
We can safely say that evolution is the biggest competition going on right now in the online business world. Every digital market focuses on how sales and reputation can be improved. Therefore, they need to have a dynamic approach in presenting their objectives. This approach is applied by all those business owners who understand the difference between static and dynamic websites.

If the business owners want to see their business progress, they must understand the comparison of static vs dynamic websites. If we define the word “dynamic”, it is a factor that determines the growth, improvement, or collaboration during its processing period. As we can see by the term, it refers to web page designs.

What is a Static Website?

If we define the term “static”, it means simplicity in the internet world. It has a specified number of pages with a customized layout design. Others consider it an internet default because the number of pages remains the same unless someone modifies it manually. One of the biggest advantages of static websites is that it takes less time to load

portfolio website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The technologies involved in static website development are HTML, CMS, and JavaScript. One of the key talking points while distinguishing static vs dynamic websites is that static websites are ideal for making portfolio websites or CVs. As these websites hardly require a couple of web pages, they are preferable for making websites of this category. However, if your online business is expansive and requires further features for its enhancement, you may prefer to move over to the dynamic website.

What is a Dynamic Website?

If you want to understand the advantages of dynamic websites, you must first understand their attributes and what these websites bring to the table. A dynamic website is a website that is designed to provide various forms of content to various users around the world. The best example is Google, whose web design changes as per its users. For example, if you want to change the language settings, Google will follow the same wavelength. If you want to run an online business with numerous pages and features, consider dynamic websites.

dynamic website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

One of the key points in discussing the differences between static vs dynamic websites is the website functionality. In that regard, there is no debate as to which website you should consider. The utmost priority of a dynamic website is its functionality. Its objective is to interact with customers as per their demands. For example, if you want to hear the latest podcasts, you can click on the call-to-action (CTA) button on the landing page and move over to the podcast section. Strikingly has made it really simple for the website owners by adding a slider to the user’s websites.

Benefits of Static Website

Many website owners do not feel inclined to the idea of static websites. Without going in-depth about these kinds of websites, they determine the meaning of the website by just the term “static”. They believe that it would destabilize their business and stop it from evolving. However, static websites do have a few benefits at your disposal. Make sure that you check out their benefits below:

1. Faster Loading Speed

Even though they have a lot to offer, one of the disadvantages of dynamic websites is that they normally take a little while to get loaded. This is not the case with static websites as they are displayed to the users at no time. Therefore, faster loading speed is one of the talking points in comparing static vs dynamic websites. The content is pre-written and delivered directly to the server, making the content easy to cache. Therefore, the website content is less likely to load with vulnerabilities. As static websites require less server interference alongside no database to go through, they run quicker than dynamic websites.

2. Improved Security

Arguably the most important difference between static and dynamic websites is that you will find static websites more difficult to hack. Many hackers try to figure out the product details through illicit methods. However, the static website has very few loopholes to get attacked from. When we determine the differences between static vs dynamic websites, we must know that dynamic websites have more risk of exposing their product information than static websites.

Static websites do not associate themselves with any extension or database, which closes the potential entry of hackers. Even though the dynamic websites are not completely unsafe, they pose more potential attackers’ threats.

3. Quick Creation

If you are running out of time to make your website live, a static website is an option for you. One of the advantages of static websites is that they are quicker to create and publish. As they have less complexity and are not linked with any database, it is easier to make them live. Therefore, when we compare static vs dynamic websites, we must know that static websites are ideal if time is an issue.

When you are trying to beat the clock, it all boils down to your creativity as per your website design. However, don’t assume that creating a dynamic website will be slow and time-consuming. You should focus more on the fact that static websites are simpler and easier to deploy.

Benefits of Dynamic Website

Most website owners believe that a dynamic website possesses all the powerful features required for an eCommerce website. Therefore, Strikingly makes your life easy to build a dynamic website. We have shared all the benefits and how dynamic websites can influence your company for your better understanding.

1. Easily Updated Content

Starting an online business and conducting brand management strategies demands continuously updated content. You need to be up-to-date with the latest trends, updates, and alterations within your business. When you distinguish static vs dynamic websites, you must know that high-quality and updated content only comes under the umbrella of dynamic websites.

blog section for content

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

One of the disadvantages of static websites is that they cannot handle updated content, which creates complications on an eCommerce website. With a dynamic website, a modification on one page will be transferred to the other pages without needing to change the design. You can quickly maintain your content and easily create a blog website via pre-designed website templates with Strikingly. With Strikingly, you can quickly publish the updated content without wasting much energy.

2. User Experience

One of the advantages of dynamic websites is that it changes as per the user’s demands, expectations, location. The user’s intention plays a vital role in determining the features of a dynamic website. These websites will always display the information as per the customer’s liking. Therefore when we distinguish static vs dynamic websites, it is safe to say that dynamic websites are more likely to receive positive customer feedback.

better user experience

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

For example, if a customer has landed on a traveling website for booking purposes, the first thing they would want to see is the section in which they can book their flight. If they see what they came for straight away, it is more than likely that they will come to your website in the future for the same reason. If you can customize the design of your website as per the customer’s liking, it will result in a better user experience. This will also result in more chances for conversion.

3. Greater Functionality

german website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Even though they are attractive, one of the biggest disadvantages of static websites is that they lag far behind when it comes to functionality. Therefore when we compare static vs dynamic websites, functionality tends to go more to the category of dynamic websites. Dynamic websites have a huge potential of displaying functionality. Komore Sails on Strikingly is one of the websites that stand out in this regard. Even though its original language is German, it allows the user to change it to English as per their location.


After doing a complete analysis of static vs dynamic websites, it is safe to say both have their fair share of uses and benefits. It totally depends upon the kind of website you want to make. If you want to create an online business for yourself or your family, make sure to create a dynamic website. If you want to share your own experiences via a portfolio, consider creating a static website.

After understanding the difference between static and dynamic websites, you must have a top-class website builder to rely on. It is safe to say that Strikingly will tick all of the boxes in this regard. Visit Strikingly today and get a chance to establish your website right now. Your customers are waiting anxiously to do in-depth research about your products. If you want to add website content on your dynamic website, do not waste time and share your lovely insights, which will also help you gain new visitors. It is your time to take over and show the world that you are willing to change.