website header design

Ideal website header designs make your website attractive and improve your integrity. If your web design is good, you will expect to see many visitors not just coming to your platform but finding reasons to return to your website again. You must create an environment on your website that enables them to stay on your website for a longer period. If they find your design attractive, they will likely move to other parts of your website, such as the blog section and gallery section.

If you have the expertise, you can create the web design yourself. If not, you can employ a development team alongside you for assistance. You can also look at many other established Strikingly websites and analyze competitors. By looking at the other websites, you will understand all the key strategies for making your web design unique and fitting.

Strategies to Create Best Header Designs

1. Create an Ideal Website Logo.

When you create a website header design, the website logo is one of the most important things related to your brand identity. A website logo gives identity to your website and stays within the hearts of visitors that come and go. Even if the visitors forget your website URL, your attractive website logo should be enough for them to return to your website again.

When you create a website logo, make sure you have an idea that makes your brand unique and innovative. For example, if you look at the Apple company, the bitten apple logo is forever saved in everyone’s memory. It has created such a strong foundation that people remember all the incoming iPhones based on Apple's strong brand personality. Similarly, Android’s logo is also unique and has brought numerous customers to the android mobile shops.

2. Proper Website Navigation System

An effective website navigation system is crucial for any quality website header design. They are not just certain elements found on the website page. They give a sense of direction to the visitors incoming. When you include navigation elements on your website, make sure that you have a pragmatic approach.

website navigation system

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

For example, if your element contains a text of five or six words, it may create confusion within your visitor’s minds. As a result, you must ensure that your texts are not more than three words and tell what the customers should expect after clicking on them. If the element has the text of the mission statement, it should bring them to the section where the website’s objectives are discussed in detail. Usually, the navigation elements are placed on the left side with the website logo on the right. However, many website makers put the elements on top of the website.

3. Call to Action

To build a quality website header design, you must have a call to action (CTA) button as part of your plans. A CTA button also has a similar kind of responsibility as the navigation elements. However, unlike the navigation elements, this button gives visitors guidelines about what they should do after landing on the website. For example, if you land on a shopping website, a CTA button may take you to the shopping panel, where you will be sold clothing products at discounts.

call to action

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

A website navigation element is there to provide information related to a certain aspect of a website. A CTA button enables the visitors to do something practical on the website. Strikingly helps users to include effective CTA buttons on their website. After including the button, make sure that your text isn’t confusing or passive. Any passive text will result in the customers walking away from your website.

4. Simplification

If you look at all the established websites on Strikingly, you will realize that their website header designs are structured and straightforward. Why can’t you do the same and add to your online reputation? If your website is structured, it will boost your conversion rate immensely. After all, your visitors will find it easy to identify their desired sections on the website. If you just include website content with no organization, your visitors will be confused.

To make your design structured, you must ensure that your navigation elements are on the left and the search bar is on the right. Your call to action button must be visible to all visitors so that they can approach it right after landing on your website. If your CTA button has text, such as “Download” or “Move Here”, you can stop thinking about increasing your website traffic.

5. Include Quality Website Content

Like most websites, an effective website header design is incomplete without the website content. If your header design is prolific but doesn’t have the website content, you will have nothing to show for your hard work. When you include your website content in your web design, make sure that you analyze your font and color scheme so that the visitors find your content attractive and readable. More people will join in and visualize your website if your content is attractive.

Best Header Designs on Strikingly

1. Unlocked Capital

If we talk about the trademark website header designs, it won’t be wrong to put Unlocked Capital at the top of the pile. One of the key reasons this website is extremely attractive is the header background. When you look at the background image, you would feel as if an investor sees his invested money paying off. The website navigation elements are placed on the top of the landing page to ensure that viewers see it clearly.

unlocked capital website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website.

Secondly, the most important of this design is the ‘about us’ section and the mission statement. It ensures that the viewers are informed about the stance of this website. This website guides professionals toward trademark business ventures. The second part of the web design refers to the founder of the website and the contact section. The contact section enables the viewers to directly interact with the website owner and put their queries in place.

2. Watercress Bali

Watercress Bali truly is one of the best website header designs on Strikingly today. One of the reasons it is the benchmark of all web designs is the website logo. Have you ever seen a more fitting website logo than that? The fact that it is placed at the top of the website adds to its brand identity. The landing page also shares ideal website navigation elements that enable the visitors to understand what they should do after landing on the website.

watercress bali website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The background image contains food dishes that take your breath away. No matter what your culture is or from which country you belong, food is likely one of your passions. For that reason, this web design would seem fitting for you. The later part of the website contains the Instagram section in which daily updates are shared related to the website. The Instagram section is updated continuously, so its visitors are up-to-date with everything.

3. The Photographic Voice

Alongside food, another niche that remains common within many countries and societies is photography. The photographic Voice website on Strikingly has become one of the benchmarks on all the websites. For an ideal photography website, website images are the most important. Strikingly has allowed them to include the gallery section on which they can publish some of their best photographs taken. You don't need to include all your photographs in the section. As we have said, one poor photograph may take away your credibility.

the photographic voice

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

One of the reasons this website has a trademark website header design is the header image. You can see several photographers who want to seize every opportunity they are given. The font color and style make the landing page even more unique. In the end, you can see the website owner’s social media details. If you are inspired by this website and want to learn from them, you can go to these accounts and interact with them right away.


If you have a quality website header design, it will ensure that your website stands out from the rest of your competitors. You can become a source of inspiration to many beginners who have just started their IT careers. If they interact with you, you can tell them about Strikingly and how they have made it easy for you to achieve every business-related dream.

If you apply all the strategies and look at the best designs shown above, your website design will likely connect all the dots. It is important to note that an ideal website design connects with your bounce rate. If your design isn’t as per your visitor’s expectation, you can expect to see an increase in this statistic. So if you want to increase your conversion rate and maintain professional integrity, create your Strikingly account today and build the best website design.