Blog Niche Ideas

If you are a beginner and want to make your mark in blogging, one common question you must answer i.e. what the topics you should be covering in your blogs are? Even though you can write website content about everything, is it valuable? The biggest advice we can give is that you should always look into those topics that fascinate the audience. Otherwise, you can write as many words and fill up your web pages. However, it won’t be worth it because no one will pay attention.

What are Blog Niches?

Before you look into the practices and the best blog ideas, you must understand what blog niche ideas are. When you are surfing on Google, there will come a time when you will feel that there is a division within the online community. Some people want to read blogs about the relevant marketing strategies, whereas others would like to read about their favorite artists. This division is caused by the blogging trends in the media industry.

build blog sites

Image taken from Strikingly

If you want to create a blogging site today, you don’t need to look any further than Strikingly. We provide you with all the necessities to create a fully-functional blog website without any technical errors. Strikingly will work as the technical team for you, covering all the necessary details found on your website. You can customize the mobile-friendly website templates we have provided per your blog idea. Once you are done with the website design, you can start adding all the blogs individually in an alphabetical order to make it easy for the viewers.

Best Practices for Blogs

1. Passionate Topics

When you start writing blogs, there is always one thing that you ask yourself before starting i.e. “What should I blog about?”. If you are a blogger, it is important to prioritize those blog niche ideas you are passionate about. For example, as a sportsman, there is no way that you will be writing about the law and order situation in the country when you spend your time practicing on the tennis courts. Similarly, when you are a teacher, there is no way that you will like writing about the recent sporting equipment when you spend half of your day going through the educational curriculum.

It is always easier to write about things you are passionate about. Passionate writing results in words coming naturally. When we talk about passion, we mean to say that it makes you the most comfortable in terms of writing. You don’t need to conduct much research because you are already familiar with the topic. If you can convert passionate writings into a source of income, there is nothing better than that.

2. Trending Topics

The best blog niche ideas are always trending on social media. For example, when there is a new mobile launch of Samsung or iPhone, it is always the hottest topic on social media as people want to know about both new products. If a customer has recently bought a new phone in the market, he can talk about his experience in the form of a blog so that more customers can become inclined to that mobile and think about buying it.

write trending blogs

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

However, if you believe that people would be interested in knowing about a mobile phone launched 20 years ago, you are wrong. Even though they are likely to go through those blogs, they will also consider buying them because they already know what to expect from that phone. The buying decisions are always based on expectations. If the customers know that certain products are not worth the invested money, they will not buy them.

3. Income

As we have discussed in one of the previous points, there is nothing better than making your hobby a source of passive income for yourself. In today’s world, where people are struggling financially, it is important to keep an external source of income like this. Writing on relevant blog niche ideas may help you generate a reasonable amount of cash. However, it is important that when choosing a blog niche, make sure that it is relevant or trending across social media channels.

If the topics are trending, more people will be looking forward to hearing your thoughts. If you have a strong customer base on your blog site, it will automatically improve your Google ranking. Strikingly believes in implementing relevant search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to boost online rankings and increase blogger’s revenue.

Trending Blog Niches

1. Beauty and Fashion

In today’s day and age, everyone wants to look fashionable and beautiful. It adds to the personality, and others feel more inclined toward you. Whether you are a sportsman or a professional going to the office daily, fashion has become a huge trend in everyone’s lives. Therefore, it is important to consider beauty and fashion as one topic in your niche ideas list. Beauty and Fashion is one of the ideal blog niche ideas today because it is part of everyone’s lives.

beauty and fashion

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

People always want to see the latest beauty or fashion product and see if it suits their personality. They would look into the recent perfumes, sunglasses, outfits, shoes, boxers, etc. For all these products, just one product description is not enough to convince the customers. Therefore, you can tell about your experience regarding certain products through blogs. However, you must add quality photos and videos as part of the blog to convince the visitors.

2. Food and Dining

Regardless of what religion or what country you belong to, there is no way you don’t have a passion for food. If you surf the internet today, you will realize that people have opened food businesses to maintain their respective incomes. Therefore, food can also be one of the relevant blog niche ideas today. There is no point in just handing out menus about different recipes and expecting customers to fall in love with your cooking on the spot.

food and dining

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Strikingly enables you to create a food website without any cost. Once you have completed your website, you can also include a blog section on that website to tell the world about your customer’s experience in eating specific recipes. Nowadays, the menu isn’t as important as the experience shared by the other customers. People only get attracted to your platform if the experience from other customers is exemplary.

3. Entertainment

Entertainment can also prove to be one of the crucial blog niche ideas because of its demand. People can write about the trending topics to gain interest. If you have seen a movie on its release date, you can write reviews about it and give the audience reasons to watch it themselves. Apart from that, you can simply share hilarious and entertaining news to keep your visitors engaged.

4. Sports

As much as professional work is important these days, you cannot ignore the influence of sports in an individual's life. Many people say that one of the reasons why they can maintain a consistent working session is because of sports. Sports help them stay active throughout the working session and never allow their energy or productivity to decrease. Therefore, sports can also become a relevant blog niche idea to consider.

a sports website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If you are a tennis player, you can talk about some of the memorable matches you have played. Similarly, if you follow a sporting personality, you can talk about the role that he has played in your development and the matches he has contested in. In another way, you can also talk about the recent sporting equipment you have purchased so that other athletes can pay attention to them. If you write quality content about sports personalities, it will play a role in your online presence.


Writing upon relevant blog niche ideas has become common on the internet today. People analyze different ideas about today’s situation and express their opinions. Recently, many blogs have been written about Russia’s involvement in Ukraine and the situation of the people there. People will always love hearing about the topics trending on the internet. However, you must write blogs in an organized manner.

Strikingly enables you to create blogging websites without breaking a sweat. In just a matter of clicks, your desired website will be in front of your computer screen. We also provide you with the feature of customized font style so that your blogs can be visualized easily by potential viewers. If you have any problems developing your blog website, you can contact our Happiness Officers immediately. So, create the best blog website and entertain your viewers with the most relevant blogs.