relevant tips to conduct website advertising

Imagine that you have just started a new venture, and you aim to bring healthy website traffic to your virtual doorstep. You have brainstormed everything that you want on your website. You have built a new website, added interesting content, uploaded quality photographs, and now you wait. However, it is not just about having a sit-back-and-watch approach. It takes considerable effort to get visitors to your platform. In other words, it is time to engage with some website advertising tips to introduce your brand to a new target audience.

Online advertising is a specific strategy to increase the number of visitors to your website. As a marketing person, your objective should be to bring visitors interested in buying your products and services.

You need to develop a great marketing campaign to increase online sales on your website. As people now have more freedom and convenience to buy products from different online stores, more people are using the Internet to make decisions. Fortunately for you, you can implement a few simple techniques to get your advertising campaign off to a flying start. We have mentioned all of those advertising tips below.

What is Website Advertising?

Website advertising is considered any form of Internet-based marketing. It is a marketing strategy that helps you to obtain website traffic by the use of the Internet. You can use online advertising strategies to target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers. Website advertising is geared towards defining markets through unique and relevant applications.

Online advertising can appear on web browsers, search engines, social media, mobile devices, and email. Numerous marketing agencies are using this forum to reach new customers. People are targeting this forum for the following reasons:

  • It's relatively cheap
  • It attracts new audiences
  • It can be tracked to monitor the success or failure of a business plan
  • It can be customized for a target market

Most Relevant Tips of Website Advertising

1) Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art of presenting your website in the eyes of customers when they search specific keywords on search engines. It is one of the most relevant website advertising strategies on the Internet these days. It may overlap with other efforts and require patience to move the needle.

In the world of SEO, you can divide your work into two main categories, i.e., on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO involves all the work you do to make your website appear high in the search engine results, such as content writing. Off-page SEO involves all the tasks conducted on other websites to improve your website’s visibility on the Internet.

search engine optimization

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Regardless of whether you are performing on-page or off-page SEO to advertise your website, there are thousands of components of a successful SEO campaign. Some popular activities involve creating blog posts with informative content on your website. Your blog posts must contain keywords relevant to your industry, link building from other websites, and a few tweaks to make your content superior. More than 25% of the readers usually click on the first link in the search engine results.

Strikingly also helps the users improve their website’s SEO ranking by providing them with an SEO checklist. You can use this checklist to highlight all aspects of your website from an SEO perspective. For example, you can keep your title tag, alt tags, and meta descriptions updated according to the SEO requirements.

2) Pay Per Click

If you are learning how to advertise a website, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising will be one of the advertising techniques you will be going through. It refers to a category of online advertisements in which you pay every time a customer clicks on your ad. You will see this kind of website advertising throughout the Internet, through search engines. When customers visit your website via an ad, you want to see them take one decisive action. When they complete that particular action, it adds to your conversion rate.

If you're going to conduct PPC advertising, you must create a landing page specifically designed to collect the email addresses of your visitors and encourage them to call you. Website builders like Strikingly have made it easy for users to build a website from scratch. However, building a landing page that converts your visitors successfully requires some effort.

search engine results

Image taken from Google

PPC advertising works on a “bidding” model in which you set a price you are willing to pay for every click targeting a particular keyword. When customers search those keywords on the search engines, the advertising platform algorithm shows the searcher those ads in a specific order.

Some keywords are more popular than others, and careful choices can help your budget stretch while still reaching new customers. You must select your keywords based on the audience's preferences. For example, you will expect to pay a lot of money for the keyword “racket,” but the keyword “Wilson RF97 racket” will generate cheaper leads.

3) Social Media Marketing

On the Internet, you will find many popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. If you have seen the mention of a product or a service while watching a video, you would understand how to advertise online through social media marketing.

strikingly facebook ad

Image taken from Facebook

Social media marketing contains a wide range of activities to promote your brand or services on social media. The social media marketing activities are as follows:

  • Social Media Strategy

Regardless of whether you want to promote your content, pay for advertising, or work with influencers, they are all part of your website advertising strategies.

  • Content Creation

This involves creating posts, such as videos, graphics, or videos. They would be part of the caption you have written for your social media post.

  • Influencer Strategy

Influencers have a powerful voice on social media, allowing brands to introduce their products and services to their followers directly. The influencers you work with can instruct their followers to visit your website.

4) Content Marketing

By posting engaging content on your website, you can introduce your company to new people. Adding a simple blog on your Strikingly website to publish new content communicates with different audiences who may need encouragement before taking the next step. Your content can be around several pillars, such as:

  • Actionable information on popular topics
  • The perspective of potential issues in your industry
  • Emerging themes in the industry
  • Displaying how your product or service can be used in a unique way

Content creation is a brilliant example of using one website's advertising strategy to bolster others. You can create content to help your website’s SEO efforts, create social media content on your blogs, or add necessary information to your email marketing campaign.

5) Display Testimonials

strikingly customer testimonials

Image taken from Strikingly

Next on our list of website advertising tips is to let the customers be the authority. You can hear customers’ perspectives about your website through testimonials. People will not be prioritizing your self-promotion as much as the other buyers talking about how reliable you are. You must publish testimonials on your Strikingly website and social media pages.

6) Know Your Target Audience

Apart from checking out top online advertising strategies, such as SEO and social media, there are numerous other website marketing tips for you to follow. One of them is the understanding of your target audience. It will be hard for you to market your products and services when you don’t know who you are marketing to.

You must clearly know the people who create your customer base, from demographics to geographical locations. In many cases, you can target those people through website advertising, narrowing down your audience that fits your desired description.

This is a typical case for PPC advertising and social media ads. You can include or exclude your target customers through the following attributes:

  • Age
  • Device
  • Gender
  • Location

When you limit your ads to the right audiences, you stop wasting your marketing resources on unnecessary users.

7) Use CTAs

If your website advertisement doesn’t have a call to action (CTA) button, it won’t benefit your business, regardless of how brilliant the persuasion tactics are. If you don’t tell your users to take decisive action after landing on your website, they will not do it.

CTA is vital for your website advertising strategy because it helps users to take the next step. They can visualize a link or a button on the homepage, which they can click on to get to a page where they can take decisive action.

call to action

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The most important thing about a CTA button is the careful choice of words. For example, you will see many CTA buttons with the text “Subscribe to our emails” or “Check out our products.” It is about having a pragmatic choice of words rather than using too many words to create a complicated meaning.

On the flip side, your words shouldn’t also be generic, or they will disrupt the mood of your customers. For example, you cannot expect people to be excited about your products when they see a CTA button with the text “Download.”

Strikingly is a website builder that allows the easy addition of a CTA button on your website homepage. It is important not to add more than one CTA button on your landing page.


Once you have created your website, it is now time that you put your website advertising knowledge into perspective. By following the online advertising strategies above, you will see an improvement in your business leads and conversion rate.

If you struggle to advertise your website, you don’t need to worry–Strikingly got you covered. With thousands of client testimonials, we are one of the most reliable website builders in the world today. We will drive positive results for your business by optimizing your entire content. If you want to start with us, complete your registration on Strikingly and get to know all our exquisite website features.