Tips for Keeping Your Visitors Engaged With A Website Under Construction Page

Building a website can be a long and arduous process, so it's not uncommon for site owners to put up a "website under construction" page during the development phase. However, these pages can often be dull and uninformative, leaving visitors with little to do or see.

Don’t worry, we got you! We have a few tips to help keep your visitors engaged while your site is under construction.

A Website Under Construction Page Is Necessary

A "website under construction" page is like a temporary placeholder letting visitors know that your website is incomplete. It's an important page to have because it can prevent visitors from getting confused or frustrated when they encounter a site that's not working as expected. Plus, it can also give you some breathing room to get your site up and running without feeling the pressure of having everything perfect right away.

What can you do to keep your visitors engaged while your site is under construction? We've got a few ideas up our sleeve! From designing an engaging under construction page to providing sneak peeks of your site's upcoming features, we'll show you how to keep your visitors excited about what's to come.

One tool that can be particularly helpful in creating an engaging under construction page is Strikingly. This website builder offers a variety of features that can help you design a visually appealing and informative "website under construction" page. With Strikingly, you can easily add an under construction webpage to your site and customize it with your own text and images. Plus, you can also use Strikingly to collect email addresses from visitors or provide relevant content that will keep them coming back for more. Let's dive into these tips and see how you can keep your visitors engaged even when your site is still under construction.

Create an Engaging 'Website Under Construction' Page

Just because your site is being overhauled doesn't mean that your under construction page has to be dull and uninteresting. In fact, an engaging under construction page can actually build anticipation for your upcoming site launch.

Create an Engaging 'Website Under Construction' Page

Image taken from Strikingly

Your under construction page is often the first impression that visitors will have of your website, so it's important to make it count. A visually appealing and informative under construction page can not only keep visitors engaged but also provide them with useful information about your upcoming site. If you create an under construction page that is both attractive and informative, you can build excitement for your site launch and make a great first impression.

Strikingly makes it easy to create an engaging under construction page that will keep your visitors interested. Here are some tips for using Strikingly to design an under construction page that stands out:

  • Choose an eye-catching website under construction image that reflects your brand or the theme of your upcoming site.
  • Use clear and concise messaging to let visitors know what your site is about and when it will be launching.
  • Add a countdown timer to build anticipation and excitement for your site launch.
  • Provide links to your social media profiles or email newsletter so visitors can stay up to date on your progress.
  • Use Strikingly's drag-and-drop editor to add unique design elements that reflect your brand and keep visitors engaged.

With these tips in mind, you can create an under construction page that is both informative and engaging, and keep your visitors coming back for more.

Offer a Sneak Peek of Your Website

While your site is under construction, you can still give visitors a taste of what's to come. Offering a sneak peek of your website's upcoming features or content can build excitement and anticipation for your site launch. Here's how you can showcase your website's upcoming features or content using Strikingly.

Giving visitors a sneak peek of your website can have several benefits. First and foremost, it can build excitement and anticipation for your site launch. By showcasing some of your upcoming features or content, you can give visitors a reason to come back and see what's new. Additionally, it can also provide visitors with a better understanding of what your site is all about, which can help build trust and credibility.

Strikingly makes it easy to showcase your website's upcoming features or content. Here are some tips for using Strikingly to offer a sneak peek of your site:

  • Create a new page on your under construction site that highlights your upcoming features or content. This tip involves creating a new page on your under construction site that provides information on the upcoming features or content that your visitors can expect to see on your site. This can be a great way to build excitement for your upcoming launch and give visitors a taste of what's to come.
  • Use Strikingly's gallery or slideshow feature to showcase images or screenshots of your upcoming site. Strikingly has a built-in gallery and slideshow feature that can be used to display images or screenshots of your upcoming site. This can be a great way to give visitors a visual representation of your site's appearance and what they can expect to see when it's launched.
  • Provide brief descriptions of each feature or piece of content to give visitors an idea of what to expect. When showcasing your upcoming features or content, it's important to provide brief descriptions that give visitors an idea of what they can expect. This can help to build anticipation and excitement for your upcoming launch.
  • Add a call-to-action button that encourages visitors to sign up for your email newsletter or follow you on social media. Finally, it's important to add a call-to-action button that encourages visitors to sign up for your email newsletter or follow you on social media. This can be a great way to stay in touch with your visitors and keep them updated on your progress, while also building your email list and social media following. Strikingly makes it easy to add call-to-action buttons to your site, so be sure to take advantage of this feature.

Add call to action button to encourage your site visitors to sign up for your newsletter

Image taken from Strikingly

By using Strikingly to showcase your website's upcoming features or content, you can keep visitors engaged and excited for your site launch.

Collect Email Addresses for Updates

Building an email list is crucial for any website, and your under construction page is no exception. By collecting email addresses from visitors, you can keep them updated on your site's progress and notify them when it's officially launched.

Building an email list can have several benefits for your website. For one, it allows you to stay in touch with your audience and keep them updated on your site's progress. By collecting email addresses from visitors, you can also nurture leads and build relationships with potential customers. Additionally, having an email list can also drive traffic to your site and increase your overall engagement.

Strikingly offers several features to help you collect email addresses from visitors. Here are some tips for using Strikingly to build your email list:

  • Add a newsletter signup form to your website under construction page. Strikingly offers a built-in newsletter form that you can add to your site in just a few clicks.
  • Offer an incentive for signing up, such as exclusive updates or early access to your site. This can entice visitors to share their email address with you.

Offer incentives for users to sign up on your website under construction page

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Use Strikingly's social media integration to promote your under construction page and encourage visitors to sign up for your newsletter.
  • Use Strikingly's pop-up feature to display a sign-up form when visitors land on your under construction page.

By using these tips and Strikingly's features, you can build an email list of engaged subscribers who are excited for your site launch.

Provide Relevant Content

While your site may not be fully functional yet that doesn't mean you can't provide value to your visitors. By offering relevant content on your under construction page, you can keep your audience engaged and build excitement for your site's launch. Here's how you can provide useful content using Strikingly.

Providing relevant content on your under construction page can help keep visitors engaged and show them what to expect from your site. This can include informative blog posts, helpful tips and tutorials, or sneak peeks of your upcoming products or services. By offering valuable content, you can also establish your brand as an authority in your industry and build trust with your audience.

Strikingly offers several features to help you create and share relevant content on your under construction page. Here are some ideas for types of content you can offer:

  • Blog posts. Writing blog posts related to your industry or niche can be a great way to keep visitors engaged and informed. You can use Strikingly's blog feature to create and publish posts directly on your website under construction page. Try to provide valuable and relevant information to your visitors, such as industry news, tips and tricks, or insights into your upcoming products or services. This will not only help keep visitors engaged but also position your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Videos. Videos are a great way to keep visitors engaged and entertained while they wait for your site to launch. You can use Strikingly's video feature to embed videos directly onto your under website construction page. Consider creating videos related to your site's topic or niche, such as tutorials, product demos, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. This can help build anticipation for your site's launch and keep visitors coming back for more.
  • Tutorials. Tutorials or how-to guides related to your site's products or services can be a great way to build excitement and anticipation for your launch. You can use Strikingly's text and image features to create step-by-step guides that show visitors how to use your products or services. This can help establish your brand as an expert in your field and provide value to your visitors.
  • Images and infographics. Using images and infographics is a great way to make your under construction page visually appealing and informative. You can use Strikingly's image and infographic features to share visuals that are relevant to your site's content. Consider creating infographics that highlight industry statistics or trends, or using images that showcase your upcoming products or services. This can help keep visitors engaged and interested in your site's launch.

By providing useful content on your under construction page, you can keep visitors engaged and build anticipation for your site's launch. With Strikingly's features, creating and sharing content has never been easier.

Use Social Media to Promote Your Under Construction Page

Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your under construction page and driving traffic to your site.

Social media is a great way to reach a large audience and build excitement for your site's launch. By promoting your under construction page on social media, you can attract new visitors and keep your followers up-to-date on your progress. Additionally, social media can help you build a community around your brand and establish your presence on different platforms.

Strikingly makes it easy to promote your website under construction page on social media. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Share your website under construction page on your social media profiles. Share the link to your under construction page on your social media profiles, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. This can help drive traffic to your site and keep your followers informed about your progress.
  • Use Strikingly's social media integration. Strikingly allows you to integrate your social media profiles directly into your site. This makes it easy for visitors to follow you on social media and share your content with their own followers.
  • Share sneak peeks and teasers. Use social media to share sneak peeks and teasers of what's to come on your site. This can help build excitement and anticipation for your launch.

show sneak peak or teasers for your website under construction page

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Engage with your audience. Respond to comments and messages on your social media profiles to build a community around your brand. This can help establish your presence on different platforms and build trust with your audience.

By leveraging social media and Strikingly's features, you can promote your under construction page and attract new visitors to your site. With the right strategy, you can build excitement for your launch and establish your brand's presence on different platforms.


It's always nerve-wracking to have a website under construction, but with the right approach, it can be an opportunity to engage with your audience and build excitement for what's to come. In this guide, we've shared some tips for creating an effective under construction page using Strikingly, including designing an engaging page, offering a sneak peek, collecting email addresses, providing relevant content, and using social media to promote your page.

By following these tips, you can keep your visitors engaged and excited about your website's launch. And with Strikingly's user-friendly features, it's easy to create a visually appealing and informative under construction page that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Don't let a website under construction page bring you down! Use this opportunity to build anticipation for your website's launch and create a positive visitor experience.