Your online brand’s health and longevity mean that you keep a close view regarding the public’s opinion about your business work. After all, your reputation in the market has a huge impact on your business affairs. In the period of digital media, there are multiple ways for you to talk to the audience.
It has never been as easy as it is now to visualize the tracking of your brand through online brand monitoring. The ease in this procedure allows you to quickly understand what people make of your brand. The perception can swing either way. However, you must be mature enough to take the criticism and not to get overwhelmed completely by the positive perspectives.
What Do You Mean By ‘Monitoring of Brands’?
If you are new to the world of brand management, you must be thinking about what is brand monitoring. Don’t worry, you are the right place for the answers regarding it. Monitoring a brand is a process of visualizing multiple channels to understand where your brand is getting mentioned.
Once you understand where and how people refer to your brand, it will give you a clear picture of where your brand stands. Moreover, you should consider ways to improve it rather than becoming static. The collective feedback of the audience determines how successful your brand is.
By monitoring brands, you can also look into the questions asked by the audience and answer them before things become complicated for your business. For example, if people do not regard your brand highly, you shouldn’t become demotivated and seek another brand. Instead, you should dust yourself down and look for ways to improve it. If you do not know how to evolve, you can never do monitoring appropriately for your brand.
Brand Elements You Should Consider
When you monitor your brand, it can be quite tempting to read all the spots in which your brand is getting mentioned. However, you must be intentional with the types of channels you prefer to look into. This strategy will enable you to get an overwhelming amount of data to conclude. Here are some of the important brand elements that you must consider while undergoing monitoring.
1. Name Variations
You must create a list of all the people that mention your brands in different channels. The names of those people may involve social media handles, nicknames, blog names, and other name variations. Some people tend to use different abbreviations for their respective names. Adding keywords to your brand’s web presence will allow you to understand the variation in names and the misspellings.
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When you set up brand monitoring, the understanding of name variations is important. However, you must also be aware of the variations of your campaigns and product names. This is crucial when you receive public comments referring to the aspects of your respective brand. All of this will allow you to stay aware of all the conversations surrounding your brand, even if your audience isn’t talking directly about it.
2. Competitors in the Market
You need to know about what your competitors are doing and what their perspective is in the eyes of the audience. If they have positive feedback from the audience, you must know that you are facing stiff competition. By analyzing your competitors, you can set a benchmark about how your brand should be measured and what ingredients you must integrate to get to their level.
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Numerous brand monitoring tools allow you to do a competitor analysis as to how your social media activity compares with your respective competitors. They will compare your brand’s presence to your competitor across every platform to conclude the performance of your brand.
3. Trends
If you are part of any profitable niche, it is important to be aware of the trends in the industry. Even if there are no conversations regarding your brand directly, it helps you understand the recent topics getting talked about in the industry. This can be beneficial for content ideas and how you can join conversations.
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Following innovative trends can be beneficial for your online brand monitoring strategies. Being part of conversations doesn’t just give an impression of your brand being active, it also allows your audience to get the latest news and trends about your niche.
4. Public Figures
When you set up brand monitoring, you must be aware of the public figures and spokespeople of your respective brand or social media campaign. If you don’t have any public figures for your brand, make sure to get some of them. If you undergo an advanced Twitter search, you can identify many public figures that will be suited for your brand.
You must ensure that you are monitoring all the conversations surrounding your public figures associated with your respective brand. Even if the conversation isn’t directed towards your brand, you must take note of how that public figure is received by the audience and how he/she can have an impact on your brand’s perception.
Importance of Monitoring Brands
As a brand owner, it is important to listen to the audience. Without the audience’s perspective, you cannot be monitoring your brand effectively. You may not agree with some of the questions raised by the public, but it will give you a clear about the reputation of your brand and products. Your ability to respond to public feedback will have a huge impact on your brand growth. Here are some of how monitoring holds importance for your brand’s success.
1. Improvement in Market Reputation
In today’s competitive market, marketers have to be more proactive than ever. Most importantly, customer segmentation is key to the brand’s reputation. Demographics, sentimental values, liking, disliking, all play a part in making you understand your brand deeply.

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You must listen to your customers properly. You must know what they want or what their demands are. You can organize meetings with them or have online discussions to understand it. Most importantly, if you don’t know who you are marketing your brand to, it will make it impossible for you to target them.
If you want to know what is brand monitoring, you must be aware of the importance of understanding who your customers are. You must pick the right channels that can be beneficial for your marketing strategies. It can be a Twitter chat or any social media campaign. When you monitor your brand conversations, you will understand where your audience is most active and which platforms you should be investing in.
2. Improvement in Customer Support and Retention
When you attract customers, it is just 50% of your work done. The rest of the work involves you keeping them happy and being able to retain them. Good customer service involves listening, interpreting, and supporting. All of these features are important constituents of brand monitoring tools.
Keeping the customers happy will be beneficial in generating revenue. You can keep them happy by going through their queries. The monitoring tool will allow you to look into every customer comment, and make sure that no one is left behind. Many brand owners in the market have multiple channels to support their brands.
However, it is better to have one brand channel instead of 5 or 6, which only increases the work burden on you. The sentimental analysis will allow you to have a better idea of how satisfied your customers are. If your customers are unhappy, they will not look into your brand again. Therefore, make sure to give them the highest priority so you can resolve their issues straight away.
3. Increased Sales
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If all your competitors are doing brand monitoring efficiently, you will be given considerable marketing for a customer-centric product that has ideal customer support. Your eCommerce sales will speak for themselves, and your sales team will take advantage of all the benefits of their hard work.
To generate leads, you must recognize the best sales opportunities. People usually discuss the product online before buying it. Therefore, you must consider those opportunities that integrate such discussions into your sales work.
When you use brand monitoring tools, you make it easy for yourself to understand your brand’s strengths and weaknesses via the feedback of the audience. The knowledge of monitoring brands enables you to create campaigns that your audience will be fond of. When you receive any comment on your brand, you can easily look into it and find ways to resolve the issues. The more you monitor your brand, the more you make your brand evolve in the current market.
Strikingly is a magnificent website builder that enables you to use innovative features for your monitoring strategies. We have more than a thousand website templates that will allow you to get started with your business work. Most importantly, it is free as well. Social Media Feed, Blog Content, and Videos are some of the biggest features of our platform. Your monitoring endeavors must consider these features to sustain success for your brand.