landscaping website

Few things are more crucial to a landscaping company these days than having a nice website. In fact, studies have shown that a website viewer's subconscious decision about whether the material is relevant and worth engaging with is formed within a seven-second interval. As a result, a website must deliver a powerful punch—and do so swiftly. This crucial seven-second window can make or break a company's online presence.

Consider your landscaping website to be a snapshot of your company. At a glance, your website should attract a user's attention and provide them with a logical action to do (via some sort of call to action). When consumers arrive on a page, what stands out to them usually decides whether they will leave or continue exploring the site.

It's time to get serious about your website if you haven't given it the same attention as a shop. It only takes a few minutes for your potential consumers to compare every local landscaping company in their area, and those who don't attract their attention right away will not make the cut. You'll need a pleasant look and some powerful hooks to reel people in, besides presenting accurate information about your services and rates.

Sure, it's easier said than done, but there are some excellent resources available to assist you. Just for you, we've compiled a list of the greatest landscape websites available online. Let us show you some best landscaping websites and explain how you might emulate their success with your own.

Benefits of a Professional Landscaping Website

landscaping website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

True, a well-designed landscaping website may enhance your company's image and attract more potential consumers. A well-designed landscaping website ideas may also help landscapers:

∙ Increase the Time Spent on a Website

Have you ever visited landscape websites that took a long time to load, lacked contact information, or had too many distracting images? Most likely, you soon exited this website. A well-designed website can have the opposite effect, keeping potential clients for extended periods of time.

When someone visits a well-designed website, they will discover a plethora of information. They'll want to spend some time browsing these materials. A few minutes have passed while they study a blog item, read an article, or look at images before they realize it. A visitor is more likely to contact you or promote your landscaping website to others after finding useful information on your site, which helps you gain new business.

∙ Set You Apart From Your Competitors

You know your landscaping company is the greatest in town, and you can show it by providing a website that is better than the competition. Too many small businesses overlook web design because they believe it is unimportant. A clean, professional landscaping website design creates an instant trust in a potential client.

A well-designed website will provide you a significant advantage over a competition that uses a cookie-cutter template. Making a site that is distinct from your competition and does not look like theirs can help you attract new customers.

∙ Lower the Cost of Traditional Advertising

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a feature of the best landscaping website design that helps your website get to the top of search results. This implies you'll gain online exposure and engage with possible new customers, obviating the need for traditional advertising.

Investing in the design and SEO of your landscaping website is far more cost-effective than purchasing a costly television or newspaper advertisement. You'll see a long-term boost in your web marketing efforts, and you'll have something valuable to show potential clients. Traditional media advertisements are transient and provide little long-term value.

With a website, you can cut your advertising costs while also increasing your exposure to consumers who are now using the internet to perform research and identify firms to deal with. Now that most people use the internet to search for information, a fantastic landscaping website design combined with SEO allows you to get directly in front of your potential customers.

∙ Establish the Professionalism of Your Business

The adage goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression," and this is especially true on the internet. A text-heavy website with difficult-to-find contact information produces a negative first impression. However, if you have a well-designed landscaping website with photographs of your company's stunning landscaping work and an easy way to contact you, you'll create a great first impression on a consumer.

You can employ smart design strategies to reflect your landscaping company's professionalism and attention to detail. Landscaping is a very visual service, and the more examples you have of previous work, the higher your chances of being hired in the future.

If you can provide your potential clients with various ways to contact you, such as easy-to-find contact information, a contact form, or social media links, you will show even more professionalism. Transparency is highly valued by visitors, and including your contact information right on your website is a huge part of that.

∙ Increase the Number of Leads Generated

The purpose of any excellent website is lead generation, or persuading potential customers to inquire about your products or join up for a newsletter or other service. A well-designed landscaping website can significantly boost your lead generation.

This is due in part to SEO, which will cause more traffic from search engines. It's also because a professional landscaping website design reflects highly on your business. When hiring someone to do a service, people look for professionalism and dependability. A clean website with up-to-date material shows that your company is competent and dependable.

Features of a Website that Increase Traffic and Generate Revenue

Whether you're updating an existing website or starting from scratch, include all the following parts to get the greatest results:

1. A Strong Call to Action


Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

A call-to-action is defined as "a prompt on a landscaping website that directs the user to take a certain action." As the website owner, it's up to you to make that CTA as clear as possible.

It's simple to create a call to action. First, decide what you want the visitor to do as a business owner. Mostly, you have three choices:

  1. Complete a lead capture form
  2. Make a call to your phone number
  3. Send a text message containing your phone number

It should be noted that sending an email is not an option. This is because filling out a professionally designed lead form takes a potential visitor fewer steps than emailing you.

After you've decided what you want your visitors to do, consider what the visitor will gain by clicking your CTA. The value to the visitor for landscaping companies is usually getting an estimate, booking a consultation, or knowing more about the services you offer.

At the very least, your call-to-action should appear in a few places:

  1. The hero banner: A CTA should be the first thing a visitor sees.
  2. The navigation bar: The navigation bar should ideally be fixed or "sticky" so that the call to action remains visible as the user scrolls.
  3. At the bottom of the page: When a consumer has finished reading your entire page, they are most likely to make a purchase.
  4. A dedicated contact page: This is an excellent location for a web form that allows visitors to your website to contact you with questions.

Make sure your CTA stands out and attracts attention wherever it appears.

2. Mobile Compatibility

mobile responsive website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Since 2016, mobile devices have accounted for the majority of web browsing. Consumers are increasingly browsing and shopping on their mobile devices, and they expect an excellent mobile browsing experience. Sites that aren't mobile-friendly are likewise penalized by Google.

All of Strikingly's website designs are instantly responsive. It's a user-centric design technique that allows a website to adjust based on user activity and the device, screen size, and platform used to show site information, making it more responsive to its visitors. Responsive layouts are used on websites that leverage sophisticated programming questions. Depending on whether a web visitor is using a mobile phone or a laptop, the website should transition and adjust its resolution, scripting, and picture sizes.

3. Signals of Trust

It will be the initial interaction with your brand for many of the people who come to your landscaping website. It's up to you to provide these visitors a reason to trust you; otherwise, they'll quickly click the back button. Here are a few ways landscape websites may improve their landing pages' trustworthiness.

  • Testimonials

Landscaping website testimonials

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Simple testimonials can establish client confidence and raising your website's conversion rate. Simply make a Google form and send it to a handful of your customers, politely requesting a favorable comment. Then, choose the finest two or three and prominently display them on your website.

  • Review Sites for the General Public

Many review sites, such as Yelp, Shopper Approved, Thumbtack, and others, allow you to integrate individual or aggregate ratings you've received on their platform. Including one of these on your landscaping website provides all the benefits of testimonials with the extra benefit of validity, as the review has been confirmed by a third party.

  • Photographs of You and Your Coworkers

Take a professional photo of yourself and your team, and make sure you and your colleagues appear welcoming. As seen above, including a little remark from you, the owner, might be a substantial addition.

  • Photos of Completed Projects

Photos of your work might help you build trust and boost your visual appeal. They're especially useful for landscaping website design and construction companies. Avoid using stock photos because they are usually easy to recognize and don't showcase your effort.

If you don't have a camera, make sure the photos are of excellent quality by using a current iPhone or Android with adequate lighting. If you want to take a step further, then combine the photographs with the customer's testimonial.

4. Your Company's Address and Contact Information

To ensure that your landscaping website gets visitors, you must include your name, address, and phone number, at the very least. It's even better if you add a map of your service region, business hours, and any services you provide.

This information is vital not just for visitors, but also for local SEO. Make sure the information on your website corresponds to your Google Local listing and any other directory listings you may have.

Every Strikingly template has a contact form. You can always alter it to meet your needs. In the contact area, you can include a map and contact information. Our support center has further information regarding the contact area and sign-up form.

5. Analytical Software That Has Been Properly Installed

You're in the dark without analytics. The number of visitors to your website, the pages they visited, and the proportion of those visitors that converted are all displayed in analytics. This information might help you figure out which customer acquisition channels are most effective and where clients are leaving your funnel.

If you engage an agency, properly set up analytics are very vital, so you know if the work they do is giving you a favorable ROI.

In online analytics, Google Analytics is the gold standard. It's simple to set up using most website tools, and it includes both basic and advanced options, depending on your level of ability.


You don't have to start from scratch with your landscaping website, nor do you have to pay a web developer thousands of dollars to create a custom site.

These days, platforms like Strikingly make putting together a professional website with all the above aspects a breeze. Select a pre-existing template that already contains all the pieces you require, making things easier for yourself. Then all you have to do is fill in the blanks with your own content, install Google Analytics, and you're good to go.