
Are you tired of taking mundane photos of your everyday surroundings? Do you want to capture the beauty of inanimate objects creatively and visually stunningly? Look no further than the world of still life photography!

Still life photography involves capturing inanimate objects in a way that tells a story or evokes emotion. This art form has been practiced for centuries, from simple photos of fruit and flowers to modern still life photography featuring unexpected objects and unique compositions. Through the lens of still life photographers, everyday objects can become works of art. And with the rise of social media and the internet, still life photography examples have become more accessible.

In this blog, we'll explore the history of still life photography, discuss the elements that make great still life photos, and provide tips for capturing the beauty of inanimate objects. We'll also showcase stunning still life photography examples to inspire your creativity and take your photography to the next level.

Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting, join us on this journey through the captivating world of still life photography.

Benefits of Learning Simple Still Life Photography

Are you ready to discover the benefits of learning simple still life photography? Get ready to be enlightened! Here are a few reasons to consider adding still life photography examples to your repertoire:


Image taken from Sarah Muller

1. Helps You Develop an Eye for Composition

Still life photography requires careful attention to detail, from selecting the proper objects to arranging them aesthetically pleasingly. By practicing still life photography, you'll develop a keen eye for composition that can be applied to other areas of photography.

2. Encourages Creativity and Experimentation

Simple still life photography is a great way to explore your creative side and experiment with different techniques, such as using natural light or playing with depth of field. The possibilities are endless, and you can let your imagination run wild!

3. Provides an Opportunity for Self-expression

Still life photography allows you to express and tell something interesting about yourself. Your target audience can easily understand your brand through the objects you photograph and how you present them. It's a great way to tell a story or convey a mood without words.

4. Can Be Done Anywhere, Anytime

Unlike other types of photography requiring a specific location or subject, still life photography can be done anywhere. You only need a few objects, a camera, and your imagination!

Elements of Still Life Photography

1. Composition and Framing

Composition and framing are essential elements of simple still life photography. The way you arrange the objects in your photo can have a significant impact on the final result. Experimenting with different compositions and angles can create a visually exciting and aesthetically pleasing image. Some popular composition techniques include the rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry.

Don't be afraid to get creative with your framing; zooming in on specific elements or shooting from unique perspectives can add depth and dimension to your photo.

2. Lighting Techniques

Lighting is another crucial element of promising still life photography examples. It can set the mood and tone of your photo, and the proper lighting can make your objects look even more beautiful. Natural light is often preferred in modern still life photography, as it can create soft shadows and highlights that add depth and dimension to your objects. But artificial lighting can also be used to significant effect, especially when trying to make a specific mood or highlight certain features of your things.

3. Color and Texture

Color and texture are essential elements when creating still life photos. The colors you choose can convey a certain mood or feeling, and the texture of your objects can add interest and depth to your image. When selecting objects for your still life photos, consider how their colors and textures complement each other and the overall mood you're trying to convey.

4. Props and Background

Props and backgrounds can also play a significant role in still life photography. Choosing the proper support can help tell a story or add interest to your photo, while the background can be a simple neutral color or a more detailed texture or pattern. When selecting props and backdrops, consider how they complement your objects and can help enhance your photo's overall composition and mood.


Image taken from Pei Xueli Art Studio

Tips for Capturing the Beauty of Inanimate Objects

1. Choosing the Right Objects

Choosing suitable objects is like selecting the perfect ingredients for a delicious meal. It's about finding the right mix of things to create a visually exciting and harmonious composition. When selecting objects for your modern still life photos, feel free to mix and match objects with different shapes, colors, and textures. The key is to find things that complement each other and create a cohesive story. For example, you could create a still life photos featuring a vintage camera, a stack of old books, and a cup of coffee to convey a sense of nostalgia and creativity.

2. Planning the Shot

Planning the shot is essential for modern still life photography. Take the time to think about the story and mood you want your photo to convey. Consider the composition and framing of your shot, and experiment with different props and backgrounds to find the right combination. One helpful tip is to create a rough sketch or storyboard of your picture before you start shooting. This will help you visualize the final product and make necessary adjustments before taking the photo. Remember, a little planning goes a long way in capturing the beauty of inanimate objects.

3. Experimenting with Different Angles and Perspectives

Experimenting with different angles and perspectives can take your still life photos to the next level. Instead of just shooting from eye level, try shooting from above or below. Doing this step helps add depth and interest to your photo. You can also experiment with placing your objects in the light source to create interesting shadows and highlights. Feel free to get creative with your angles and perspectives. The more unique and unconventional, the better! After all, simple still life photography examples are about capturing the beauty of inanimate objects freshly and unexpectedly.

4. Using Natural Light to Your Advantage

Natural light is another helpful tip for capturing the beauty of inanimate objects. Soft, diffused natural light can create a gentle and natural-looking photo, while bright, direct light can create bold and dramatic shadows. Experiment with the time of day and the direction of the light with your photographs. Executing this trick creates the right mood and atmosphere for your photo. You can also use reflectors or white foam boards to bounce light back onto your objects and create a soft and even light. Remember, the key is to use natural light to enhance your objects' beauty, not overpower them.

5. Post-Processing Techniques

Post-processing techniques can help you fine-tune your modern still life photos and make it stand out even more. You can adjust the brightness and contrast, add a vignette effect, or adjust the color balance to create the perfect look for your photo. But remember, less is often more when it comes to post-processing. Please only do it with a few effects or filters; you may detract from your objects' natural beauty. Instead, use post-processing techniques to enhance the mood and atmosphere of your photo and make it truly unique.


Image taken from Zinzi Colonna

How to Build a Still Life Photography Website

Are you ready to show off your stunning still life photography skills to the world? Get ready to build your website!

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Choose a Website Builder

Picking the right website builder is essential in creating your still life photography website. Many options exist, from drag-and-drop builders like Wix and Squarespace to more advanced platforms like WordPress. Each has strengths and weaknesses, so choosing one that fits your needs and budget is essential.

A drag-and-drop builder like Wix or Squarespace may be the best choice for those just starting with simple still life photography. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and a range of templates designed specifically for photography websites. They are also more affordable than advanced platforms like WordPress, making them an excellent option for beginners. However, a platform like WordPress may be a better fit if you're looking for more customization options and control over your website's design and functionality. Whatever you choose, take the time to explore the platform's features and capabilities to ensure it meets your needs.

2. Showcase your Best Work

Once you've chosen a website builder, the next step is to showcase your best still life photography examples on your website. This is your chance to make a great first impression on potential clients and fans of your work. Start by selecting your best photos and choosing a variety of shots that showcase your range and style. Be sure to include a mix of color and black-and-white images and still life photos with different lighting and compositions.

A few options exist when displaying your work on your still life photography website. Create a gallery page with thumbnails of your photos that users can click on to view larger versions. Alternatively, you could create a slideshow or carousel that automatically cycles through your best work. Whatever option you choose, optimize your still life photos for web viewing to ensure they load quickly and look great on all devices. With your best work front and center on your website, you'll be well on your way to building a solid online presence and attracting new fans of your best still life photography examples.

3. Add a Blog

Another critical step in building your still life photography website is adding a blog. A blog is a great way to showcase your expertise in the field, share behind-the-scenes stories from your photo shoots, and offer tips and tricks for aspiring still life photographers. You could write about your creative process, share your favorite modern still life photography techniques, or even review the latest gear and equipment. A blog also allows you to engage with your audience and build a community of passionate fans about your work.

When creating a blog for your still life photography website, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to choose a platform that's easy to use and offers plenty of customization options. You'll want to choose your design, add your branding, and make your blog feel like a natural extension of your website. Additionally, post regularly to keep your audience engaged and interested. Consistency is vital whether you post once a week or once a month. With a well-written blog that showcases your expertise and personality, you'll be well on your way to building a solid online presence as a still life photographer.

4. Offer Services

If you want to turn your still life photography hobby into a full-fledged business, offering services through your website is necessary. By assisting, you could include everything from selling prints of your best work to offering clients customized modern still life photography sessions. By providing your services through your website, you can reach a wider audience and showcase your skills to potential clients worldwide. When offering services through your modern still life photography website, there are a few things to remember.

First and foremost, ensure your pricing is competitive and reflects your level of expertise. You don't want to undersell yourself, but you don't want to price yourself out of the market.

Additionally, communicate what services you offer and what clients can expect when working with you. Include details on what types of still life photography examples you specialize in, what kind of equipment you use, and what the process of working with you entails. Being transparent and informative will build trust with potential clients and set you up for success as a professional still life photographer.

5. Be Social

Being social is crucial in building a successful, simple still life photography website. Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to reach potential clients, showcase your work, and connect with other still life photographers. One of the most important things to do is to create social media profiles for your photography business and ensure they are linked to your website. You can use social media to post sneak peeks of upcoming projects, share behind-the-scenes photos, and provide a glimpse into your creative process. By doing this, you are creating a solid online presence that helps you to stand out from the competition.

Another way to be social is by joining modern still life photography forums, discussion groups, and online communities. These groups provide a platform to interact with other still life photographers, learn new techniques, and seek feedback on your work. You can also use these platforms to share your experiences, advise other still life photographers, and collaborate with creatives. You can build valuable relationships to help grow your photography business by being active in these communities. Don't be shy. Get out there and connect with other still life photographers!


image taken from The Photographic Voice

Create a Still Life Photography Website With Us!

Creating a modern still life photography website with us is a fantastic way to showcase your skills and reach a wider audience. In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is crucial, and a Strikingly website is a perfect tool to achieve this. Our portfolio websites help provide an online platform to display your work and a professional hub for potential clients to learn more about you and your services. Plus, with our expertise in creating beautiful and functional websites, you'll stand out in the sea of online competitors.

By working with us to build your modern still life photography website, you can easily highlight your unique style and expertise. From choosing the perfect layout and design to customizing every detail, we'll help you create a website representing your brand. And with easy navigation and clear calls-to-action, potential clients can easily find and engage with your content, leading to more business opportunities for you. If you want to rock your online presence and elevate your simple still life photography game, let us help you build a website that truly stands out.

Want to learn more about how to build an online presence? Chat with us today, and we’ll get you started.