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To be a successful entrepreneur, you must always have your own “special weapon”. Something which you can use when things don’t go smoothly according to your initial plans. Entrepreneurs nowadays have developed their distinct ways of dealing with competition. From basic advertisements done online, up to a unique marketing strategy no one could ever think of. As an aspiring business owner, you must…

Social media plays a significant role in doing business. As a business owner in a highly competitive and technological world, you must keep up with the latest trends if you don’t want to get left behind. Thus, it is evident that maintaining a social media presence that actually helps your business can be a difficult task to do. A social media audit helps you with that. And in this article, we wil…

Product Variations are one of the most important aspects of eCommerce, and it is not possible to do the shopping for certain products without them. For example, shirts and trousers come in different sizes and dimensions, the furniture comes in other wood, computers come in various specifications. All these play a part in the product options that you have for an online store. However, certain vari…

For so many companies around the world, website security vulnerabilities are not the utmost priority unless they are encountered by them. In the evolving digital world today, this is an extremely wrong tradition set by today’s companies. This incompetence may result in hacking and security breaches. The security vulnerability is a critical issue and must be prioritized by digital companies. One o…

In the competitive world we are living in these days, everybody should aim for professional development. Whether you want to start a business of your own or are looking for a promotion in your current job, professional training and professional development would benefit you in your path. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the benefits of professional development, let’s define what professiona…

In most parts of the world, people have spent most of 2021 in lockdown policies and travel restrictions. Recently, many travel restrictions and bans have started getting lifted. People who have been away from their homes are excited to get back together with their families. Those who have been restricted to their homes are happy to go out on vacation finally. Due to this pandemic, the travel tren…

Need some recruitment strategies to hire the best employees and talents for your company? Here at Strikingly, we love sharing great ideas on how to make your business cope with the trend in implementing an effective recruitment strategy. In business, recruitment strategy is vital to the overall success of the company. You have to find the best talents to generate good numbers in terms of producti…

Blogging, which used to be a hobby for those who love to write, has now turned into full-fledged business. People or organizations who started a blog to share the content they produce are now making a lot of money out of it. This is because blogging has become a means to develop a stream of income. However, a blog does not generate income for you automatically. A lot of effort and time goes into …

Over the last two years, probably due to the ongoing pandemic, people have generally become more cautious and self-aware of the importance of having a healthy lifestyle. For the same reason, fitness marketing has become popular, as millions of people like to watch content that inspires and motivates them to remain fit. This, in turn, has given rise to the popularity and size of the global wellnes…

Mental health should be one of the priorities that any person gives attention to. Much like we take care of our physical body to maintain its health and fitness, we should also be doing it with our minds. But given that you are interested in becoming a mental health counselor (or you already are), you already know that - you even advocate for it. Now, there’s a certainty that we share a common in…

The term "bootstrapping" comes from the phrase "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps," which was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. It refers to a difficult task back then. It now alludes to the problem of creating something from nothing. A bootstrapped business was established and grown entirely with the entrepreneur's funds and revenue earned by the company. What is Bootstrapping? The bu…

As strange as it may sound, the "extra credit" job you do for yourself can be as creatively satisfying as it is monetarily lucrative. Enter the online side hustle, an increasingly popular way to turn a good concept into a profitable business while keeping your day job as a safety net. A side hustler's calling card is a scrappy, experimental mindset that sees resource limits as an exciting challen…

Consider working for a company that has no personnel dedicated to business growth and development. Nobody to push you to improve or inform you about new business prospects, market changes, what your competitors are up to, or how you can better attract your target audience. Don't you think this would make it difficult to succeed? That is why, to help them grow, businesses construct business develo…

The domain name that an individual or organization chooses is precious and holds value as an identification for the business. Many say that keeping a short domain name is beneficial in many ways. If you are looking to start a business or create an online presence for your existing business and are currently thinking of a domain name, this post will be valuable. We will first discuss why a short d…

As a website owner and a business owner, it is only expected that you want your presence to be known by as many people as you can. A top google ranking is every website and business owner's dream. But suffice it to say that working for it makes it even worthy of something like all things. In this article, we will be helping you in achieving exactly that. We want to tell you about how to improve g…

They say that “failing to plan is planning to fail”. As a business owner, you have to be aware of how important planning is to you and your business. It makes sure that you are setting yourself up for success and helps you control your business. This sums up the importance of long-term planning strategies. If you can develop an effective plan for your business, you are gearing yourself up to achi…