Consider the possibility of your bank account information being disclosed to unauthorized internet users or hackers. Isn't that the greatest nightmare of all? Your eCommerce site should have an SSL certificate to prevent this from happening. Your eCommerce website is a platform that handles sensitive information from users, and data security is essential to maintaining a trusting connection with them. There is no other way to preserve communication between users and keep the website private from attackers without SSL encryption.
An SSL certificate ensures that all-important communications on your website are encrypted and transmitted over a secure channel.
What is SSL?
Encryption safeguards data and keeps secrets safe from prying eyes. It seems like something out of a movie or a TV show. It's frequently depicted in the media as an impenetrable barrier that can't be overcome without keys. Alternatively, as a simple challenge to complete with rapid typing and a few progress markers.
On the internet, we come with encryption all the time. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled on websites and web browsers, which provides an encrypted link that prevents an attacker from listening in on traffic and deciphering what data is being sent back and forth. A user's credit card number, social security number, password, and other sensitive information can all securely pass right under an attacker's nose when chatting over an SSL protocol.
What is an SSL Certificate?

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is an encryption system protecting sessions between clients and servers from being intercepted. External parties will find it difficult, if not impossible, to extract any useful information from the incoming traffic, ensuring a secure surfing experience for you and your clients. An SSL encryption establishes a secure connection between the server and the browser used by your visitors. A safe session takes place behind the scenes without interfering with the users' surfing experience.
If an eCommerce website uses HTTP rather than HTTPS, the browser will send all data to the server in plain text. If someone is listening in on your web traffic, they can see and steal your data. If your website has a valid SSL certificate, however, your website traffic will be encrypted. After you've installed an SSL certificate, the padlock symbol and HTTPS will appear in the browser for your website.
Is an SSL Encryption Truly Required for Your Website?

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website
Some people feel that because their website does not accept payments, they do not need an SSL certificate. If you believe that the sensitive information that fraudsters want is merely bank account numbers, you are mistaken! It turns out that even a simple email address might provide hackers with details about your crucial login details. In addition, if a website is not protected by an SSL certificate, Google has released a Chrome update that flags it as "not secure." An SSL certificate for an eCommerce website that gathers data and accepts payments is required to facilitate safe online transactions.
Installing an SSL encryption certificate has the following advantages:
• It protects the visitor's and consumer's information. Every consumer wants his or her personal information, such as address, credit or debit card information, usernames, and passwords, not to be stolen and later used for nefarious purposes. Any unencrypted information on a website will not be beneficial to visitors or customers. Consumers hold the retailer responsible for any compromise of their personal information.
• SSL certificates are vital for website owners because they increase consumer confidence, which is necessary for a successful business. Customers have gotten savvier, preferring to purchase goods and services from safe websites. According to a recent survey, many cardholders refuse to purchase from untrustworthy websites for fear of their personal information being abused. SSL acts as a stamp or seal for the personal information of customers.
• Website owners will give customers the option of paying with their credit cards or other electronic payment methods. The merchant now must prevent consumer data from being misused. SSL encryption ensures that data is not hacked throughout the connection and transaction between the e-commerce website server and the customer's browser.
• If a third-party gateway is utilized, such as PayPal, SSL may not be used directly, but it serves as a trust agreement. It assures that when consumers enter their credit card information, they may see the green address bar or HTTPS.
• It is critical to utilize an SSL certificate when a website requests a login form that includes a user name and password. Many of us use the same password for multiple websites, and any security flaws will disclose all of the user's confidential papers. Hence SSL encryption is necessary.
• It is critical to run shopping advertising on any e-commerce website to generate revenue; as a result, the check-out process on any e-commerce website must be SSL encrypted.
What is the Significance of an SSL Certificate For Your eCommerce Website?

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website
If you're wondering what SSL is in e-commerce, it's a vital technology that improves your website's overall security. Customers may not see a warning about untrustworthy internet connections if your website does not encrypt incoming and outgoing connections. Other cautions, such as when users intend to enter passwords, may occur. When consumers surf websites using SSL encryption, they may receive warnings or alerts about an insecure website or platform.
If it is not encrypted, attackers can access passwords, login information, credit card information, and other sensitive information that users submit or upload to your website. Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates makes it simple for eCommerce websites to protect sensitive user information.
Here are some of the reasons why your website needs an SSL certificate.
1. Securely Accept Payments
If you want to accept credit card payments on your eCommerce website, you'll need a merchant account, and an SSL certificate is almost always required. Before receiving credit card payments, most hosting providers have terms and conditions that require the website to be safeguarded with an SSL certificate. Furthermore, you cannot put your end-users sensitive information in danger while buying on your website. Some eCommerce platforms provide built-in secure payment systems, although, in these circumstances, the transactions are handled by a third party, or other online payment options are available.
2. Password Logins Should Be Kept Safe
Another important reason to have an SSL certificate on your website is to secure your login and password details. Unauthorized hackers will have more options to attack ECommerce sites that accept subscriptions. Password pages that aren't well protected are insecure, so SSL encryption is necessary for implementing security on eCommerce sites.
3. WebForms That are Safe to Use
You don't simply want to keep your payment information safe in your eCommerce platform. Daily, your website accumulates a large amount of user data, such as leads, questionnaires, email addresses, payment information, and so on. That information would not be helpful to you or your customers if it were released. Certain forms of web form messages can be hacked if they don't have an SSL certificate.
4. Google SEO Gains a Minor But Significant Boost

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website
Google said in 2014 that sites that use HTTPS and have an SSL 2048-bit key certificate will receive a slight boost in SEO rankings. While Google claims it's a minor signal, it's worth noting that eCommerce sites can't afford to lose even the most minor SEO components. At the very least, your competitors will not leave any stone untouched when it comes to eCommerce SEO.
5. Collection of Data
To better serve customers, eCommerce websites collect more than just money information. They also rely on personal information and preferences. To provide a better-tailored buying experience, this could incorporate questionnaires, feedback forms, or other web forms. The security of this sensitive information is also critical, and SSL encryption can assist you in keeping this vital data safe.
Introducing Strikingly
HTTPS / SSL is included with all Strikingly sites at no additional cost. This holds true for both free and paid sites with a custom domain. Because it uses Let's Encrypt's HTTPS and SSL, it's completely safe. As one of the best SSL certificate providers, we've got you covered from SSL certificate renewal through installation. Let's Encrypt is a collaborative initiative supported by most of the internet's most well-known companies and organizations. Its goal is to make the entire internet more secure and provide users peace of mind regarding their personal data.
Strikingly recognizes the need to put data protection in place on your website. For a long time, the same rationale has motivated us to provide automatic HTTPS for custom domains. This free HTTPS URL has recently been updated to include all free websites. Every website, in our opinion, is entitled to some amount of protection. Simply put, when you build a website with us, whether on a free plan or one of our yearly plans, you will receive a free HTTPS certificate to safeguard your site. Isn't it a great feature for a free website?
While there are various ways to secure your website, SSL encryption should be one of your top objectives to provide your customers with a hassle-free, secure purchasing experience. Because of this necessity for security, an SSL certificate offers several features and benefits that can assist you in protecting your eCommerce website and your customers.
The world of eCommerce and online buying is at an all-time high, and it's just getting more significant. Customers nowadays prefer to shop online and are constantly searching for new e-commerce platforms that meet their needs — but not at the expense of security!