Infographics design

Infographics have grown in popularity and are now frequently used in both digital and print by businesses and organizations. They are a simple, effective, and artistic method of conveying information without losing the viewer's attention. People in this fast-paced, modern-day are constantly bombarded with information, and their attention spans are shrinking by the second. Unimaginable amounts of data are kept and structured online for analysis and reporting.

Navigating through endless lines of figures and statistics, whether online or on an excel sheet, may be tough. Infographics are a strong tool that uses visual data, charts, and statistics to help people readily digest information. Information may be turned into memorable, attention-grabbing, and even compelling images with the right mix of color, proportion, and negative space.

What is an Infographic?

An infographic (or information graphic) is “a visual representation of information or data,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary. An infographic, on the other hand, has a considerably more particular meaning.

An infographic is a visual representation of a topic that includes images, charts, and minimal text. Best infographics, employ eye-catching, engaging pictures to convey information quickly and simply.

Infographics are a great way to communicate visually. Because they capture our attention and don't let go, the most aesthetically unique, imaginative infographics are frequently the most effective. However, it's important to remember that an infographic's images must do more than just entertain and engage. They must assist us in comprehending and remembering the infographic's material.

Infographics: 6 Reasons to Use Them

What is infographics

Image is taken from Venngage

The typical human attention span is eight seconds, one second shorter than that of a goldfish. As a result, marketers must have an immediate effect to engage with their target audiences. Here are six reasons why infographics might assist you in achieving that goal:

1. Get Your Audience's Attention

We are visual creatures, and a well-designed and appealing graphic stimulates the brain's optic nerve. To put it another way, the best infographics are a lot more fun and interesting to look at than plain text.

2. Demonstrate Your Knowledge

Tables, graphs, charts, and other data are used in best infographics. This graphic representation of a significant study demonstrates subject-matter competence and can increase market credibility.

3. Make Complex Material Easier to Comprehend

One thousand words are considered to be worth a picture. In a tiny amount of space, effective infographics may convey a lot of facts and information. They extract the most important data and figures and present them in an understandable manner.

4. Increase the Value of Your Brand

Infographics are more than just a way to tell people about your company. They demonstrate your worth and expertise in an impactful way. As a result, it's critical that they reflect your established brand image by including a company logo, website address, or other contact information.

5. Go Viral with Your Material

They are perfect for distributing via social media networks because they include a lot of information about a particular subject.

6. Improve Your Search Engine Optimization

When your infographic is shared on social media and placed on your website, it might produce backlinks, which are crucial for SEO.

Different Types of Infographics

In terms of content marketing, the best infographics can be regarded as a tiny brand's saving grace. They are not only less expensive than videos, but they are also more effective in generating participation on social media platforms.

To communicate information, several forms of infographics employ a variety of visual components. It is up to you, though, to select the pieces that best fit the information you want to express.

Without further ado, here are the seven types of infographics and how to utilize them effectively:

1. Timelines Infographics

Timeline infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

Infographics are wonderful for storytelling since visual aspects are perfect for creating various emotions in your social media audience.

You should use a timeline if the tale you wish to tell comprises several events or changes over time. These infographics are simple to understand from the standpoint of the reader because they follow a single flow.

When Should You Use Timeline Infographics?

If you want to talk about the evolution or history of something, you should use a timeline infographic. To prevent misleading the viewers, remember to keep the periods consistent. For example, if the first event occurred in 1990, you should not use a different measure of time for subsequent occurrences, such as hours, months, or days.

2. Data Visualization Infographics

Data visualisation infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

Infographics are frequently used to visually represent complex data. Data visualization allows dense information to be conveyed to an audience more quickly and efficiently. They also make the content easier to remember for the audience.

Data visualization, on the other hand, can be challenging because information can be presented in a variety of ways. The trick is to figure out which visualization will effectively convey your message.

When Should You Use Data Visualization Infographics

These are one of the best infographics that can be used in a variety of ways. You can utilize a variety of visualizations, including bar graphs and pie charts. Of course, you can utilize a combination of these, particularly when addressing research with a lot of data.

3. Interactive Infographic

Intercative infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

Interactive infographics are a relatively new addition to the marketing ecology. Interactive infographics rely on user participation to reveal the full extent of information present on the page, combining unique coding with traditional design aspects.

Swiping, zooming, and clicking on buttons, dropdown menus, data points, dynamic images, and other alternatives allow users to manage and manipulate particular graphical elements. This enables people to discover new information, explore the graphic depending on their interests, and change the visuals on the screen.

When Should You Use Interactive Infographics?

Maps, globes, skylines, quizzes, instructional charts, and data-specific forms all use this medium.

4. Process Infographics

Process infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

A timeline is quite similar to a process. Both have the same flow and are usually accompanied by directional indicators such as arrows and numbers.

However, there is a significant difference between the two. Processes, unlike timelines, are not affected by the passage of time. They concentrate on what happens rather than when it happens.

When Should You Use Process Infographics?

Explainer films and process infographics both do the same thing, but the latter is more accessible and easier to share. Long-form writing cannot convey instructions as well as infographics that focus on the "how- to's" of a procedure.

5. Comparison Infographics

Comparison infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

While simple data visualizations can be used to make certain comparisons, it's preferable to develop an infographic that makes more differences. Furthermore, rather than utilizing a single visualization to or compare an infographic, creating a comparison infographic allows you to use a variety of features, such as charts and tables. This helps you to be more imaginative with your comparisons.

When Should You Use Comparison Infographics?

If you wish to compare two or more things, this infographic is helpful. As long as they belong to one of the groups being compared, you are free to provide as much information as you wish. Use comparison infographics for buyer's guides that help your audience compare multiple items because there is no limit to the number of things you can cover.

6. List Infographics

List infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

Organizing material in a list will improve the experience of your viewers, whether you're writing an essay or designing an infographic. Lists make it easy to skim stuff, which is beneficial if users are looking for quick information.

The items in a list infographic do not follow a fixed order, unlike process and timeline infographics — except for "top" lists, which arrange items based on a set of criteria. Regardless, everything on a list must be related to a single topic or make a cohesive thought.

When Should You Use List Infographics?

List infographics can be used for a variety of things, like enumerating quick tips and top lists. It's the most basic image format for any type of content.

7.Geographic Infographics

Geographic infographics

Image is taken from Brafton

Geographic infographics are exactly what they sound like: they're maps. They make it simple to share data about geological locations.

Heatmaps, color codes, symbols, and other data visualizations are among the visual components you can employ.

When Should You Use Geographic Infographics?

When it comes to showing statistics, survey findings, and other demographic data, geographic infographics are fantastic. The good news is that you won't have to do any data collection yourself. You can use a variety of well-known studies and polls to come up with something new.

Best Infographic Examples to Inspire You

Infographics are the fourth most popular sort of content marketing, appearing in everything from social media postings to whitepapers. Don't be deceived, though. They necessitate the same level of strategic thinking as a blog article or a video.

Here are a few best infographics designs to help jumpstart your creativity for your next visual endeavor.

  1. Ten Records You Can Break Working From Home, created by Chair office

Working from home infographics

Image is taken from Chair Office

  1. The Most and the Least Bike-Friendly Cities In America, created by Tower Electric Bikes

Bike friendly city infographics

Image is taken from Tower Electric Bikes

  1. How to Enjoy Studying, created by IvyPanda

Enjoy studying Infographics

Image is taken from Ivypanda

  1. 7 Tips on how to Be Productive While Working From Home, created by Bannersnack

Productive WFH Infographics

Image is taken from BannerSack

How to Make an Infographic Design?

When it comes to content, you might not have a ready-to-go graphic designer on hand. Fortunately, there are a variety of infographic design templates and tools available to help you get started. A few of the best infographics creator tools are:

How to Add Infographics to Strikingly Website?

  • After you've developed an infographic you're proud to show off, you'll need to make a page to put it on. One alternative is to create a blog post where your infographic can be displayed. If you don't already have a blog, now is the time to start one.
  • You're ready to publish your blog article once you've finished writing it.
  • Before you begin, double-check that your infographic is the correct size so that it appears as professional as possible. The majority of infographics are between 800 and 1,000 pixels wide. Before putting your infographic on your website, make sure it's the right size and easy to read.
  • Use a tool like Siege Media's Embed Code Generator to create an embed code for your infographic. This tool will help you create an embed code that will make it easy to share your infographic while also assuring that everyone who publishes it will include a link back to your website.

How to Add the Custom Code Section:

1. Navigate to your website's editor.

2. Add a new section

3. From the section list, choose "App Store & HTML."

Embed infographics

Image is taken from Strikingly

4. Hover your mouse over the App box and click "Edit" once a new section has been created.

Embed infographics

Image is taken from Strikingly

5. Select "HTML" from the program list.

select html

Image is taken from Strikingly

6. In the box, copy and paste the HTML embed code. When you're finished, remember to hit "Save"!

embed html

Image is taken from Strikingly

Final Thoughts

Visual content is essential in today's marketing, and it's a distinct brand differentiation that audiences identify right away. By avoiding infographics and other design vehicles, you're putting a physiological barrier between you and your customers.

Because visuals are common to both B2B and B2C audiences, you may utilize numbers, tales, humor, and a variety of other tactics and emotions to connect with and convert your target audience.

As a result, infographics are valuable company assets that can be used as sales enablers and brand awareness tools. Distribute them widely via social media, email, and organic marketing campaigns. Print them off and bring them to industry events and trade exhibits!