improve your credentials via social media engagement
In today’s day and age, it is almost as if social media influence every online business. Many business owners feel that engagement on social media is critical to drive online sales. It helps you to deliver your marketing message to your target audience and improves your credibility. Gone are the days when you had to rely on TV advertisements and banners to attract just a specified number of audiences to your platform.

Even though we’ve had websites built since the last two decades, they never got the same sort of coverage and protocol as they do now, and social media engagement has been the difference. Once you can master this skill, you will not just connect with the people in your neighborhood but the entire target market. Nowadays, people open their social media accounts similar to how they open their favorite TV channel. If they want to look at photos or watch videos, they go to Instagram and YouTube, respectively.

Apart from entertainment purposes, social media also helps you to discover new friends and new places.

What is Social Media Engagement?

As we have stated previously, social media engagement is essential to every business in the world right now. It is defined as the number of responses you get on social media accounts. When measuring your posts' engagement on social media, you talk about the likes, comments, and shares. It is very easy to identify the social media interaction of your website through social media platforms. If you improve your social media presence for your website, it will help you interact appropriately with your target audience.

social media marketing
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Engaging positively with your audience on social media will create a great brand image for your website. It helps you generate more business opportunities and meaningful connections with your audience. The measurement of your social media status can be conducted through the following factors:

  • The call to action (CTA) button clicks
  • Website brand/profile click rate
  • Web tab clicks
  • Retweets (associated with Twitter)
  • Direct messaging or Inbox
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Mentions
  • Inclusion of hashtags

Importance of Social Media Engagement

1) Build Brand Awareness

The best thing about social media engagement strategies is that it involves everybody. It is not surprising that regardless of whether you see a teenager or a 70-year-old adult, all of them have a social media account, and are likely to engage with the innovations and happenings around the world. Regardless of the age of your customers, it is important that they show loyalty to your platform. If you want to ensure that your customers remain loyal to your website, it is important that you promote your brand message accordingly.

By implementing the best social media strategies and doing customer segmentation for your business, you will get your target the best segment from your audience. This segment will be able to understand what you can give them and can also help you understand what their demands are. By identifying the best segment for your niche, you can introduce your brand and tell them how it is associated with the current eCommerce demands. You can also take help from Strikingly, which helps you develop a fantastic brand website and helps you spread your brand message to the target audience.

2) Improves Market Reach

As we have stated previously, social media helps you interact with almost everybody online, regardless of age. If you want to know how to increase social media engagement online, you must post continuously from your brand’s social media accounts. By posting regularly, you get a higher chance to attract your target audience and help them be aware of your business plans.

facebook social media
Image taken from Facebook

Once the viewers start recognizing your post, it will boost your website traffic. If you have just started posting on your social media accounts, you can tell your initial customers to like, share or comment so that you can attract more people. Sharing social media content is a brilliant way of attracting new customers.

It is important to note that when it comes to digital marketing, you can only attract new customers when your current customers are satisfied with you.

3) Improved Customer Service

For every successful business worldwide, customer service is the bread and butter. As we have explained in the previous point, you cannot attain new customers if your current customers are unsatisfied with your customer service. The lack of quality customer service doesn’t just mean that your customers won’t trust you in the long term, but it will also harm your social media engagement rate.

Once you master the tactics of providing quality customer service, you can get a better status in the market by increasing your engagement through your social media accounts. Engaging with your audience effectively on social media will allow you to understand what they like and do not like. You can even increase your engagement status by replying to their comments on your posts. Once they know that you are trying to collaborate with them online, they will take it as a positive sign.

Tips to Improve Social Media Engagement

1) Social Media Rate

If you have to maintain your social media engagement rate, it all starts with getting a good grip on your website analytics. There are multiple ways to check your engagement rate online. You can either do that simply through your social media account or you can log into your website account and check your website’s engagement rate. By considering the second option, you can check out the actual performance of your website based on retweets, shares, likes, and comments.

social media icons
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Strikingly provides its users with a built-in analytics, which helps them to take a closer look at the customers incoming or leaving the website. Moreover, the users will have an idea about the customers’ behavior by checking the kind of web pages that have the highest number of viewers. For example, if they have an eCommerce website, it is likely that most of their customer base would be inclined to the gallery section.

2) Target Audience

As we have said previously, the proper execution of a social media engagement strategy will help you get a clear insight into your target audience. To build a stronger connection with your target market, you must rely on demographic instructions, what your customers seek, and what they demand. This analysis helps you develop quality marketing strategies because you already know your customers’ preferences.

While analyzing your target market, you can ask some of the following questions:

  • What social media platforms are they most connected with?
  • What are the social media accounts that they usually follow?
  • What are the social media topics in which they find the most interest?
  • What kind of social media content do they find interesting or attractive?
  • Do they like to use images, videos, GIFs, or demographics?

3) Write Important Content

If you can capture your audience's hearts instantly, your social media engagement strategy is working perfectly. The best way of catching your visitors’ attention is by writing effective social media content. You can easily boost your engagement rate if your audience finds your content interesting. If you want to make sure that your content reaches the maximum number of people, you must include hashtags in the content.

content management strategy
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If you are using Twitter where there are content limitations, you can be selective with your hashtags. However, it is better to create blogs about your products and services to give your customers plenty of reasons to be satisfied about. For example, if you are set to launch a new eCommerce product, you can create a blog and tell the audience about your experience using that product. You can use that link and a banner image on your social media post and let the audience know about it. You can include images and videos in the blog to make your content more attractive.

Social Media Engagement on Strikingly

There is no better website builder than Strikingly when taking care of your social media engagement. We help you integrate your social media accounts on your website easily.

You can attach your social media accounts to your Strikingly website by going through the following steps:

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Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Go to Strikingly’s website editor on your platform and click on “Add new section”
  2. Click on “Advanced” before moving to the “social feed section”
  3. On the social feed, click on “Edit” before selecting the social media platform that you want to integrate with your website. There are three social media platforms available to you, i.e., Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter


The influence of social media is a major driving force in today’s digital game and it’s not likely to stop anytime soon. It isn’t just impacting your work, but almost everything connected to your lifestyle. If you own a business, you must prioritize social media engagement to help you communicate with your target audience effectively. Your business is only as good as your collaboration with your customers, which is why engagement on social media is essential.

By developing a quality website on Strikingly, you can implement all the relevant marketing strategies and boost your social media reputation. If you are having problems connecting your social media profiles to your Strikingly website, you can talk to our Happiness Officers directly. By interacting with us, you will increase your knowledge of website building and social media management.