How to generate more conversions using Facebook Pixel?
- Understand Your Market
- Why Tracking Your Conversions is Important
- How Facebook Pixel Works?
- Strategies to Track and Analyze Your Market
- Customer Conversions
Facebook Pixel is common across businesses looking to increase their brand visibility and enhance sales. These Pixels are used to drop a cookie in your website to enable you to track down visitors and their behavior so that you can advertise to them later. Aside from that, you can also use this to observe the behavior of an old customer to better serve them.
If you find it complex to setup Facebook pixel, then you are not alone. Even huge advertising agencies find it challenging to keep up with the results-driven through the Pixels. To stay in the game, you must have the diligence to firmly understand how it works. Read through to learn more about Facebook Pixels.
Understand Your Market
Like any other marketing and advertising strategy, it is best to understand your market and know about your customer’s behavior and consumer preferences. In this day and age, digital marketing has been a huge factor for companies to shift into the digital sphere to spread their presence and gain an advantage against their competitors. A website can be a medium for marketing on its own but online advertisements are a vital tool for companies and businesses to be discovered.
Facebook Pixel is one of the most powerful advertising platforms. Understanding and familiarizing yourself with this platform will give you the potential to boost your conversions and retarget your ads to optimize them. It is fairly simple to create Facebook pixel profiles, and anyone can make use of it to learn more about the engagements of your ads and analyze which types of users are more likely to click and ultimately, convert.
Utilizing Facebook Pixel’s analytics will give you an in-depth perspective as to who your market is. You will receive information about demographics, page visits, time spent on a page, and conversions. Gathering more data from the ads that you put up can aid you in funneling your market and strategizing how to better attract them. Setup Facebook Pixel to improve your market insighting, it will be one of the greatest advantages you will have to stay ahead of your competitors.
Why is Tracking Your Conversions Important?

As your data grows, you will have more information on how to better target your ads. But with the ever-changing sphere of the market and the evolving competition, you must continue to optimize your digital marketing strategies. When you have a clear idea of your market and foresight on customer direction, then will truly appreciate the Facebook Pixel advertising platform. Its analytics is way ahead in terms of features against other social media analytics or advertising platforms. With the ability to create custom conversions, you can create personalized “thank you” pages to add variety to your website.
With a Facebook Pixel ID, integrated into your ads, you can recalibrate your ad budget to ensure that every conversion you make garners your target revenue.
How Facebook Pixel Works?
Facebook Pixel allows the pixel code to receive information about the actions taken on your site to make your Facebook ads more relevant to your target audience or viewers. Here is a guide on how to create a Facebook Pixel and how it works:
- Install the pixel
You can create Facebook Pixel, by either copying and pasting the code on your website or have it done directly from the software. Choosing between the two depends on your programming skills. If you are literate in coding, then you won’t have any problem inserting the Pixel code into your website.
- Receive useful customer behavior insights
Graphs and tables are now made easy to read, thanks to the simplicity of how Facebook Pixel design results-driven from the performance of your online website. Through the Facebook manager, you will receive useful insights about visitors to your website, including where traffic is coming from, the devices people use to visit your website tabs, and other demographic information such as age, location, and even profession.
- Analyze behavior
As mentioned beforehand, through the Facebook manager, you will see all sorts of data useful to help customers in their buying journey. Through data results provided by Facebook Pixel, you can gain visibility into the actions that visitors take on your websites, such as purchases, page views, link clicks, and more.
- Create custom audiences tailored to your brand
With the software, you can create custom audiences, Lookalike Audiences, and ads that speak directly to those specific audiences. When it comes to creating audiences, you have the freedom to select from a wide range of demographic attributes that will help the ad you are promoting reach more people. Once you have that established, you can create a lookalike audience to test whether they are the right group for a certain ad. Finally, ads can also be created directly in the Facebook business manager or upload JPEG, PNG, GIFs, and more.
- Set up bidding to allocate a budget that will render ROI
There are different types of cost strategies you can choose from. But if you are in the starting phase, using the lowest cost bid strategy to reach people who are more likely to take an action you care about, such as making a purchase. This bid strategy is best for spending your budget as efficiently as possible.
- Review events for future advertising or re-marketing opportunities
From the demographic results to click-rate and buying behavior, Facebook Pixel offers endless opportunities for you to increase the chances of visitors to purchase. With the business manager, you can review conversion events to determine optimal advertising strategies.
How to Install Facebook Pixel
Now that you know how it works, what’s left to do is to setup Facebook pixel. To begin, you need two things: a website for your business and access to update your website's code. Once you have those, you can proceed to follow a few steps. Take note, installing Facebook Pixel is quite complicated for people who haven’t seen the backend of a website. But with these steps, you can get it right in no time.
Create a Facebook pixel
- Go to Events Manager
- Click the green plus icon that means “Connect data sources” then select Web
- Select Facebook pixel and click Connect
- Add your pixel name
- Enter your website URL to check for easy setup options
- Click Continue
Add the Facebook pixel to your website
Once you've created your pixel, you are now ready to put the Facebook pixel code on your website. For instructions on how to do this, choose your setup option:
- Manually add the code to your website
- Use a partner integration
- Have instructions sent to your email
Now that you have set up Facebook Pixel, you can learn basic strategies to track your users and optimize your conversions.
Strategies to Track and Analyze Your Market

Inside Page Traffic
One strategy to understand a user’s online behavior on your website is to track the inside pages. These are the pages on your website that are not a part of your homepage. This could be the product page, about us, or blog pages. With Facebook Pixel, you can have separate analytics for specific URLs. Facebook Pixel will gather data from the inside pages that you assign to track.
Utilize this method to understand how your customers navigate your website. You can learn more about what section of your website generates a lot of traffic and which products sell the most. With knowledge about your most visited inside pages, you can tweak your website’s UI/UX, and create bespoke ads for potential customers who are similar to those that frequent certain pages on your website.
Number of Visits and Duration
Segmenting your website traffic based on the number of visits and how long users stay on your website can shed some light on your digital marketing strategies and your brand’s presence. Combining the elements of page visits and duration, you can identify how your users interact with your pages. You will have an idea of your leads, and segregate which are the cold and hot leads.
Users that stay on your website for two minutes or longer may indicate that they are browsing through your products, reading your blogs, or familiarizing themselves with your pages. Those that leave after a minute or two do not mean that they are not interested. It could signify that they have already found what they needed from your page. To get a good grasp of your customer’s behavior using this strategy, it will be best to gather a report after three months and onwards.
Landing Page Traffic
This is one of the most basic strategies you can formulate with Facebook Pixel. Tracking recent visits to your landing pages is an effective way to monitor your users’ engagement with your website. This could even equate to your brand recognition, as more new users that enter your website signify that the market is discovering your brand.
Facebook Pixel will allow you to track your traffic volume for a certain number of months. Observing the traffic pattern will let you strategize on your ad budget allocation and who to target based on the overall demographics that Facebook Pixel will gather for you. Having a long-enough data range, depending on your market share, will help you build a more robust strategy to tackle your leads.
Custom Conversions
When you setup Facebook Pixel, you have to know how to gauge conversions. You are in the stage of the business that you have to be able to tell which will benefit the cash flow of the business. With customer conversions, you have the freedom to create rules for events or URLs. When you create these rules, you can measure more specific customer actions or the pages and tabs clicked by the website visitor.
For example, you can filter all kinds of purchases to measure just sales on women's shoes over a certain price range. You can also use custom conversions to optimize your ad delivery and reach people who are most likely to take the actions you care about such as inquiring about a sold-out item, creating wishlists of a product, adding to cart but never checking out, as well as other actions that will yield a sale.