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Ecommerce business owners have a lot of things on their plate. They have to work on their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, website design, social media marketing, and many other tasks. This article will focus on one of the tasks that go unnoticed by many website owners, i.e., GDPR compliance for eCommerce. It has been a few years since GDPR for businesses emerged onto the scene…

Calling all the department managers or operations people in an organization. If you think your employees are not satisfied with the workplace environment, here’s a must-read for you. Why should you care about your workplace environment? The happier and more satisfied employees are with the company’s environment, the better they will perform at their jobs. Organizational behavior studies show that…

The digital world is evolving these days continuously. The process of website development is in the same category. To increase audience engagement and keep content attractive, you must stay on top of your digital game and cover the recent digital trends. Otherwise, it won’t be long before your website is at risk of becoming stale or irrelevant. With a quality website builder like Strikingly, you …

According to recent studies conducted by marketing people worldwide, ideal customer service is one of the most important things in building a brand. One of the biggest factors which lead to customers putting faith in particular brands is the company’s customer service. Customer service is a responsibility that is managed by your frontline employees. They directly interact with your customers and …

Working from anywhere in the world and making money while you sleep is mesmerizing. That is exactly what digital entrepreneurs do. The COVID-19 pandemic played a crucial in ramping up the technological changes and accelerating digital entrepreneurship opportunities. What is digital entrepreneur? It is a person who sells their product or services over the internet. There are numerous ways in which…

Previously, entrepreneurs ignored the importance of transparency in business. The chances of your business’ success depended more on how opaque the organization's operations were to the public or your employees. Nowadays, the trends have completely changed, and companies have taken transparency much more seriously. Companies who try to protect their secrets to their success may produce the opposi…

If you are a blogger and have written numerous for promoting brands, you may have heard something about finance blogs. As you can imagine by the term, finance blogs are blogs with content related to finance. They are written for websites that offer or promote financial services. Many individuals and organizations want expertise in the finance niche and to establish their authority in this sector.…

With almost everything turning digital, you can start your business in the comfort of your own home and just by yourself. By picking the best partner, you can easily set up an online platform to showcase your skills, sell your products and connect with a community that falls in the same niche. And how do you start with these? Simple, by learning how to become a solopreneur. Image taken from Mant…

Wouldn’t it be perfect if you come up with a formula in which you don’t need to worry about your personal finances? Although it sounds impossible, there are certain ways in which you can manage your finances efficiently. This post is a personal finances guide that allows you to improve your financial condition. Many people haven’t thought much about money until they realize that they are catching…

In your life, every second person you meet is trying to create an ideal source of income. Although some people have opened freelance businesses, some find profitable products to sell over the Internet to make money. Many people register themselves on top eCommerce platforms, build their eCommerce websites, and sell profitable products online. Amazon and Shoppie are two of the biggest eCommerce pl…

A good understanding of business concepts can help entrepreneurs and professionals throughout their careers and business. Regardless of which industry or niche you prefer, you need business skills to succeed in a highly competitive environment. If you have a solid foundation of business skills, you will have more confidence in dealing with your subordinates and clients. It also opens the door to …

Establishing a fully-functional online store does not end when you build a business website. To achieve success, you must ensure that everything you put on your website is compelling and fulfills its duties. You must inspect everything from your homepage navigation, website contents, and call-to-actions to the type of products you sell on your business website. And what is the best way to do that…

Developing relationships with others can be hard for an introvert. We understand you. It can be frustrating when people call you rude, when you’re quiet, or you’re forced to small talk with a colleague. However, it’s crucial to understand the importance of personal networking. Personal networking can help you in endless ways. It’s not just limited to people you work or study with. It can be anyon…

New templates are up again! We're highlighting our amazing new features to inspire your creativity.

In a world full of technological advancements, it is easy for us to get lost in a huge list of words and terminologies. Although we know how to use most operating devices, understanding the process, actions, and reactions behind the clicks of users, customers, and website visitors is an entirely different ball game. Once we have this knowledge, we can act and respond better. A DNS server is used …

Here’s why it is crucial to change your feet before going to the beach after a wedding. If you’re already eager to read further and know how to “change your feet,” congratulations! You’ve understood one of the critical elements of creative writing. Yes, it was that easy. As a creative writer, you must write an attention-grabbing opening to your piece of writing to make it matter. You can use puns…