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You may have heard about the phrase ‘First impression is the last impression’, same applies to the world of website analytics. If your visitors do not consider your website ideal on the first attempt, it is likely that they won’t return to your platform again. This is why you should consider website optimization tips to ensure a great Google PageSpeed Insights score. For those who don’t know what…

Are you into designer clothes? Would you like to turn this passion into a source of income or a side business? Do you want to sell designer clothes online? Everyone is trying to generate some income through the internet and from the comfort of their homes these days. As we go through this pandemic, many of us have had to shift our lifestyles, change our mindset about earning income, and focus on …

To open a restaurant requires a lot of guts. Many new restaurants start with a dream: to create fantastic food served inside a beautiful restaurant startup with a welcoming atmosphere. That goal should be tempered with a dose of realism, as the restaurant industry is one of the most difficult to break into. Aside from delivering delicious meals, your ultimate goal is to make money, so you'll need…

When you are trying to create a business website or a website for your personal use, you must have all its tools and necessary credentials right at your fingertips. Strikingly is a phenomenal website builder that enables small entrepreneurs and working individuals to set up professional websites so they can understand how to create an online presence. By creating these websites, they can share th…

Is there a formula for success when it comes to selling your craft online? Perhaps. You can do a variety of things to improve your store's online presence. You can also take steps to ensure that the creative business you're starting is long-term viable. We've compiled them into an action plan that you may follow one step at a time to ensure you've covered all of your bases. We've also included pr…

Manipulating information through the media, whether intentional (disinformation) or unintentional, is not new. However, digital technologies have fueled misinformation and disinformation due to the rapid rise of digital media, online news outlets, and social networks in recent decades. On the internet, fake news has become a significant issue. New tools to recognize and avoid fake news are being …

In this digital age, many aspiring artists and musicians use online space to showcase their talent while investing in web features and services to simultaneously make money. If you’re one of these people, you’re probably wondering how to get started. We have simplified the best way to sell music online. You might be thinking about the best place to sell your music online when it is the perfect ti…

People are getting more choosy about how much time they spend on the internet. People are becoming more concerned about the internet's impact on their life, with the average adult spending about 6 hours each day on digital media. Companies are now competing for consumers who wish to limit their internet time. This means that companies must implement user-requested website features without sacrifi…

Consider the possibility of your bank account information being disclosed to unauthorized internet users or hackers. Isn't that the greatest nightmare of all? Your eCommerce site should have an SSL certificate to prevent this from happening. Your eCommerce website is a platform that handles sensitive information from users, and data security is essential to maintaining a trusting connection with …

For starting any initiative, an important thing to consider is how you will finance your business. As an entrepreneur, you will definitely need money to invest in a new venture or expand your current operations to grow your business. Raising venture capital for your business is a big challenge faced by many enthusiastic entrepreneurs. It often becomes a barrier to the commencement of your operati…

We’ve added more fine-tuned control for coupon settings in your Strikingly Store. You can now set a coupon to apply for multiple products or multiple product categories.

Financial management is an essential aspect of any business. Whether you are just starting or have a well-established company running for several years, you need to have a proper means of managing your finances, if you don’t want to end up at a loss. Different companies adopt different methods to do financial management in business. Some hire financial consultants, while others operate a separate…

Businesses realize the need and importance of having a solid online presence for their brand. Successful entrepreneurs, however, are thinking one step ahead. Whatever they have been selling for the past many years, whether it’s physical items or some kind of service, can be sold online as well. Until the last decade, ecommerce websites were only built by companies that wanted to run an online sto…

Poetry is a form of art that has been alive and prominent for a very long time. The greatest love stories are probably tucked away in the many poetic writings and literature, known or unknown to man. And if you are one of those authors who writes with such finesse and depth, then this article will help you take your poetry to the next level and share it with the world. A poetry blog will allow yo…

If you are running or planning to build an ecommerce website, you need to know how to create appealing and effective ecommerce product pages. The design of your product page has a significant impact on the buying decision of your customers and site visitors. Therefore, you must pay attention to the product detail, product photos, and product information you provide on these pages. Everything, inc…

There are many actions you can take to ensure the safety and security of your website. Selecting a good web host and using strong passwords are two such measures. However, the most crucial step a website owner can take for its security is performing website backups. It is preferable to do a website backup early and often. When you have a recent backup of your website at all times, it helps you in…