Create Stunning Infographics with our Free Tool

· Promoting Your Site,Entrepreneurship,Design Inspiration
Create Stunning Infographics With Our Free Tool

Infographics are a terrific method to present complicated information in an aesthetically appealing and understandable way. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using infographics for SEO and how you can create and publish stunning designs using Strikingly.

What Is An Infographic?

Infographics are graphic visual representations of data, information, or knowledge that present complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand way. They combine text, images, and graphics to convey information quickly and effectively.

Importance Of Infographics In SEO

Infographics is an important tool for SEO because they offer high-quality content that is easy to share and link to. You can increase your website's visibility and improve its search engine rankings by creating compelling infographics that people want to share on social media or link back to from their websites.


Some of the benefits of using infographics for SEO include the following:

  • Increased visibility. Infographics are highly shareable content that can help increase your website's visibility.
  • Improved engagement. Infographics are more engaging than plain text because they combine visuals with text.
  • Increased backlinks. If people like your infographic, they may link to it from their websites.
  • Improved brand awareness. Creating high-quality infographics can help establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

Strikingly, with its drag-and-drop features, allow users to create beautiful websites and stunning infographics easily without coding knowledge.

Drag and drop infographics from the feature list on Strikingly

Image taken from Strikingly


How To Make An Infographic?

Infographics are a fantastic method to present complicated information in a way that is simple to comprehend. Anyone can produce eye-catching infographics that attract viewers with the correct tools and skills.

Here are some key steps to make an infographic:

1. Define your goal. What is the main message or story you want to convey? Is your goal to educate, raise awareness or market a product? Your goal will determine the content and design.

2. Gather information. Collect data, statistics, facts, infographic examples, and anecdotes to tell your story. Include primary and secondary research from reputable sources. Organize your information in a logical flow or narrative.

3. Choose a visual theme. Select a color palette, font combination, and layout to give your infographic a consistent style. Refer to other infographics for inspiration. Consider minimalist, retro, or other themes. Your theme should align with your goal and audience.

4. Organize and simplify information. Distill your information using charts, graphs, timelines, diagrams, maps, or illustrations. Simplify complex data into easy-to-understand visuals. Only include what's most relevant to your key message.

5. Sketch a rough draft. Do a quick sketch of your infographic to map out where visuals and key sections will be laid out. Play around with different options. Your sketch can be rough - you'll make it polished with your design tools. You may also take inspiration from infographic examples.

6. Choose your design tools. Use free tools like Canva, Strikingly, Visme, or Venngage to design your infographic. Or use design software you're familiar with, like Illustrator or Photoshop. It depends on your skill level and budget.

7. Add visuals. Upload photos, custom illustrations, icons, charts, graphs, maps, etc., to tell your story visually. Reorganize your layout until you achieve a clear flow and visual balance.

8. Incorporate text sparingly. Add headlines, introductions, and captions to connect your visuals. Use brief text to supplement rather than repeat what's conveyed in your graphics.

9. Review and edit. Double-check for any errors or inconsistencies. Get feedback from colleagues and make edits. Your infographic should be engaging, factual, and professional.

10. Share and spread your infographic! Post on social media, pitch to publications, email your audience, include in presentations, publish to your Strikingly website, and more. Promote your infographic to get maximum impact.

Edit the infographics by changing the color palette

Image taken from Strikingly


Optimizing Infographics For SEO

Infographics are an important way to communicate complex information visually. Still, they can also effectively boost your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some tips on enhancing your infographics for SEO:

Adding Appropriate Keywords

One of the most important things you can do when optimizing your infographics for SEO is to include appropriate keywords. Use appropriate keywords that people might look for when looking for information about your infographic.

For infographic example, if you're creating an infographic about the benefits of exercise, some relevant keywords include exercise benefits, fitness tips, and a healthy lifestyle.

Using Alt Text And Captions

Alt text and captions are important for making your infographics accessible to people with disabilities, but they can also help with SEO. The alt text describes the image that appears when someone hovers over it or if the image fails to load. Captions are short descriptions that appear underneath the image.

When adding alt text and captions to your infographic, include relevant keywords. Using Alt text and captions will help search engines understand what your infographic is about and improve its visibility in search results.

Embedding Code

Another way to optimize your infographics for SEO is by embedding code into them. The embedded code contains metadata about the best infographics, such as their title, description, and authorship.

Embedding code can help search engines understand what your infographic is about and improve its visibility in search results. It also makes it easier for other websites to share your infographic by providing them with all the necessary information.

Submitting To Infographic Directories

Finally, submitting your infographics to directories can also help with SEO. Infographic directories are websites that curate and showcase the best infographics.

Submitting your infographic to these directories can help increase its visibility and improve its chances of being shared on social media. It can also help with link building, an important factor in SEO.

The typography is also editable on the infographics template

Image taken from Strikingly


Sharing Infographics

Infographics is a great way to share information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. Once you've created your best infographics, sharing them with the world is important. Here are some ways to do that:

1. Social Media

Social media is an apt platform for sharing your best infographics with a wide audience. You can post your infographic on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. To boost the visibility of your post, utilize relevant hashtags and tag relevant accounts.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to share your infographics with your audience. You can send newsletters or email blasts with your infographic and additional information about it.

3. Outreach To Influencers

Remember, the key is to ensure you share your best infographics in places where the right people will see them.

4. Embedding on Blogs and Websites

You can embed your infographic on blogs and websites relevant to your topic or industry.

Strikingly has a rich icon library to use on the site for infographics

Image taken from Strikingly


Measuring Success

Infographics is a powerful SEO tool because it attracts attention and increases engagement. But how do you measure the success of your best infographics? Here are some tips on how to track analytics, examine engagement metrics, analyze referral traffic, and convert visitors to leads.

Tracking Analytics

One crucial thing to do when measuring the success of your infographics is to track analytics. Tracking analytics will help you understand how many people view your infographic, where they are coming from, and what actions they take after viewing it.

Metrics like page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, and time on site may all be tracked using programs like Google Analytics. Additionally, your infographic will show you which pages on your website receive the most visitors.

Examining Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics like social shares, comments, and backlinks can show how well your infographic resonates with your audience. If people share it on social media or link it from their websites, it's a good sign that your infographic provides value.

You can use tools like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to see who shares or links to your infographic. Examining engagement metrics will give you insights into what type of content echo with your audience and how you can improve future infographics.

Analyzing Referral Traffic

Referral traffic means visitors who come to your website from other websites that link back to yours. When measuring the success of your infographics, it's important to analyze referral traffic because it can tell you which websites are driving the most traffic and which ones may be worth reaching out to for potential partnerships or collaborations.

Using tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush can help you see where referral traffic is coming from and which pages on those websites are linking back to yours.

Converting Visitors To Leads

Ultimately, creating infographics aims to attract potential customers and convert them into leads. To measure the success of your infographics in terms of lead generation, you can track metrics such as form submissions, email sign-ups, or product purchases.

Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your infographic, encouraging visitors to take a specific action. CTA could be signing up for a newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, or contacting your sales team for more information.

Alternatively, add pre-designed infographics in the form of media

Image taken from Strikingly


Keep Calm And Infographic On Repurpose Your Visual Content!

Revamp your infographics for fresh content! One great thing about infographics is that they can be repurposed and updated to keep your audience engaged. Keep your visual content fresh - instead, look at your existing infographics and consider updating them with new data or a fresh perspective. You could add a new section or change the color scheme to give it a new look. Revamping your old infographics allows you to breathe new life into them and keep your audience coming back for more. Plus, it's an easy way to save time and resources while producing high-quality content. Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different ways to refresh your visual content - the endless possibilities!

Replace the media and upload your infographics design on the website from your computer

Image taken from Strikingly


Strikingly's Role In Make An Infographic

Infographics have become a popular tool for digital marketers to convey complex, engaging, and easy-to-understand information. Constructing an infographic can be daunting, but it's easy with Strikingly's all-in-one website builder. You can drag and drop a design from the add section and edit the content to create an instant yet impactful infographic. Alternatively, you can upload an infographic to the website after designing it on a design tool like Canva.

Remember to follow the tips below when editing on Strikingly to create a stunning infographic.

Perfect Palette: We Nail Color Choice

Choosing the right color palette is crucial when designing an infographic. Colors can invoke certain emotions and associations, so selecting colors that align with the message you want to convey is important. Strikingly offers a range of pre-designed templates with color schemes carefully chosen by professional designers to ensure maximum impact.

Typeface Triumph: Font Selection Specialists

Another crucial component of infographic design is typography. Choosing a typeface that is readable and consistent with your brand identity is crucial because the wrong font may make or destroy your design. Strikingly offers a variety of fonts to choose from, and its font selection specialists can help you find the perfect font for your infographic.

Icon Domination: Short & Impactful Communication With Icon Gallery

Adding icons is a great way to enhance your infographics. Icons can help visualize concepts, make your design more engaging, and add visual clarity. Choose a consistent and proportional icon style, use icons purposefully to visualize concepts or data, space them evenly, align them, consider color coding them by category, and leverage Strikingly's free icon libraries.

Sleek & Stylish: We Keep It Clean

Cluttered designs can be overwhelming and detract from the message you're trying to convey. Strikingly's designers are experts at creating sleek and stylish designs that are visually appealing without being overwhelming. Their minimalist approach ensures that your infographic is easy on the eyes and effectively communicates your message.

Headline Hotshots: Grabbing Attention With Ease

The headline is often the primary thing people see when they look at an infographic, so it needs to be attention-grabbing and concise. Strikingly's headline hotshots are experts at crafting headlines that draw readers in and entice them to learn more about your topic. With their help, your infographic will stand out from the crowd.


Infographics are a powerful tool in SEO, allowing you to attract more traffic and engage your target audience effectively. With Strikingly, you can easily create stunning infographics to help you achieve your marketing strategy and goals. Infographics offer numerous benefits, including presenting complex information in a visually appealing format, increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and refining search engine rankings.

Strikingly provides a range of templates, customization options, and user-friendly tools that enable anyone to create professional-looking infographics in minutes, even without design skills. Optimize your infographics' impact for SEO by adding relevant keywords, alt text, captions, and embedding code. Additionally, sharing your infographics on social media platforms, blogs, websites, and infographic directories will increase their visibility and reach.

If you want to improve your SEO strategy with high-quality visual content that attracts potential customers' attention quickly and effectively, creating an infographic is the perfect solution! Sign up with Strikingly and start designing an infographic today!