
Most people nowadays are becoming increasingly interested in fitness. From knowing what the right food to eat to the best exercises to do is, more people are eager to know about it. Many individuals who want to make their life healthier choose to go and browse online to find the best answers for their health concerns. With these, many fitness experts are starting a fitness blog to make their lives easier and healthier. If you happen to be amongst these health experts who are still hesitant to join such a trend, this “how to start a fitness blog” might be your turning point.

Starting A Fitness Blog

With this kind of environment, we currently have people who are more conscious of how they can maintain a fit and healthy body. Due to the strict protocols still being implemented all around the globe, it is still quite risky for people to go and visit gyms. Their remedy? Search fitness blogging websites online.

Habit House fitness blog

Image taken from Habit House

Creating a fitness blog cannot just help online audiences satisfy their fitness needs. As an expert in such a field, you can also get many benefits from starting a fitness blog. And to get you more convinced, we listed such benefits down below.

1. Promotes Your Business

Starting a fitness blog can’t only help fitness experts but also those who run a business. If you happen to own an online food business, you can easily start a fitness blog and use it as an opportunity to promote your food business. Learning how to start a fitness blog can help you increase your exposure every time you post a fitness blog, making more people aware of your existence.

2. Showcases Your Expertise

If you happen to be someone who is already in the fitness industry, learning how to make a fitness blog can help showcase your expertise. By creating a fitness blogging website, you can have your own space to showcase all your knowledge and strengths regarding fitness. When people see it, they can develop more interest in you, thus helping you increase your online presence. And when your online presence strengthens, so does your credibility. A well-built online presence and fitness blogging can be one of your trust-building machines which can make clients and companies love you even more.

3. Great Source of Passive Income

Undeniably, more people are searching for other ways to earn money while staying at home. If you are someone like this and have an incredible fitness background, learning how to make a fitness blog is a holy grail. High fitness blogging website traffic can help generate sales and income. Simply engaging in fitness blogging can easily earn additional income and share your passion with others in the online community.

Excellent Tips on How to Make a Fitness Blog

If you’re now getting more curious about how to make a fitness blog but got zero clue how to start, you have nothing to worry about because here in Strikingly, we definitely got your back.

1. Decide on Your Fitness Blog Niche

The initial and one of the most critical steps you need to take in learning how to start a fitness blog is picking your niche. A fitness blog niche is simply the topic of your future blogs. What fitness blog do you want to have? To whom do you want to address your fitness blogging website? What kind of fitness blog do you want to write? What are the goals you want to achieve in creating a fitness blog? Ask yourself these questions and use your answers as your guide in picking which fitness blogging niche you’d want to fall in.

Spin Skate fitness blogging

Image taken from Spin Skate

Having a clear fitness blog niche is very essential in starting a fitness blog. It will not only save you from the troubles of running out of topics to write about, but it will also make fitness blogging more manageable for you to deal with. By narrowing down your fitness blog niche, you can quickly grow clients specifically looking for someone like you. It can help you keep yourself focused on your goals and eventually achieve them in such a short time.

Some of the most common fitness blog niches are the following:

  • New moms and working mom fitness blog
  • Yoga fitness
  • Aero fitness blog
  • Travel & fitness blogging
  • Pregnancy fitness blog
  • College fitness blog
  • Food fitness blogging
  • Workout & fitness blogging
  • Sports fitness blog

2. Think of A Fitness Blog Name

Fitness blogging names are crucial. It will make a significant impact on how online audiences can identify you. If you want to be remarkable, you have to be wise and, simultaneously, creative in picking the best name for your fitness blog. There are many sources from which you can get your fitness blog name. The most commonly used? Your own name.

Witty names are good, but your own name is phenomenal. When establishing a good and strong brand, using your name is one genius idea. Not only its easier to create designs with, but it is also more remarkable for your online audience. In fact, many fitness blog writers use their own names to create a fitness blog website. This is because online viewers tend to easily remember fitness blogging websites with the names of the owner as of the website name. If one of your goals is to establish a solid individual career, using your own name is definitely worth the try.

3. Get A Domain Name

Now that you’ve chosen your fitness blog niche and name, it’s time for you to get your own fitness blogging domain. Purchasing a domain is essential to keep your fitness blog website alive. Domain availability and website hosting are needed to ensure that you can always connect with your audience each time they need your help. If you want to make website hosting easier for you and your clients, you must pick a domain and website builder to help you achieve such a goal.

Strikingly is one website builder who knows exactly how to play the game. Our website domain offers are incredibly made to fit all your needs as a fitness blog website owner. From our free to paid plans, you can ensure a smooth fitness blogging experience and something you and your clients will remember for the rest of your lives.

4. Pick A Fitness Blogging Theme

Themes, and templates are crucial elements to remember when learning how to make a fitness blog. It may not seem like it, but your chosen color schemes and font choices can greatly impact how your online audience sees you. If you want to make an impression as soon as a potential client lands on your website, you must make sure that you choose a captivating fitness blog theme. Some other factors you should also consider in picking your fitness blog themes are the following:

  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Online reviews & feedback
  • Speed
  • Captivating design
  • Ease of customization features
  • Supports plug-ins
  • Reliable customer support

Our website themes, and templates aren’t just made to beautify your fitness blog website. Our wide collection of designer-made templates exists to ensure that it's not just the eyes that appreciate, but most importantly, the heart of the people. We offer only the best themes and templates to help you grow and manage your website. Do you know what’s even better? You can enjoy them for free!

Playfight fitness blog

Image taken from Playfight

5. Setup Your Pages

After you’re done picking your fitness blog theme, it's now your time to set up your fitness blogging pages. To achieve a fully-functional fitness blogging website, you must equip it with an About Us page, your Contact page, and a helpful Privacy Policy page. It may not seem like it, but these pages are among the well-visited areas on any website. People tend to be curious and immediately go for these pages when they click on a website.

Making these pages makes it easier for you to communicate with your clients and make you look more professional and reliable. Got no idea how? Work with us in Strikingly. Our website’s drag and drop function and add custom forms features work well even for beginners who don't know where to start.

Start A Fitness Blog with Us!

Now that you’ve got everything all set up, time to start a fitness blog!

Bogachev fitness blogging

Image taken from Bogachev Photography

Well, starting a fitness blog can make you feel nervous the first time you do it. You’ll feel anxious about whether or not people will like what you post or if there are really going to be audiences clicking on your website. It’s not bad to feel such things at first. It’s normal if you have zero clue about whatever you are trying to do. What you need to do is to find the best partner for you. Someone who knows exactly what they are doing. Someone who knows how to handle website building well and guides you on how to grow and manage your business. Someone who can work well with you—just like us in Strikingly.

If you want to know more about starting a fitness blog, hit us, and we’ll help you get started immediately.