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If you feel that the invention of smartphones, robots, and self-driving cars is impressive, then you would also enjoy the world of 3D printing. It’s baffling to think just how technology has evolved throughout the years. What was once a dream to fly to different countries can already be done via airplane, and travel to Mars is not already far from reality. From Thomas Edison’s lightbulb discovery…

If you are like the most successful businessmen globally, you will integrate social media platforms as part of your marketing strategy. Most probably, you would be active on Facebook and Twitter. We have also seen how LinkedIn is beneficial for business purposes. However, most companies do not consider the importance of YouTube marketing for business, which is a huge mistake to commit. YouTube is…

We’ve made it easier to adjust the product display order in your Store section. In addition to manually reordering the products, you can now quickly set a display order in product list page– this is useful if you have many products you’d like to organize at once.

If you are one of the many innovative and wonderful entrepreneurs and business owners out there, first things first, we salute you. It isn’t easy opening and handling a business and being your own boss. Nevertheless, to shut down a business like yours can also be one of the most challenging things you would do. This article is meant to help you through the process of closing a business. The Time …

A content management system (CMS) is software that allows users to create, update, and modify content on a website without the need for specialized technical knowledge. In layman's terms, a content management system is a platform that allows you to create a website without having to write all of the code from start (or even know how to code at all). Rather than establishing your own system for cr…

TikTok is a fast-growing social media platform, used mainly by youngsters to post short video clips that they record doing simply anything that they or their audience deem entertaining. It is a very easy-to-use social media site that has grown so dramatically over recent years that even older people have started entertaining themselves by posting videos on it. Businesses are always looking for po…

Pet lovers are so passionate about animals that they integrate their pets into their everyday lives. It is almost as if they are spending their lives with a sibling. Most importantly, they never try to spoil them in any way. If you want to know how to start a pet business, you must understand that having pet lovers as your customers is good news for you. The reason behind it is that they will con…

People these days browse websites from their mobile phones more than from their laptops or desktop computers. It is a lot more convenient for someone to just open a browser in their phones which are usually in their hands or pockets, instead of waiting to get back to their desk to turn on their computers. This is why businesses must build a mobile website. Having a mobile-friendly website means h…

Blogging is something that was done just as a pastime in the olden days. Gradually, bloggers realized that they could make money out of their passion for writing and publishing on the internet. Since then, more and more content started getting available on the internet, as people were running blogs now for the sake of writing and having a passive source of income. Once you have a blog with many a…

Every business and website owner struggles with search engine optimization. Without proper SEO efforts, it is difficult for a website to be discovered on the internet. There is so much information on the internet on such a wide variety of web pages that competition has become too intense for a new website to appear in search results. From keywords research and link building to social media integr…

Most websites these days have an email subscription form. As businesses realize the importance of email marketing, they develop new and creative ways to build an email list. Website builders also recognize the value of offering tools and features on their platform, making it easy for people to get email subscribers. Gone are the days when businesses only used to rely on the traditional means of m…

All websites these days need to be mobile-friendly. Most of the users like to browse websites and apps on their mobile phones instead of desktop. It is a lot more convenient to access a new website on a mobile device than to wait to get to a laptop or desktop computer to open it up. Businesses are also aware of this. That’s why most of the advertising and marketing done on the internet is geared …

You know that paragraph of text that appears when you visit websites or answer questionnaires and surveys? That is a privacy policy agreement that you are asked to read and agree to so that you can be assured that those who request it from you have every intention of protecting you and your privacy. On the other side of the coin comes business owners or business website owners like you. You now h…

When you establish an online business, one of the first things you consider is the area of interest. If you are a specialist in marketing, it will enable you to prioritize your marketing strategies and content management. This will allow you to generate traffic on your platform and be associated with credible sponsors and advertisers. If you are aware of marketing strategies, you will also know h…

As a business owner, sales is one of the most important things that you aim to get on a daily (or even hourly). But paying attention to how you get that sale - your sales funnel, and marketing funnel is as important as the sale itself. See, to generate income, you must first generate leads. While that seems simple enough, lead generation can be challenging for different businesses. And in this ar…

In an increasingly competitive sector, search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the most effective strategies to expand your business. With millions of businesses competing for the same eyeballs, internet advertising has never been more vital. Search engine marketing is the most effective approach to promoting your products and developing your brand. This book will give you an introduction to s…