
Table of Contents

  • Why Learn Modeling?
  • What are the Different Types of Modeling?
  • Common Modeling Requirements You Should Know
  • How to Become A Model?
  • Create Your Portfolio and Be a Model Now!

Do you love posing in front of cameras? Are you fond of reading different fashion and modeling magazines? Do you aspire to be the next top model to walk the runway of well-known fashion brands? If your answer is yes, this blog might be a good place for you to start entering the world of modeling.

Before you get to the limelight of modeling, there are tons of ideas and tips you need to know. To become a model, you must prepare not just your physical self but also your mental and emotional capacity. To help you get a better view of how to get into modeling, we made a one-stop blog on how to become a model without getting too stressed about where to start.

Why Learn Modeling?

Models can be defined as people who work on advertising a set of products or businesses. They work with different photographers, consumer brands, designers, artists, and fashion icons in marketing a specific creation for customers to consume. Entering the modeling industry has gained popularity over the past years. Various brands are becoming more active in introducing the world of modeling to people through fashion shows, exhibits, and releasing magazine issues.


Image taken from The Photographic Voice

Understanding how to get into modeling can give you a lot of opportunities. The world of modeling is huge. People from around the world indulge in modeling gather every time fashion shows and brand launches occur. As someone who seeks to get the exposure, you wish to have, learning how to get started in modeling is very helpful. You can meet new friends and widen the advertising section in your chosen business. If you are planning to create your modeling agency, getting tips and advice from modeling experts would be a lot easier because you have the chance to talk to them up close and personal. By getting yourself hired by well-known brands, you get the opportunity to showcase not just your beauty or physique but, most especially, your amazing talent in modeling and marketing products assigned to you. You can seize every chance you gain to pose in front of cameras and be known worldwide.

When you become a model, you also have a new way to earn extra cash. This is another benefit you’ll gain from mastering how to get into modeling. Aside from the fact that it is a flexible job, you also earn money by doing what you love. Many individuals who took their time in mastering how to get into modeling have successfully established their names and earned a stable source of income. Starting to learn modeling shows that you can’t have that many earnings when you are new in the industry. But as soon as you get a lot of experience, you have the chance to get more bookings and earn more money.

What are the Different Types of Modeling?

One fact you need to know when learning how to get into modeling is that modeling isn’t always about fashionable and luxurious brands. There are several modeling fields you can explore and indulge yourself in. We listed down some of the most common types of modeling to help you find your best match and start learning how to be a model.


Image taken from Miss Falcon

1. Fashion Modeling

Fashion models are the most common type of modeling. These modeling types are what you usually see on runways and in magazines. They often do photoshoots as an advertising campaign for luxurious brands like Dior, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Burberry, Valentino, Chanel, and many others.

2. Lingerie Modeling

Lingerie modeling is a type of modeling where lingeries and swimsuits are the main products being advertised. Learning how to get into modeling lingeries is stricter, with companies setting specific characteristics for models they want to hire. The best examples of this type are modeling done by Victoria’s Secret and Versace.

3. Commercial Model

Commercial modeling is another common type of modeling you might have heard about. This is a type of modeling that businesses commonly need for their company’s exposure and marketing strategy. Commercial models learn modeling to work on campaigns and advertisements by different companies easily. This type of modeling isn’t as strict as other types. Its main focus is to help increase sales by marketing a product to a group of audiences.

4. Fitness Model

Do you love working out? Do you think you have a fit body? If your answer is yes, then you should start learning to get into modeling and become a model for fitness. Most fitness models advertise sportswear, workout videos, and even supplements.

5. Parts Models

This next type of modeling is considered a type of modeling suited for everyone. Mastering how to be a model for this type will not require you to be physically fit or tall. You can quickly become a model in this field if you know how to use the body parts needed for a specific modeling campaign. You can be a hand model for a lotion brand, a hair model for a shampoo commercial, or even model your teeth for a toothpaste advertisement.

Common Model Requirements You Should Know

After getting to know some of the types you can select to become a model, the following important fact you need to learn is the different model requirements. To save you from finding the wrong information, we listed below the top three most common model requirements modeling agencies look for.

1. Ability to Handle Criticism

The first thing you need to learn about being a model is becoming thick-skinned. When you become a model, you are required to face criticism from the people surrounding you. This would be quite hard for someone who has low confidence in themselves. Every time you try to learn how to get started in modeling, you will face criticisms that can either make you feel better or drag you down deeper.

To understand how to get into modeling means knowing how to follow directions. You must keep your head in the game and listen to every instruction. You need to know how to handle different opinions from your trainers, make-up artists, photographers, stylists, and even the audience. Even if hearing criticisms are too harsh for you, you must keep in mind that among the model requirements you need to fulfill is being able to display yourself as an effective model. You have to perform well in your company's and the audience's eyes. And to be able to do that, you must continue to improve and do what you need to do.

2. Focus and Stamina

The next one you need on how to get into modeling requirements is a good sense of focus and strong stamina. Modeling is a very physical job. It may look simple and easy every time you watch it on your television, but things are different in reality. Most photoshoots and fashion show last hours long, requiring models to have good stamina. They pose non-stop, repeating it repeatedly until they get the angle they want. Among the critical model requirements you need to have is the ability to conceal your tiredness with a smile. Even if you are exhausted from posing and walking all day, you must keep your facial expression very “model-like.”

3. Good Grooming Regimen

Among well-known model requirements you’ll need to have is a good grooming regimen. Models are paid to showcase their physique and appearance to a broader audience and convince them to purchase a product. That convincing will only work if people see that the person marketing it to them is trustworthy. As someone who wants to master how to get into modeling, you need to take care of your appearance because from a consumer’s perspective, how you look will mirror what you are modeling. To become a model, you need to have your care, including skincare, hair care, workouts, and healthy diets.


Image taken from MB Visuals

How To Become A Model

Mastering how to get into modeling is easier if you know the steps you need to follow. If you're a beginner, you might want to check our “how to be a mode” list below and start your modeling career journey.

1. Befriend the Camera

Cameras are the primary tool you must know to understand how to get into modeling. Models work with cameras all the time. To become a model, you must learn how to work and be comfortable around cameras. Learn modeling by doing self-practice at home. You can get started by trying poses and facial expressions in front of your mirror to see how you look doing such poses. Do your best to be creative at showcasing your moves and executing the best expressions in every photo. When agencies see that you have the ability to work in front of cameras well, they are more likely to hire you in an instant.

2. Find a Modeling Agency

Every model must have a modeling agency behind them. Modeling agencies can help you find gigs and modeling opportunities easily. Find yourself an agency to which you can send your portfolio and get it signed. Before applying for an agency, take your time doing background research about such an agency. You wouldn’t want to get into trouble for being in an illegal modeling agency, right?

3. Build Your Portfolio

The most important thing you need to learn is how to get started in modeling. Modeling agencies do not only rely on how a candidate looks and speaks to them. Most agencies immediately look at an aspiring model’s portfolio to see how much a model can do for them. As someone wanting to learn how to get into modeling, you must equip yourself with the best modeling portfolio with the best snapshots you’ve got. Our pro-tip: Do not include filtered pictures in your portfolio; only use those showcasing your natural beauty.

Create Your Portfolio and Become A Model Now!

Creating your portfolio is better if you know how it works and who to work with. Here at Strikingly, we strive to help users make the best online portfolios they can have.

The image is taken from Karen Lo

We offer the best modeling portfolio templates, which you can use to showcase your best images better. You can use our Perspective templates which give you the freedom to arrange your photos on a website however you want them. Aside from that, our websites are eCommerce-equipped, with the best tools you’ll need in website building.

If you want to know more about how to build your portfolio, chat with us today, and we’ll get you started.