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As the e-commerce industry continues to reach further heights, the logistics to ensure orders reaching the customers are becoming problematic. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic came into play, the complications have exceeded. Consumers do not like to wait unnecessarily during orders. Once you show incompetence, they will walk away. There are many examples, especially when Amazon lost customers bec…

Online shopping has been a growing trend in various industries. One of the many features that customers enjoy about online shopping is that they can browse and purchase products in the comfort of their homes, besides the convenient and secure ways to pay for their purchases. With little hassle, they can complete their shopping experience. As a business owner, you need to understand this notion. Y…

Do you have a website but cannot generate much traffic for it? Did you start a blog a year ago and wonder why nobody is reading your articles? Are you currently struggling to establish a known online presence for your brand? If your answer to one or more of the questions above is ‘Yes’, you have come to the right place. If you are facing any of these problems, you need to learn a little about web…

As more and more companies realize the importance of having a website to represent their brand, we observe a growing demand for web designers and web design businesses. When a company or individual is building a website, they prefer to save time by designating creating its design to someone else. It is quite overwhelming for business owners to develop anything from scratch on their own. That’s wh…

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Isn’t it? You handle everything regarding liquor cost, food cost, and overhead costs. So what is the difference between these costs and the rest? As a business owner, you must try to minimize costs at every opportunity. However, as we have seen the making of many online stores since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, this causes the e-commerce overhead to …

Growing your email list is serious business. There are many businesses nowadays that neglect this type of content marketing, most of which would eventually realize why that is a mistake. If business owners would do their research, they’d discover that email marketing is one of the most effective and prevalent ways to grow your business. This article will help you understand why it is important to…

Introducing site version history! Want to undo many changes at once? You can now restore a previous version of your entire site from the last 20 published versions. Find this feature in the site preview menu.

With today’s innovations in technology, the business world continues to evolve. More and more avenues for businesses are popping up, and operations are no longer confined to physical stores. Shopping has been taken into the online world. Online stores and online business websites are gaining more and more popularity. It is imperative now that your business has an online presence. And in recent ye…

Having a website dedicated to reaching more customers is an excellent step in the right direction. But while designing a business website to entice and encourage visitors, it is also important to remember that it is even more valuable to have people do more than just visit your website. Driving traffic would not do much for you in the long run. You’d want to optimize your website to convert visit…

As the world gets more and more digitized, businesses are moving towards e-commerce sales. According to research conducted by eMarketer, global e-commerce sales will become worth more than $4 trillion within this year, 2021. The current pandemic has shifted the focus of even more businesses to make online sales. When you sell your products over the internet, you can pretty much sell them to anybo…

Free shipping is a necessity for many businesses that sell their products via an online store. If your competitors are offering free shipping to their customers and you are not, you will be left behind in the market and potentially lose many of your customers. There are certain costs involved in shipping for free, but it usually still proves to be worth it to put up a free shipping offer every on…

Start Your Own Small Scale Business At Home Many people have been coming up with different ways to keep themselves busy during this pandemic. Not only have they come up with new hobbies, but they have also been inspired by the multitude of small scale businesses that have been popping up in the past year. People have been formulating different new small scale business ideas to bring to life. And …

There’s a lot of talk about whether it is worth spending time and money producing a YouTube marketing video for your sales campaign. There have been numerous examples of businesses that have taken off solely by marketing on YouTube. YouTube marketing software that helps analyze every aspect of YouTube marketing strategy has been booming ever since the video hosting platform began to host ads and …

If you are running a business, you must be familiar with the struggle of choosing between paid and organic marketing efforts. While paid marketing costs you money, it shows results relatively faster. On the other hand, organic marketing is a slower process but is a lot more cost-effective for a business looking to grow and prosper gradually in the long run. We will be continuing with this compari…

Due to the globalization of the business world and the ongoing pandemic, many individuals are coming up with DIY business ideas to build a passive stream of income for themselves. The more you can make income independently, without relying on the full-time, conventional form of employment, the more you can move towards financial freedom. It has become a norm for young and old people to look into …

You know how you are more compelled to buy a product if the recommendations come from a friend? Well, it’s the same premise with online reviews. Your customers look at and value online reviews. It is, after all, an opinion from their peers about a product that they are planning to buy. Once they see online customer reviews of your products, they immediately form an opinion about it. They can easi…