choosing a domain name

Thinking about a catchy domain name for your website? You need to remember that choosing a domain name also gives your business or personal site a unique identity in online and offline engagements. Whether it is a part of your brand marketing strategy or simply creating a professional space for your own cause, you have to choose a perfect domain name for your website. Truly, there are many factors to consider in choosing a domain name. But we simplified the steps to guide you along the way. After all, a perfect domain name will not only create a strong and unique brand identity but will add extra quality to all your personal and business deals online. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, we covered the bases for you. Here at Strikingly, you can definitely register a custom domain in just a few easy steps. You don’t even need to acquire any coding skills to do it. No kidding! That is what we are so excited to share with you in this article. Plus, we’ve got website and domain name combo plans that will surely make your brand stand out. Here are our ten tips on how to choose a domain name for your website.

10 Tips on Choosing the Best Domain Name

  1. Keep It Short and Simple
  2. Stick With Your Brand
  3. Don’t Complicate Pronunciation and Spelling
  4. Research Thoroughly
  5. Pick the Perfect Domain Name Generators
  6. Choose the Best Place to Register a Domain Name
  7. Get Free Custom Domain and Web Hosting
  8. Create a Unique and Brandable Domain
  9. Use Keywords in Choosing a Domain Name
  10. Own It Before Someone Takes It

1. Keep It Short and Simple

As much as possible, keep your domain name short and simple. Yes, you have to consider keywords for your business or personal stuff but make sure it is not lengthy. Choosing a domain name under fifteen characters is ideal. A little bit more than that is not bad, but it doesn’t stand out. Remember, you want your brand to stay on top, right? Plus, you are helping users and customers to avoid typo errors when looking for your website. If they end up typing the wrong domain name, it could lead to lost traffic on your site. Certainly, that is the last thing you want to happen. That is why you need to keep your domain name short and simple. Make it easy to remember.

choosing a domain name

Image taken from Fodi Website

2. Stick With Your Brand

This is the tricky part of choosing a domain name for your website because you have your brand name to consider, in addition to important stuff like keywords, originality, and simplicity. Using your brand as your domain name is the easiest way to go. It is important to maintain consistency when it comes to brand marketing ideas. Having a unique domain name means giving your business brand a strong pillar. Something that your clients or customers can look up to. With your own brand, you can’t go wrong in choosing a domain name. In fact, it is the most ideal and perfect domain name to use.

3. Don’t Complicate the Pronunciation and Spelling

When choosing a domain name, it is best to not complicate the spelling and pronunciation. Your users might end up searching for another website if your domain name is too difficult to remember. It is always best to use a simple yet unique domain name that will serve as your business trademark. Since you will be using your domain name in your business transactions and communications, you must make it sound professional. Don’t complicate things. Also, you have to think of business-appropriate words. Otherwise, a personal domain name for your website may sound perky. Bonus tip: Avoid hyphens, special characters, or double letters. It may result in lost traffic due to typo errors. This is how you do things right in choosing a domain name.

4. Research Thoroughly

It’s always smart to do thorough research in choosing a domain name. If you have a list of perfect domain names for your business, check out possible duplicate matches online. According to WPbeginner, it is very important to perform a trademark search before registering a domain name. This way, you can avoid similar or exact names registered and trademarked. When you sign up with Strikingly, you can choose from over a hundred domain names to choose from, and it’s absolutely unique and updated.

how to choose a domain name

Image taken from Nithi Foods website

5. Pick the Perfect Domain Name Generators

It is clever to use domain name generators, just like what we got here at Strikingly. Simply put in your preferred domain name and check if it’s available. Choosing the best domain name generators can be a time-consuming task for beginners, but you can always check out online or this blog from WPbeginner to come up with the perfect domain name.

6. Choose the Best Place to Register a Domain Name

When it comes to the best place to buy a website and register a domain name, we got you covered here at Strikingly. We make domain name registration simple, fast, and easy so that you can focus on what is more important for your business. We’re pretty sure you come across the best website builder and web hosting services, but our intuitive tools and features will definitely make your brand stand out. Choosing a domain name must be supported with the best place to register it. It is not enough that you’ve come up with a perfect domain name for your website; choose the best site builder that will also give you the best web services plus exciting freebies you need to go live. These are some of the very important things that you should consider.

7. Get Free Custom Domain and Web Hosting

Choosing a domain name is a tough job while getting free web hosting is another thing. Why do you need to consider a website builder covering everything from a custom domain to hosting? Because it saves you from unnecessary costs. Strikingly has affordable yearly plans that include free unlimited hosting and a free domain name when you buy a site. Who says free domain name? Yes, we have it free with any of our premiums. Customizing your website gives a professional impression to your customers online. It is more exciting that you can assure them of a seamless and secure online transaction with our web services. You may check out our pricing plans to help you decide.

Strikingly pricing plans

Image taken from Strikingly

8. Create a Unique and Brandable Domain

Maybe it is too much to say that your brand and your domain name should come together. We emphasize this part because a perfect domain name is a smart way to promote your brand. Choosing a domain name should be guided by your brand strategies to put your business on top of the competition. Hence, a unique and brandable domain makes it hard for your competitors to outscore your own trademark.

9. Use Keywords in Choosing a Domain Name

Why use keywords in choosing a domain name? Because it can help optimize your website. Truly, who wouldn't want to see a website rank well on search engines like Google? With Strikingly, we have SEO marketing tools ready. Your business brand should be visible to your audience. Otherwise, you’re just wasting time running a totally invisible website. By using keywords related to your product or content, you are doing an excellent job of choosing a domain name that really works. After all, your audience will easily find you if you’ve picked the right keywords and your domain name represents it.

perfect domain name

Image taken from System2Coffee website

10. Own It Before Someone Takes It

Act quickly before your chosen domain name is taken. If you think you have chosen a perfect domain name, don’t miss the chance to own it. Register it easily with your website builder. This is a great initiative we got here at Strikingly because we want our users to create a unique and brandable website. We can help you create a professional website. Moreover, we made the registration process easier and faster once you are done choosing a domain name.

Guide on How to Register Domain With Strikingly

∙ Choose Your Domain Name

On your site editor:

  1. Go to your site editor, click Settings, then select Domains.

how to choose a domain name

Image taken from Strikingly website

On your dashboard:

1. Go to your Strikingly dashboard.

2. Go to Domains and click REGISTER NEW DOMAIN.

register domain name

Image taken from Strikingly website

You need to type in your desired domain name and click "SEARCH DOMAIN". It will provide you with a list of suggested domains displays, you will see the results if it’s available, or there will be recommendations. You can take one free domain offer or domain credit in your first year. Pick the number of years you want the domain to be registered. One year is the default. Then, click Register.

choosing the best domain name

Image taken from Strikingly website

∙ Fill Your Personal Information

Make sure to fill out all the fields. Keep in mind that every field is required.

  1. Your personal information will be listed as the owner of the domain as private. It won't be shown or shared with the public. Good news because WHOIS-domain privacy is included with all Strikingly domains. Wink!
  2. Put in a working email. An email verification will be sent after successful registration to verify your ownership of the domain.
  3. All the information should be authentic.
  4. Finally, click "Submit".

∙ Verify Domain Ownership Via Email

Email verification is a crucial step in this process. You must verify your domain from this email within 15 days of registration, or it will be suspended.

∙ Connect Your Domain to Your Website

If you purchase your domain from the site editor, your domain will automatically be connected to your site. If you purchase your domain from the dashboard, you'll need to manually connect your domain to your site with the steps below.

  1. Go to your Strikingly site editor, click Settings, and select Domains.
  2. Put your custom domain in the "Custom Domain/Subdomain" box, such as "" (without https:// or http:// or /).
  3. Click "UPDATE".

Strikingly discover page

Image taken from Strikingly

Final Thoughts

Once you have connected your chosen domain name to your Strikingly website, your next step is to get a professional email. Promoting your brand does not end in choosing a domain name; it must be present in your email communications, logo, or social media pages. Strikingly has a turnkey solution to all your brand and marketing needs for your website. We assure our users of an excellent team to back them up and good product quality that is best in class. If you want to discover more about what we are talking about, go to our landing page and start by signing up now.