesses often face different market trends than the larger organizations. They often have budget constraints to work on business expansion and have to follow the trends very closely. They need to be updated on the changing consumer tastes and preferences to offer exactly what’s in demand. 2021 has so far been better for small businesses as compared to last year. But everyone is still wai…

If you think about outbound marketing strategies, you will know that it is all about reaching out to your potential customers. Unlike inbound marketing, it revolves around the customers who may have problems but aren’t actively looking for a solution. When people think about ‘marketing’, they consider a few phrases, such as TV advertisements, social media advertisements, marketing campaigns, etc.…

Businesses these days are more focused on the different forms of digital marketing than on the traditional means of marketing. This is because they realize the value and cost-effectiveness of using the internet for promoting their products. One of the most commonly used forms of digital marketing is email marketing, whereby customers or prospects are sent regular emails to keep them reminded abou…

Social media marketing is among the most effective forms of marketing for businesses these days. Since social media content is easily shareable, it is easy for individuals and organizations to spread it among their friends and professional network. The more interesting fact is that when social media content is shared, it doesn’t cost anything. It neither incurs any cost to the firm whose content …

When most countries have shut their borders during this pandemic, what hope is left for people working in the travel agency marketing team to generate profit once they finally open? Indeed, this is a major concern for the tourism industry and other businesses dealing with guests accommodation and even livelihood for locals. The pandemic has changed our lifestyle. Thus, many businesses are coping …