Title Tag

If you want to improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, you need to craft the perfect SEO title tag for your website. Usually, the page titles are one of the first things that a visitor sees regarding your website. How you accommodate your page title will say a lot about your website in general and how visitors visualize it. The page titles are considered to be one of the deciding factors on whether a visitor values your website or not.

If your page title isn’t that substantial, you can expect to see a high bounce rate of your website. If you have crafted the perfect page title for your website, it will help bring new audiences to your platform and retain the current one. For this to happen, you must go through the tutorials of website SEO. You will recognize the importance of a compelling SEO title by going through those tutorials.

What is a Title Tag?

Title tags are also called website title, SEO title, and meta title. It is the title that you associate with each page of your website as it appears in the search engine results. It takes your attention right away as you see with a book or a movie name. The title tag is also the most important thing that Google, Bingo, and Yahoo check while comprehensively reviewing your website.

If you want to add page titles on the individual pages of your Strikingly website, you must go through the following steps: Before we get on with those steps, make sure that you have activated multiple pages on your website.

write title tag

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Head over to Strikingly’s site editor before clicking on “Manage” next to “Pages”
  2. Click on the gear icon on page
  3. Choose “SEO settings”
  4. Write your page title along with the meta-description in the provided space

displayed title tag

Image taken from Strikingly.

As a website owner, you must know that a page title is different from the page name. Page name can be recognized on the site menu, whereas the page title can be identified in the browser tab and search results.

Best Strategies for Identifying Tags for Titles

1. Research

No matter what aspect of SEO you monitor, it starts with research. When making decisions related to your website title tag, make sure that you use the words people use in hectic research. In SEO, these words are referred to as keywords. The keywords usually range from 2-5 words when a user types on the search engine to search for something.

conduct data research

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The best way to do keyword research is to think like a visitor. You can put yourself in your visitors' shoes and feel how they would like to do their research. For example, if they are trying to buy the best tennis rackets, they would type “Wilson BLX rackets in London” to find what they are looking for. You can conduct brainstorming and identify the mix of words that your visitors might be looking for.

2. Choose the Right Primary Keyword

When you try to understand what is a title tag, you will also recognize the importance of the right primary keyword. As we have said before, you must do effective keyword research before jumping to conclusions related to your primary keyword. Once you identify the right keyword, you can put it at the starting part of your website title. The reason for that is that bots go from left to right. Putting your keyword at the start of your website title will make it easy for the bots to crawl on them.

right primary keyword

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website.

Therefore, the purpose of your website can be identified quickly. However, you must make sure that you avoid unnecessary fillers. Do not overuse the words on your website just for the sake of a better search engine ranking. Just ensure that your page title is short and effective. For example, the tag “Tickets, Merch & Sponsorships” on the Strikingly website “Project Punchline” is highly pragmatic and straightforward. By reading the tag, you will expect what you will see.

3. Title Length

When you write SEO title tags, one of the things that you must consider is the title length. The search engines always try to restrict the space they provide to your website title. If the website title is too long, you will see the last few words getting removed and replaced with three dots (...).This is also defined as truncation. It happens when the website is long enough to not tick the boxes of the standard pixel width that search engines allow.

long website title

Image taken from Google

One of the things to avoid truncation is to keep a reminder that your page title shouldn’t be longer than 60 characters. The best practice related to this by eradicating the “stop words”, such as “in”, “the”, and “to”. You should know that the characters within the page title include spaces. Therefore, you have to account for those while creating your page title. Most importantly, do not disregard the importance of making your website mobile-friendly.

4. Unique Tags

unique title tags

Image taken from Google

If you go through the SEO title tag examples on the search engines, you will find that all of them are unique. If your page title is duplicate, Google will never go through it. The reason is that by ranking all of the similar page titles, the bots will get confused and won’t be able to do their job properly. Writing a compelling website title will make it easy for your visitors to remember you correctly. Moreover, it will improve your online presence and retain your visitors successfully.

5. Call To Action in SERP

When you create the perfect SEO title tag, you must know that it will be shown in the blue link of SERPs. The message featured in the blue link has a huge impact on the searcher’s decision to click on your website or move to the next link. Your priority should always be to answer the searcher's questions, demands, or desires. You must give your searcher a reason to click on the link that corresponds with your website content, objectives, and what they are looking for.

If you have a clear vision of your website page, it will positively affect you and your visitor. It will be pretty hard to understand your call to action (CTA) if you are trying to accomplish too many objectives on a single-page website. If you have a similar problem, you can create a website of multiple pages to divide your content into various topics and elements.

6. Human Factor

Earlier on, we mentioned that the bots go through your page title to decide whether they should consider putting you in the search engine ranks or not. However, bots are not the only ones going through your title tags. Human readers are also following them. As a website owner, you must understand that the most critical factor of your website statistics is the human factor. Bots will just go through your page title, but the humans will interpret and react to it as per their understanding.

The more clicks you generate from the humans, the more chances you will rank your website higher in the Google rankings. If you remember the milk to cereal ratio, you must find the balance. Make sure that you take note of bots, but do not throw away the importance of the human factor. The more natural your page title looks, the better chance you will receive maximum clicks from humans. If you think your website title hasn’t told the complete story, you can use meta-description to share the full details. Do not squeeze everything under the barometer of a page title.

7. Make Title Attractive

This point is somewhat related to some of the previous points and is quite apparent. If you go through various SEO title tag examples in the search engines, you will hardly find a single website page title that isn’t attractive. Having an effective page title is one of the most critical steps of website management. If you can create a quality page title, you will find it easy to promote your content. Usually, the visitors will jump to the website content of a particular website if they find the title attractive.


In the world of SEO, you have numerous things to monitor, such as on-page strategy, links, technical, etc. Even though everything has almost equal value, you cannot disregard the importance of title tags. Their importance can be seen from the fact that they are considered as a make-or-break factor. By creating an effective page title, you will give a chance to make your website more searchable.

It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of creating a website with high search engine rankings. However, it is not the case with Strikingly. With our website builder, creating a professional website is basically routine. You need to customize one of the website templates and add high-quality content to it. If you want further assistance regarding SEO, you can go through our blog section and learn more.