You will not find a single great website today that doesn’t get client testimonials. Client testimonials are established through compelling phrases or quotes from current customers. Through those quotes, we will feel that a particular product or service seems to be a great idea, as thousands of people will come rushing in for registration.
Testimonials of customers make you feel that your business isn’t just eligible. It can actually bring a lot of benefits for you. Most importantly, the testimonial pages are regarded very highly. It is assumed that 92% of the customers go through online reviews before deciding about acquiring a particular product or a service. Customers have numerous ways to determine the product or service before considering them. Some of them already know about their reputation. Therefore, they don’t believe the testimonials. However, if a product is new, customers most definitely look into the testimonials before buying a product.
Strategies to Get More Testimonials
Testimonials influence your website’s conversion rate and create a positive reputation regarding your business. However, it is never too late if you don’t have a testimonial page for your business website. For your better understanding, we have shared some of the key strategies you can use to get more testimonials for your website.
1. Facebook Reviews
Like in every top-quality business, social media integration is crucial for the welfare of your business. The importance of client testimonials is strongly linked to the social media channels associated with your business. Therefore, the first place where you will look for the reviews is where people have already given reviews about your business.
Image taken from Facebook
Do you want to know what the most accessible place is to consider that? It isn’t surprising because your business Facebook page has the highest priority. Particularly if you are running a local business, you may have ignored or skipped a few reviews. Facebook testimonials are highly detailed. Therefore, they give you the best idea as to what is the best fit for your business. If you don’t consider the reviews, you can ask your audience to comment on your posts.
2. LinkedIn Recommendations
If you own a freelance website or focus on building a testimonial page that goes by the words “work with me”, LinkedIn is the best place to get client testimonials. LinkedIn can be considered the best platform for reviews and recommendations, which you can use for compilation on your website.
All you need to do is ask your audience about offering a recommendation to you or consider your current recommendations as a strategy for promoting your services. The big talking point is that you cannot get reviews for your company profile, as LinkedIn recommendations are only eligible for individuals.
However, if your company is associated with many employees, you can encourage them all to have an active status on LinkedIn. This may result in individual employees getting recommendations from customers they collaborate with on behalf of your organization. Once the permission is granted, you can integrate those reviews as part of your website, which will be beneficial in building your reputation.
3. YouTube Reviews
If you are a YouTuber, you would most definitely know about the importance of client testimonials. After all, if you don’t have positive reviews going your way, you will not be appreciated enough on social media. For a text-based review, a confident vlogger talking about products and services is all you need.
For that, you must encourage your subscribers and followers to open YouTube channels of their own and create high-quality videos associated with your brand. Once they make a video, they must tag your YouTube channel so that you can publish it on your wall as well. If they are good enough, you can also include them on your website as a testimonial.
4. Local Search Directories
If you have your website on Google with a top-class reputation, you may understand local search directories’ value. Platforms such as Google and Yahoo enable their respective networks to create reviews regarding local businesses. If you know the importance of client testimonials, you may also know that you should follow the same wavelength and consider the reviews on Google and Yahoo.
If your business has reviews on these platforms, you must integrate them into your testimonial page. You can simply copy or paste the reviews or take a screenshot of those reviews. Nowadays, the importance of Google ratings has increased more than ever. Customers tend to rely on them before considering a particular product or service.
5. Niche Review Sites
Depending upon the type of business you own, you may want to get reviews from those niche markets which generate the highest targeted audience for your platform. This is an ideal strategy to acquire more client testimonials. Although platforms like Google and Yahoo apply to all respective businesses, there might be a few other platforms that want to look deep into your business.
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website
For example, if you own a hotel website, you must have many reviews on Expedia or Travelocity. As most people look for their first impression from these platforms, it is a great idea to focus on these websites and build a strong reputation there. Once you get the reviews from those platforms, you can compile and use them on your business website.
6. Reward Customers Who Review
Customer feedback is essential for every business, but very few companies consider the idea of customer retention. It is all good having numerous feedbacks on your platform, but if you do not look after them, they will eventually move onto another platform. This is where you must have a proactive approach regarding your client testimonials.
For example, if you own a restaurant website, you can give your customers a chance to win online cash by filling out a particular survey. Using this strategy, you can encourage your audience to post online reviews about your services or products. Some of the strategies in this regard are deal of the week, coupons, or discounts on the next purchase. However, you must put the condition of a review on your customer before going for these options. If you want to reward the customers who share their reviews, it is good to make it official on your testimonial page.
7. Google Alerts
Lastly, there are numerous feedbacks from customers written on other sites regarding your organization, such as blogs or forums. If you have skipped them, it is never too late to consider them and make them part of your testimonial page.
If you want to get client testimonials on your website, this is an excellent opportunity for you because these reviews are mostly unbiased. When the reviews of your company are published on other sites, you don’t have control over their opinions, and they can say whatever they like.
How to Display Reviews on Strikingly?
Strikingly is a reliable website builder that enables you to display customer reviews regarding your products or services. If you want to get client testimonials on your website, Strikingly is a platform you can rely on. We enable you to request reviews from your customers and decide upon the reviews you want to display on your website. By doing that, you can build a strong reputation for your website. This feature is only applicable for Pro Users or above.
For displaying customer reviews, you need to undergo the following steps:
Image taken from Strikingly
- Find “Product Reviews” on the Strikingly review section on the left of your screen. When it gets enabled, you will be sent an email around a week after an order is completed, requesting the customer to write a review.
- Click on the “Complete” option to create an invitation for product reviews. Click on the “Pending” order, where you will be able to find the “Complete” button on the bottom right corner.
- When a customer sends a review, you will get a notification in your email inbox. You will see the “Pending” list filled with reviews regarding your products or services. After going through them, you can decide about approving them or rejecting them.
Image taken from Strikingly
- Your customers will get a “Payment review request” email a week after completing their order. When the customer clicks on “Write a Review” in the email, they will land on your website, where they receive a pop-up for writing the review.
Image taken from Strikingly
- Once the customers send their reviews, they will be pending your approval. When you approve them, they will be displayed on your online store.
The value of customer testimonials is exceptionally high. If you want to ensure that your website has credibility associated with it, you have to create a testimonial page to ensure that. Client testimonials establish social proof that increases conversion rate and online sales. The best and the simplest way to do that is by considering the current reviews around the internet and compiling them on one page of your website.
Image taken from Strikingly
If you want to publish customer reviews on your website, you must rely on a high-quality website builder, such as Strikingly, for this matter. Strikingly provides you with a feature that helps you to integrate customer reviews on your website. For example, if you have established an online store on Strikingly, we will provide you with an option to display product reviews on your website.
In today’s pandemic situation, when the reputation of online businesses is highly fragile, we request you to compile your testimonials and write testimonials for other businesses. They are under the same umbrella as you. Who knows that your written testimonial helps their business grow in this financial crisis?