evolve your career by learning the basics of writing blogs

The challenges of blogging are daunting for even the most talented writers. There is even the possibility of writer's block or a need for more ideas after exhausting all options. Bloggers and writers must know many blog post templates to overcome these challenges. If you are passionate about writing and want to use your skills online, you can conquer the world.

Writing blogs is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing today. It allows you to connect with your audience personally and build relationships that can last well into the future. If you are new to blogging or want a refresher on the basics, you have come to the correct place. We will teach you everything you need to write informative and engaging blogs.

What is a Blog?

A blog consists of and displays information in chronological order, which means the latest information appears first, and the older information follows. Blog posts usually contain a diary-type description of comments and links to articles or media.

Blogging refers to writing blogs about things within your knowledge. They are a great way to share your thoughts and ideas. They're also great for connecting with other bloggers and building a support network. When you write blogs, you can conduct the following operations:

  • Share your thoughts on a topical issue that's been on your mind
  • Write about something that surprised or impressed you recently
  • Share advice or insights on a subject that's been on your mind lately
  • Talk about a topic related to your profession or hobby
  • Share tips or advice on how to live a more fulfilling life

There are thousands of possibilities when it comes to topics for blogs, so there's no need to feel restricted. Remember that whatever topic you choose is relevant and exciting to your readers.

Tips for Best Writing Blogs

1) Brainstorm About Your Topic

When you're thinking about writing blogs for authors, one of the first things you need to do is brainstorm what you'd like to write about. This process can be daunting if you don't have any experience, but a few basics will make the process easier.

  • Start with your interests. If you want to write about fashion, start by thinking about what styles interest you and writing about those. If interested in food, research different cuisines and write about your favorites. Once you know what topics interest you, finding something to write about daily will be easier.
  • Have a purpose. Your blog should have a specific purpose or goal other than simply being your online diary. What are you hoping to accomplish by starting a blog? Are you looking to attract new customers or build your brand? Defining your objectives will help you optimize your content and create targeted campaigns to achieve your goals.
  • Think outside the box. When brainstorming ideas for your blog posts, limit yourself to topics that come quickly to mind. Try writing about something that surprises or intrigues you, or you never know. Your potential blog might turn into a popular post.
  • Be participatory. One of the best ways to engage readers is by asking them questions in your posts and allowing them to respond. It keeps readers engaged and inspires future posts (plus, it gives you some great feedback).
  • Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not because that's boring and will only result in disappointment for you and your readers. Let your personality shine through in how you write. By having this approach, people will be more likely to connect with what they see on screen.
  • Choose a suitable blog title. One of the first things you need to do when starting a blog is to develop a catchy and descriptive blog title. Make sure your title accurately reflects your blog's content, and try to choose one that will interest people on your site. Try to include keywords in your title so that Google will index it more quickly when people search for related information.

2) Choose a Blog Platform

Blog platforms are the tools that bloggers use to write their blog posts. Various blog platforms are available, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Choosing a blog platform is crucial because it determines how you write your blog posts and the available features. Some popular blog platforms include Strikingly, WordPress, Medium, and Blogger.

strikingly blog site

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly is arguably the most popular blogging platform on the Internet. After registering on our platform, you will become part of our free plan. Becoming part of our free plan allows you to create a high-quality blog website with all the fundamental website-building features. Once you have established your blogs, you can start writing blogs for authors and publish them on your website regularly.

Medium is another popular blogging platform. It's free to use but offers some premium features, such as better formatting and audience growth tools. With Medium, you can write longer posts than you can on WordPress and also publish them to your website instead of just to Medium.

Blogger is one of the oldest platforms used by entrepreneurs today. It doesn't offer as many features as the other two platforms mentioned, but it's free to use, so it's an affordable option for beginners. You can also use Blogger to create blogs for other websites without having to worry about hosting or design issues.

3) Improve Readability

When it comes to creative writing blogs, one of the most important things you can do is make your content easy to read. Following simple guidelines can make your blog posts more readable and understandable for both yourself and your readers.

  • Use short, simple sentences. When you write, aim to use short, simple sentences that are easy to understand. It will make your blog posts easier to read and follow. Remember that not all readers will be familiar with academic jargon or technical terms, so be sure to explain any terms you use straightforwardly.
  • Use lists and headings when necessary. If your post is lengthy or has a lot of information packed into it, utilizing lists and headings can help break it down into manageable chunks for readers. It will also help organize your thoughts, making it easier for people to understand what you're saying.
  • Refrain from relying on jargon or technical terms exclusively. While utilizing terminology relevant to your topic is essential, rely on something other than rich vocabulary, idioms, or technical terms. This approach can confuse readers who may need to be more familiar with the subject. Try to include explanations where necessary so that everyone can follow along easily.

4) Promote and Maintain Your Blogs

When starting a blog, the most important thing to do is to promote it. Post articles on your website and social media accounts, and ask friends and family to share your blog with their followers. Utilize social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc., to share links to your latest blog posts and interesting tidbits about life/career advice from other bloggers/professionals in the industry/community you serve (e.g., career blogs). Once you have a fan following, start writing exciting and relevant content for your audience.

Aim to write clearly and concisely to ensure your blog posts are high quality. Use strong verbs and adjectives, and make use of active voice. Always proofread your work before submitting it to a website or using it in public speaking engagements.

To keep your blog fresh and exciting, regularly update it with new content. It will help attract new readers as well as retain those who are already following you. Keep in mind that blogs can sometimes be repetitive; vary the type of content you publish to keep things interesting for your readers.

Finally, always be aware of copyright laws when promoting or sharing content from your blog. Always credit the original author and include a link to their website or article. You should also avoid using copyrighted images or videos without permission from the owner.

5) Improve SEO

search engine optimization

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Blogging is a form of online communication that enables individuals or businesses to share their thoughts and experiences on a particular topic by creating a website, typically using HTML, XML, or some other markup language. These websites are often search engine friendly and allow people to connect with others with similar interests. Here are some of the ways you can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) score:

  • Understand your website's purpose. Your website's goal should be at the forefront of your mind when writing, as this will help shape your content. Ensure each article, video, and blog post on your site reinforces your overall message and goals for your business.
  • Use keywords throughout your content. When you're creating content for your website, make sure to include keywords throughout it. Doing this will help index your site higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It can lead to more traffic and potential customers.

Write Blogs on Your Strikingly Website

Strikingly offers a wide range of website templates for businesses, events, blogs, and more. You can choose from their wide selection of templates and customize them to suit your style. Here is how you can start writing blogs on your blogging website:

1) Find a Suitable Template

Blog article templates must have a personality that makes you stand out from other blog sites. It usually depends on your niche and target audience. For example, you can write about business, finance, lifestyle, and travel.

strikingly blog template

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly provides you with a ready-made blog post template. However, you can customize your blog template by adding various elements to your webpage, such as menu buttons, layout, and background.

2) Categorize Your Blog Posts

add blog categories

Image taken from Strikingly

You need to categorize your posts even if you only serve a specific niche. In Strikingly, you can add categories to your blog posts. Just click on "Blog," then click "Categories." You'll see the screen with the image above, and click "Add New Categories."

Categories are essential for the best writing blogs. For example, if your blog is about food, you might have posted about cooking, and on other posts, you might feature restaurants, chefs, and different types of cuisine. You want to categorize these so your contents stay visible.

3) Add a New Blog

Once you have created your blog categories, you can add new blogs to your blogging website. You can refer to the list below for some tips:

  • Understand your audience/readers' interests
  • Brainstorm multiple topics and titles
  • Identify the purpose of your blog
  • Identify the structure of your blog
  • Outline the network, including subheadings
  • Present your point with a bright and snappy conclusion

After selecting a blog post layout template, follow the steps above and add your blog posts to your Strikingly website. Click on "Blog," then "Blog Posts," and finally select "Write New Post." You can also directly write your blog post from our website editor.

4) Add Visual Elements

Using the blog editor, you can add visual elements to your blog. You can choose a color, image, or video background in your web page.

Your blog post settings can also be found in the middle of the editor, which enables you to add a heading, text, image, video, link button, quote, separator, and HTML link. Top writing blogs are about more than just about great words. You should also leverage visual elements and resources. You can publish your blog post or exit the editor after writing it, saving your drafts.

5) Publish Your Blog Posts

publish your blog

Image taken from Strikingly

Once you're done with your blog, you can hit "Publish." The left side menu will display two options, i.e., "Publish Now" and "Schedule for Later." If you click "Publish Now," your blog will be posted immediately. If you click "Schedule for Later," you can select a date from the integrated calendar settings and click "OK."


Blogging is one of the most common ways to communicate with others over the Internet today. Even though the concept is as old as the day, it has gained much more attention lately. Blogs have become a common way for people worldwide to share their experiences and views about the world. Anyone can start a blog, and indeed, everyone does!

The process of creative writing blogs is complex, but if you know how to use different blog templates and write a good blog, you can overcome specific challenges in blogging. You'll have everything you need to write blogs and make a blog that stands out on the web with Strikingly.

Although most of our features are self-explanatory, we provide 24/7 live chat support to answer any questions. We have many users running successful blogs built on Strikingly, and we would like you to be a part of it.