Making the Perfect Online Invitation: Tips and Tricks

Are you tired of the hassle of traditional invitations? The future is here, and the outlook for invitations looks pretty clear! In this guide, we'll show you how to create an online invitation that will impress your guests and make planning your event a breeze.

Why are online invitations the future?

Online invitations are the way of the future for many reasons. Not only are they eco-friendly, but they also offer a level of convenience that traditional paper invitations can't match. With just a few clicks, you can create an online invitation that looks professional and polished.

Sending online invitations are also a breeze. You can send them via email, SMS or share them on social media. You can also add RSVPs on online invitations with a click, so you don’t have to worry about your RSVPs getting lost in the mail.

Why do we still need to send invitations, you ask? Well, your invitation sets the tone for your event, so it's essential to get it right. A perfect invitation will not only provide all the necessary details but also convey the style and atmosphere of your event. It's your chance to make a great first impression on your guests, so you have to make it count.

Understanding Your Audience

Before creating an online invitation, it's crucial to understand who you're inviting and what their interests are. This will help you choose the right design elements and wording to appeal to them. Of course, if it’s your wedding, then that’s a totally different story.

Laura & Bryan Wedding Template
Image taken from Strikingly

Setting the Tone for Your Event

The event's tone should reflect your invitation's design and wording. Whether formal or casual, ensure your invitation accurately represents what guests can expect at your event.

Creating an online invitation may seem daunting at first, but with our guide, we'll break down all the elements you need to consider when crafting one that stands out from the crowd.

Let's dive in!

Invitation Design: How-to’s and Tips

Now that you understand the importance of online invitations and understand your audience, it's time to get creative with the design! Your invitation's design sets the tone for your event and can make or break its success. Here are some tips on how to create an online invitation that will impress your guests:

A. Choose the right template

When creating an online invitation, choosing a template is one of the first steps you'll take. Templates provide a foundation for your design and can save you time and effort. Look for templates that match the theme of your event or reflect your brand's style. There are plenty of free and paid options available online, so take some time to browse before making a decision.

B. Customizing fonts and colors

Customizing fonts and colors is an easy way to add personality to your invitation. Choose fonts that are easy to read but also fit the tone of your event – formal events call for more traditional fonts, while casual events allow for more playful choices. Colors should also reflect the mood of your event – bold colors convey excitement, while pastels suggest a more relaxed atmosphere.

C. Adding images and videos

Images and videos can bring life to an otherwise dull invitation. Use high-quality images that relate to your event or brand, or even add a short video clip if appropriate. Be careful not to overload on visuals though – too many can make your invitation look cluttered.

D. Testing for mobile responsiveness

More than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, so your online invitation must be mobile-friendly. Test it on various devices before sending it out to ensure all elements are visible and easily read on smaller screens.

Creating an online invitation may seem daunting at first, but by following these tips on design elements, you'll be well on your way to creating an eye-catching invite that will impress all of your guests. Stay tuned for the next section on crafting the perfect wording!

Wording Your Invitation: Casual or Professional?

When creating an online invitation, the wording is as important as the design. You want to ensure your message is clear, concise, and compelling enough to entice your guests to attend your event. Here are some tips for crafting the perfect wording for your online invitation:

A. Crafting a catchy headline

Your headline is the first thing your guests will see when they receive your online invitation, so it's crucial to make it attention-grabbing and memorable. Use keywords related to your event and ensure it reflects your event's tone. For example, if you're hosting a fun-filled birthday party, you could use a headline like Let's Party Like It's Your Birthday!

B. Writing a concise event description

Your event description should provide enough information about your event without overwhelming your guests with too many details. Keep it short and sweet by highlighting the most important elements of your event such as date, time, location, dress code, and any special instructions.

C. Providing all necessary details

Include all the necessary details in your online invitation, such as the RSVP deadline and contact information for any questions or concerns. You can also add links to relevant websites or social media pages related to your event.

D. Adding a call-to-action

A call-to-action is an important online invitation elements. Your call-to-action should encourage your guests to take action, such as RSVPing or sharing the invitation with their friends and family members who might be interested in attending. Make sure you use action-oriented language such as RSVP now or Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity.

By following these tips for wording an online invitation guide, you can create an online invitation that looks great and communicates all the essential details about your upcoming event in an engaging way!

Timing Your Event: When is the Best Time?

Summer Time Cocktail Party Template
Image taken from Strikingly

Timing is everything when sending your invitation. You want to ensure that you give your guests enough notice to plan accordingly but not so much that they forget about your event altogether. Here are some tips for setting the right date and time for your online invitation.

A. Setting the right date and time

Consider the purpose of your event and who your audience is when choosing a date and time. If it's a business event, avoid scheduling it on weekends or holidays when people are more likely to be unavailable. If it's a personal event, such as a birthday party or wedding, consider the schedules of those closest to you before setting a date.

B. Sending reminders

Even if you've given your guests plenty of notice about your event, it's always a good idea to send reminders leading up to the big day. This can be done through email or text message and should include all relevant information about the event, such as location and dress code.

C. Considering time zones

If you have guests coming from different parts of the world, be mindful of time zones when setting the date and time for your online invitation. Ensure that everyone has enough time to plan accordingly without having to wake up in the middle of the night or miss work.

D. Following up with non-responders

It's inevitable that some people will forget to RSVP or simply choose not to respond at all. Don't take it personally! Instead, follow up with them politely through email or phone call, asking if they plan on attending or not.

Creating an online invitation can sometimes be overwhelming with all these elements involved in making it perfect but with proper timing. You can ensure that everyone gets enough notice while avoiding any unwanted surprises along the way.

Remember these tips next time you create an online invitation - they'll help ensure that your guests have a great experience from start to finish.

RSVP Management

When it comes to creating an online invitation, one of the most important aspects is managing your RSVPs. This can be daunting, but it can be a breeze with the right tools and strategies. In this section, we'll explore the key elements of RSVP management.

A. Choosing a reliable RSVP platform

The first step in managing your RSVPs is choosing the right platform. There are many options, so it's important to research and find one that suits your needs. Look for a platform that allows you to create and customize your RSVP form easily, track real-time responses, and send follow-up messages to attendees and non-attendees.

One platform that you may want to consider is Strikingly. Strikingly is a website builder that also offers an RSVP feature for events. With Strikingly, you can easily create a customized RSVP form and even embed it directly onto your event website.

Strikingly also provides real-time response tracking, so you can easily track who has RSVPed and who has not. Additionally, the platform allows you to send follow-up messages to attendees and non-attendees via it’s email tool, making it easy to stay in touch with your guests and keep them informed about any updates or changes to the event.

Overall, Strikingly is a reliable and user-friendly platform that can help streamline your RSVP process and make managing your event a breeze.

B. Setting up RSVP form

Once you've chosen your platform, it's time to set up your RSVP form. This is where you'll collect all the necessary information from your guests, such as their names, email address, and whether or not they plan to attend. Ensure your form is easy to navigate and includes all the relevant fields.

C. Tracking RSVPs in real-time

One of the benefits of using an online invitation platform is tracking responses in real-time. This means you can see who has responded and who hasn't at any given moment. This information can be invaluable when planning your event, allowing you to adjust as needed.

D. Follow up with attendees and non-attendees

Finally, it's important to follow up with both attendees and non-attendees after the event has taken place. For attendees, this might mean sending a thank-you note or asking for feedback on how the event went. For non-attendees, consider reaching out to see if anything prevented them from attending or if they have any feedback for future events.

Managing your RSVPs might seem overwhelming at first glance. Still, by choosing a reliable platform like Strikingly, setting up your RSVP form, tracking responses in real-time, and following up with attendees and non-attendees, you can ensure that your event runs smoothly. Go ahead and try out Strikingly. Create an online invitation confidently, knowing you have all the tools to manage your RSVPs effectively.

Invitation Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts

When creating an online invitation, it's important to remember etiquette. Here are some tips for addressing your guests properly, avoiding common mistakes, handling declines gracefully, and sending thank-you notes.

Summer Time Cocktail Party Template
Image taken from Strikingly

A. Addressing your guests properly

Be sure to address them by their proper titles and names. Don't be afraid to ask if you're unsure of someone's title or preferred name. It's better to take the time to get it right than to offend someone with a careless mistake.

B. Avoiding common invitation mistakes

One common mistake is forgetting to include all the necessary details in your invitation. Ensure you provide the date, time, location, dress code (if applicable), and any other important information your guests will need.

Another mistake is using overly casual language or inappropriate humor in your invitation. Remember that not everyone shares your sense of humor or communication style, so it's best to err on caution.

C. Handling declines gracefully

If someone RSVPs no to your event, don't take it personally. Everyone has different schedules and priorities, and factors outside their control may prevent them from attending.

Respond graciously and thank them for letting you know their plans. You can also consider following up with a personalized message thanking them for their past support or expressing hope that they can attend a future event.

D. Sending thank-you notes

After your event is over, be sure to send thank-you notes to all of your attendees (and even those who couldn't make it). This is a simple but powerful way to show appreciation for their time and support.

You can use online tools like e-cards or personalized emails to make this process easy and efficient. Just be sure to personalize each message as much as possible so that it feels sincere and heartfelt.

Following proper etiquette when creating an online invitation is essential for making a positive impression on your guests. You can create a memorable event that everyone will enjoy by addressing them properly, avoiding common mistakes, handling declines gracefully, and sending thank-you notes.

Promotion: Get the Word Out

DigiMS Online Invitation Template
Image taken from Strikingly

Promoting your online invitation is crucial to ensuring that your event succeeds. Here are some effective ways to get the word out:

A. Sharing your invitation on social media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great places to promote your online invitation. You can share the link to your invitation and encourage your followers to RSVP and share with their networks.

Make sure to use eye-catching visuals and engaging captions that highlight the unique elements of your invitation. You can also create a custom hashtag for your event and encourage attendees to use it when sharing on social media.

B. Sending personalized emails

Email marketing is another powerful tool for promoting your online invitation. You can send personalized emails to potential attendees, highlighting the key elements of your event and inviting them to RSVP.

Ensure that your email subject line is attention-grabbing and that the content of the email is concise and informative. You can also include a call-to-action button directly to your online invitation.

C. Partnering with influencers

Partnering with influencers in your industry or niche can help you reach a wider audience and generate more buzz around your event.

Identify influencers with a strong following in your target demographic, and reach out to them with an offer to collaborate on promoting your online invitation. This could involve creating sponsored content or hosting a joint giveaway or contest.

D. Leveraging word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful forms of promotion, as people are more likely to trust recommendations from friends and family than traditional advertising.

Encourage attendees who have RSVP'd to share their excitement about the event with their networks. You could also offer referral incentives, such as ticket discounts or exclusive access to VIP experiences.


In today's digital age, online invitations are the way to go. They offer convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness that traditional paper invitations simply can't match.

Creating an online invitation may seem daunting initially, but it's quite simple once you get the hang of it. With the right tools at your disposal, like Strikingly, creating an online invitation has never been easier! Why not give it a try? You'll be surprised at how much easier it is than traditional paper invitations.