effective guidelines about website button design
When it comes to the user interface, there are numerous factors involved to get the attention of your customers. One factor that makes viewers optimistic about your website is the effective website button design. When viewers land on a website, they look at how they can get involved, and the website buttons do just that. Many aspects of a website contain buttons, such as contact forms, website homepages, dialogue windows, and toolbars.

Many website developers tend to confuse the buttons with the links, but generally, both terms are different and have different uses. The web buttons act like a bridge for the customers or viewers to move from one webpage to another. On the other hand, links bring them to those web pages where they can take action (read, view, edit, delete, etc.). If your buttons are appropriately designed, your customers will know about the effort they will perform. In this article, we will differentiate between a good and a wrong button and also identify the inspirations which allow you to build a quality button for your website.

Button Style Options

1) Good Buttons

If we were to give three characteristics of a quality web button design, they would be crips, concise and contextual. Even though some people give a lot of importance to the color scheme involved in a button, the text is the bread and button of your website button design. If the texture on the button doesn’t gain your customers' attention, they will go through your website landing page as if the button is not even located on it.

good website buttons
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

For example, you cannot catch the attention of your target audience by having a text of “Click on the button” or “Download”. These texts are too random and informal to be creating any kind of anticipation. However, if you add a text of “Get Involved” on your eCommerce website, it will send a message to your customers that they are in for a treat. It is essential that the text involved is brief and conducts action as per what is written. For example, if you click the “Purchase Now” button, it will bring you to the checkout phase of the website.

2) Bad Buttons

Like with a good website button design, we will summarize the bad button design in three attributes, i.e., unresponsive, vague, and misaligned. When people talk about button design ideas, the mobile experience is the bread and butter. As you are likely to create your button on your computer or a laptop, it is vital to ensure that you implement your button ideas on a mobile-friendly website template.

The color combinations that differentiate between a good and a bad web button are involved. For example, if you have an eCommerce website and want to let your audience know about a new product in the market, you cannot afford to have a CTA button with a dark color. Even though it provides the correct message, it would simply kill all the hype the product must have had. You can also classify a bad button on a website at the wrong place and time. If you are reading a blog and see a button come out of nowhere, it may create some interference with your readability criteria.

Button Design Inspirations

1) Integrate Easily

When you decide to create a website button design, numerous things are going on in your mind. You could be thinking about the color of the button, the text you would display, or the areas in which you will integrate that button. All of those decisions should come based on simplicity. As the old saying goes, “Simplicity is genius.” it corresponds with your website design.

integrate buttons easily
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If you make things complicated in developing your website design, you will not see a high website conversion rate. When you think about the basic design ideas of a button, you must create a picture in your mind of that button being on your website. Once you have understood what to do in your imagination, you can start making all the plans for integrating the required buttons on your website.

2) Contrast

The contrast factor is extremely important to your website button design plans. As buttons are not the first thing you aim for while landing on a website, their contrast isn’t a factor regarding its visibility. Therefore, the ghost button styles fade on the website landing page despite having a lot of significance. Regardless of what the contrast is, you mustn’t ignore any button on your website.

If there is a button that you feel is unnecessary, don’t think twice and remove it from your platform. You can change the color or increase the space contrast to ensure they get attention. As a result, it would look unique compared to the items on your website. The more area around the buttons, the more breathing space they would have. This would result in customers recognizing all buttons individually and not accidentally selecting a button.

3) Use of Color

If you look at the website button designs on the established Strikingly websites, you will see numerous color combinations. If a person owns a professional website, they would have most certainly done their homework regarding the color scheme of web buttons. You don’t just pick colors randomly and expect people to click on them. If you want to create hype about your business, your web button color combinations must also play a role.

different color combinations
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If you analyze the Strikingly website, you will realize that there are many red and orange buttons. The reason behind those choices of colors is that they draw customers' attention and create interest. If you announce launching your new product via a web button of bright color, it will create hype about your product. Therefore, you must select the color combination as per your business plans. For example, if you want to collect funds regarding some social activity, you can go with a light green button color.

4) Enlarge it to Tap

If we analyze website button designs on the Internet, the buttons usually have a diameter of at least 10 millimeters. However, that is the minimum diameter for your web button, as advisors always want you to make your button visible to your customers. If your website is not getting a high conversion rate, it isn’t necessarily because your web button isn’t attractive, but because your button isn’t visible.

The visibility could be based on color combinations and your button's diameter. If your button’s color corresponds with the background color of your landing page, your customers won’t realize a web button is displayed on it. Similarly, if the button is too small, the viewers won’t be able to recognize it and proceed to the next website section. It isn’t necessary that your conversion rate can only be improved by increasing the number of buttons on your website. It can be improved by making those buttons visible.

5) Place Accordingly

place buttons accordingly
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

There is a saying that you cannot have square pegs in round holes. It symbolizes perfectly a website button design. When you develop your web button, your effort and energy shouldn’t just be based on how you create it. It should also be allocated to the areas where you place it. Some common locations for a web button are mentioned as follows:

  • Behind the main headline or block of website content on landing pages. Buttons are usually located in the middle of the landing page or simply aligned with the text
  • CTA buttons are displayed under the content they are associated with
  • The button to stop or play a video is usually located in the middle of the preview screen
  • Shopping cart buttons are usually located on the top-right of the website homepage

Create a Quality Website Button on Strikingly

If you want to create a website button design but don’t know your starting point, you don’t need to worry as Strikingly has everything covered for you. Strikingly is a free website builder that makes you create all the essential elements regarding your website to make it a success.

strikingly button design
Image taken from Strikingly

If you want your button to be a success, make sure that you come up with innovative but brief text. Suppose you want to create a button on your Strikingly website. In that case, you must go through the following steps:

  1. After completing the registration, choose a template and click on “Styles” on the Strikingly website editor
  2. The panel containing Headers & Navigations, Sections, and Buttons will appear on the sidebar
  3. The button section will contain the options of color, shape, and fill.
  4. Customize your button and publish it


If you want to know about the component that converts your call to action into a result, it is called the website button design. Everything regarding your web button must be examined carefully, from color to function to microcopy.

To fully use your web buttons, you must rely on Strikingly and develop a fully-functional website. If you have problems integrating the buttons in your website design, you can let our Happiness Officers know about it. By creating a professional website, you can create and test whether you have the most functional and sustainable web buttons at your disposal.