mixed media

Have you ever heard about different art forms that create a combination to form a single piece? If the answer is no, be prepared to go through an overview of artwork and media. Numerous collage artists are advocates of mixed media arts. Actually, there can be a possibility that you may have experienced it before but never realized it. When you hold your canvas, there may come a possibility when you paint a piece of wood by mistake while holding your canvas. When you accept that you can’t do anything about that mistake and begin painting it unnecessarily, that is the beginning of this process.

As a child, you may have seen scrapbooks during your kindergarten years. If you are aware of them, consider it the most basic form of media photography. Therefore, you may know that this term applies to just about everything we see in our home. You may have been to museums with your family and school fellows, and some of the experiences would be unforgettable and unique. For example, you may have seen the woman sculpture in dark painting with a few parts of scraps underneath it. This is what creativity is all about.


mixed media gallery

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

For those who don’t know what is mixed media, it consists of unique craft mediums to create arts that can incorporate more than one form. The objective is to combine different types of art forms by eradicating their boundaries. On photography websites, you may have seen unique artworks that involve high-quality prints and sketches. There are numerous forms of media art that are solely dependant on utilized core mediums, and those integrated as the final layer.

For example, if you are an oil-painting artist who is willing to test other art forms but is unaware of its tools and techniques, mixing media is the right destination for you. You can use oil with either piece of cloth or sections of magazines or newspapers. By doing this, you will be able to create multi-dimensional artwork. As an artist, you must be willing to consider any surface as a potential canvas. Media photography may also turn out to be the result of the combination of photographs with other forms of photography.

Best Strategies for Mixed Media

If you are still unable to understand the definition, you must understand how it is created so you can experiment with it yourself. The objective is to understand the number of mediums that can interact with each other. If you are here to become an artist or want to venture into a different art form, then go through the critical strategies we have shared so you can gather your respective mediums.

1. Simplicity

Professional photographers always have one thing in mind i.e. simplicity is genius. Therefore, they prioritize the basics of mixed media painting and eliminate the unnecessary elements in this regard. Even if your website has loads of content on display, you should try to assemble it so that your visitors do not feel confused on your platform. Once your visitors feel insecure on your website, you can expect poor customer feedback. Therefore, you must have a pinpoint strategy with how you assemble your content for your visitors.

2. Blogging

Blogging is a massive part of mixed media platforms as it enables you to display your best form of work continuously. It enables you to promote your services and market your multimedia art prints and merchandise. In terms of search engine optimization, blogs have a lot to offer for website owners. However, they also enable you to collaborate with your targeted audience on a more personal level.

If you regularly publish updates and blogs on your website regarding your latest artwork and designs, the visitors would be inclined to return to your website. You must make sure that your content is accurate and to the point. You must not be posting blogs just for the sake of your website traffic. With regular updates and increasing traffic, Google will eventually do its thing.

3. Data Analysis

The equation is pretty simple regarding data analysis of mixed media websites or any other eCommerce websites. The equation is pretty simple; you cannot improve what you haven’t tracked. You won’t find a single photographer who doesn’t use an analytics tool to monitor their websites’ traffic. Google Analytics is definitely the most popular tool out of all of them.

data analysis

Image taken from Strikingly

If we talk about data analysis, it isn’t good just roaming around traffic statistics. You have to go one step further. You must also make decisions by which you can improve your website’s traffic efficiently. If your website’s bounce rate is exceptionally high, ensure that your website’s home page has a call to action (CTA) button or an easy-to-use navigation system. As people would usually come to your platform to check photographs, make sure that your website has high-quality images and keeps track of your searches.

4. About Us Page

about us page

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The “About Us” page is critical for the websites of mixed media photography. It is usually the second most visited page on these websites. The professional photographers have prioritized this page and written profiles that are both catchy and short at the same time. Even though the task looks pretty straightforward initially, you may understand that it is not a walk in the park to write anything professional about yourself. Most importantly, you have to determine all the external elements integrated into the website and their optimization.

5. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to the welfare of mixed media websites and all eCommerce websites around the world. The on-page SEO (title, headings, keywords, content length) must be according to the requirements of Google. This would ensure that your search engine ranking is based on your platform’s relevant multimedia art content. Off-page SEO would enable all the other art lovers to connect with your website (usually via anchor texts).

Strikingly provides the website owners with significant resources to improve their website’s SEO. We can ensure that our users enhance their old content to increase their SEO ranking. Apart from increasing search engine ranking, Strikingly also has an ideal team of web developers and designers that can help you build high-quality websites.

6. Mobile-Friendly Design

As you may have seen in your surroundings, most people are more inclined to use their mobile devices than laptops or computers. Therefore, you must consider mobile optimization as a key factor for increasing your search engine rankings. Google also considers it a reliable factor in boosting a website’s SEO ranking.

Your visitors shouldn’t be coming to your platform and wasting time zooming and pinching your mixed media paintings. This is where your website design must be responsive, enabling your website content to adjust to any screen size and improving browser experience. This is more crucial for art lovers as they interact with the websites more to visualize the latest images and slideshows.

Strikingly has a handful of website templates that are mobile-responsive and user-friendly. If you want to create a website to showcase your artwork, make sure to rely on us, and we will provide you with all the meaningful resources.

7. Social Media

You may not find a single photographer in the industry that isn’t doing social media marketing to grow his/her business. For a start, we have to draw a comparison between like/share links and the profile links. Every photographer in the world has a share button to encourage their visitors to share their website on their own social media walls.

using social media

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

On the other hand, the profile links will enable you to reach your own social media accounts. They behave as “outposts” on the outside of your internet, allowing you to spread your content of mixed media collage around the web. All the professional photographers tend to use it so it can be beneficial to their platform. Moreover, they are investing time and money to increase their social media followers. The more followers they have, the easier it will be for the visitors to recognize their work.


Now that you have understood how to do mixed media art, you can ask your fellow artists or beginners this question. Hopefully, by reading this article, you will incorporate all the provided elements into an art portfolio website. If you don’t have much luck with the benefits, but the stakes are high, this is where you should be bold enough to take the leap.

using social media

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

You may have heard the saying that sometimes hard work doesn’t give you what smart work does. Similarly, you may have worked really hard to become an artist, but your creativity in building crafts is what makes you a unique artist. By adopting this mindset, you will be able to build cleaner and compelling pieces. If you rely on an effective website builder like Strikingly, you will have the opportunity to create online portfolios, which will increase your chances of getting discovered by the visitors. Keep relying on us and keep making your artwork valuable.