schedule your blog post

Blogging has been one of the many endeavors that people today have kept themselves busy with. For many, it is not only a way to express themselves and showcase their writing skills. It is also a way to make money with each blog they post. Well, whether you are blogging for the sake of making a name for yourself or for you to earn some extra cash, scheduling your blog post is a good way of maintaining efficiency and stability. As you read on, let’s talk all about blogging and blog post schedule.

Blog Post Schedule

Armed with only their smart and creative minds and their laptops or computers, bloggers worldwide are starting to saturate the different online platforms. And while most of us actually enjoy what these bloggers write - and we actually learn a lot from spending our time reading it, if you are a blogger, you know that each of these blog posts isn’t easy to bring into completion. Many things go into the final product that most of us find online. This is where a blog post schedule comes in. When you schedule your blog post, you help yourself be consistent and lift some burden from your life.

How to Create A Blogging Schedule?

1. Know Your Capabilities

It is essential that early on in your career as a blogger, or even before, you already know what you are capable of doing. That is, if you want to schedule your blog post, you should know how fast or slow you can write an article without sacrificing its quality. This is important if you’re going to make an adequately detailed blog post schedule. You should take time to reflect and look inward. Evaluate what you can do within a day. Know how quickly you can think of new ideas or even how you can think of what to write about. You should also know at which time you are most productive. Meaning, you should know which times of the day your mind works well - are you a night owl? A morning person? Or do you work best during the daytime or after lunch? If you know all of these things, you will make a blogging schedule that maximizes your time, productivity, and capability.

2. Define Your Goals

Having goals is the first step of any successful process. Before you even start to schedule your blog post, you should know what you want to accomplish with this schedule. Knowing where you want to go makes the journey much more straightforward and increases the chance of success. When you make a blogging schedule, you should start by setting what your goals are. Let your goals be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound. That is, you should know what you particularly want to accomplish and how much time you think you can achieve it. While it is never a bad thing to be ambitious and optimistic, it is also good to know and define your limits. Go back to the first step - you don’t want to set yourself up for failure and disappointments. Finally, you should have some metrics to measure your success. Having a to-do list might be helpful in this aspect. Remember that your list doesn't always have to include the big items because you’re human and some days, just coming up with a title is a significant achievement in itself.

3. Set Up a Daily Plan

Get your calendar out and start actually plotting your blogging schedule. While it might be good to plan at least a month ahead, it is also understandable if you just want to plan the next week or just the next few days. There’s no one right and ultimate way and template for this. You do you and work at your own pace. Remember that the moment you decide to schedule your blog post, you also make your life easier. And an “easier” life looks different for each and every one of us. Nevertheless, the most basic way that might be helpful for you is to plot your activities daily. This means looking at the different times of the days and deciding what activities you can do best on specific periods of the day. It doesn’t need to be super specific about what you will do. It can just be a range of hours. For instance, you can say that you would be writing from 10 in the morning to noon. Then from 1 pm to 4 pm, you would be editing. Whether that means writing or editing one or more or just a part of one, what’s important is you have something productive to do at that specific time on your blogging schedule.

4. Plot All Necessary Actions

When you make a blogging schedule, remember that this does not mean only having items and activities related to blogging itself. You have to include all the necessary actions - not just writing and editing. When you schedule your blog post, you also have to schedule all the activities you need to take to have a blog to post. While writing is the primary part of your blog post schedule, making the image banner, researching topics that you plan to post, brainstorming ideas, engaging with your readers and supporters, and editing your post into completion also take part in that process. Scheduling your blog post involves many different steps in the background, so make sure not to neglect all the important steps. Note that this means also plotting a specific time for you to eat, take a shower, and spend some time with yourself.

5. Don’t Let Ideas Get Away from You

It is important to know how to note all the ideas when it comes to you. While this can’t be plotted in your blogging schedule and is not really a definitive step you have to take, it is very useful and helpful in keeping up with your blog post schedule. Having a sticky note or a working file document on your computer or phone will be useful for this. Sometimes the best ideas can come to use in the most unexpected times and circumstances. As a writer and blogger, you already know that inspiration can strike whenever and wherever. And if you don’t have a way to keep track of your sudden thoughts, you might be wasting such bright thoughts and maybe even precious time. When you schedule your blog post, you also, in reality, write it in advance. Thus, you should also learn how to narrow down your thoughts while writing. It is understandable for you to have so much to say, but depending on how you structured your blog, all your thoughts about a certain subject might not be appropriately written in just one article. Quick tip: if you think of a topic while writing, immediately create another draft and jot down the idea.

Relaxed Blogging

Benefits of Scheduling Your Blog Post

Having a blogging schedule is beneficial to your brand and your business and your mental state of mind and your daily schedule. See, when you have a blog post schedule, you essentially make sure that your followers and your subscribers are satisfied every day or every week. You maintain your consistency while also maintaining a good schedule in your hands. When you schedule your blog post, you effectively give yourself the time you need to really give attention to writing and editing each of your blog posts. You prevent the stress of getting buried in topics you need to write and blog posts you need to edit before posting. Having a blog post schedule allows you to balance and manage your time well and conceptualize how you will spend your energy and what.

In addition, when you can create and maintain a blogging schedule, you set yourself up for success. When you schedule your blog post, you increase the chances of increasing:

  • Your subscribers’ count
  • Your social media followers
  • Your social media shares
  • Your conversions and
  • Your blog or website traffic

Schedule Blog Post With Strikingly

Strikingly is a website builder that can accommodate your blogs and other endeavors that you wish to involve yourself in. One of its many perks is that you can easily schedule your blog post. Here’s how:

1. Log in or Sign Up With Strikingly

2. Open Your Site Editor and Add a New Section

Site Editor Add Section

3. Add a “Simple Blog” Section

Site Editor Add Simple Blog

4. Manage Your Blog Posts

Site Editor Manage Blog Posts

5. Add a New Post or Edit Your Drafts

Site Editor Add New Post or Edit

6. Click “Publish” and then, “Schedule for Later”

Site Editor Schedule for Later

When you schedule your blog posts, you allow yourself to be more consistent with your blogging schedule and let go of the stress and inconvenience of keeping your blog up to date. As mentioned above, this might very well be the key to you keeping your blog active (and profitable) as well as your sanity intact.

As bloggers, we get that it might get very stressful and tiring on some days. And as people whose job involves pouring our hearts and our minds out, it can very well drain us most days. May we remember why we are doing this on those days. And may we always keep in mind that many tools can help us in maintaining and scheduling our blog posts. Sign up with Strikingly now, and let us help each other out!