Business Failure

If there is one common goal all businesses want to achieve in their lives, that is to avoid business failure. Who wants a business failure anyway? You start a business because you want to secure yourself with a stable source of money. You want to earn. So, there is definitely no room for business failure. Though many businesses have managed to get through such a terrifying experience, many businesses still don't understand why businesses fail. Having zero knowledge of the reasons for business failure can surely be a threat you’ll never get away from if you don’t know how to handle it properly. With that, Strikingly has an awesome gift for you.

In this blog, we will help you understand why businesses fail. This guide will be your weapon and make you understand the reasons for business failure. All you need to do is sit back, take important notes, and eventually master the art of how to avoid business failure.

Common Reasons for Business Failure

For our first stop, let’s first get to know why businesses fail. We list below the most common reasons for business failure to give you a better view.


Image taken from Pair 4 Ideas

1. Wrong Business Goal

Goals are among the main reasons why businesses. And sadly, they are also the reason why businesses fail. Having a set of clear goals is crucial to avoiding business failure. Why? Simple, they are your main “drivers”. When you know your goals, it is easier for you to create a strategy on how you will achieve what you want. If you don’t have one, it will be hard to avoid business failure. Most businesses that experience business failure were due to their wrong goals or too good to be true. Some businesses experience business failure because the business they started differs from what their hearts actually want to do. Eventually, they’ll lose the enthusiasm for what they are currently doing, leading them to a tragic business failure.

2. Lack of Connection

Among the reasons for business failure is the lack of connections between businesses and their target audience. People may not notice, but they get more attached to businesses showing them they are important. If your business cannot connect with your audience, you’ll surely experience business failure. Customers play an essential role in making your business work and keep going. They connect to you because they trust that you can help them with the things they need. Once they see that you are making efforts to make them stay, they’ll definitely stay. But, if you don’t satisfy them, they surely leave you and choose your competitors.

3. Poor Management

Growing and managing your business are also reasons for business failure. Many businesses face business failure due to poor management within their company. It is vital that if you want to be functional, you must have an effective team. Putting work on someone who isn’t that fit for that position is something you wouldn’t want to avoid business failure. When learning to avoid business failure, picking the right people to handle specific work is also necessary. Businesses fail because they hire the wrong person for essential positions like managing, finance, marketing, selling, purchasing, and production. Lacking knowledge that these areas aren’t something you can just brush off will undoubtedly lead to severe business failure.

4. Inadequate Capital

Among the reasons businesses fail, overspending on unimportant things also shines. One thing about entering the business world is that it will cost you money. Before establishing a good name, you must spend money applying your marketing strategies and paying your employees. Sadly, many businesses shrugged off that spending money must be for the right cause. The lack of knowledge on how to spend their money properly became one of the reasons for business failure to hit them. They used their capital to buy things that were not really important for their business, affecting their financial status. Some even tried to make huge loans that were impossible to pay in time by their business, making it extra hard for them to have enough time to save.


Image taken from Runway Prints

5. Weak Planning

If there is another known reason why businesses fail, it’s the lack of strategic planning for the company. When planning to start a business, it is important to have a secured business plan. You can use a plan to market and manage your business and a plan that will be your weapon if things go south. Many businesses that faced business failure failed to secure themselves with such a plan. They rushed everything and missed out on the most important parts of business planning, leading to another business failure. In eCommerce, where everything can change in just a blink of an eye, being careful and methodical is an advantage.

Your project planning must include details like the description of your business, your target market analysis, vision and mission statements, potential solutions to problems, financial statements, marketing, promotional activities, budgeting, and future business plans. Lacking knowledge on how to avoid business failure, including these ideas, can potentially make you face your most feared enemy in the business world. You sure wouldn’t want that, right?

6. No Online Presence

Last but definitely not the list on our list of reasons for business failure is the lack of online presence. For the past years, the world of business has continuously evolved. From transactions made in physical stores, you now do it online. As someone who wants to avoid business failure, you must accept that digital business will make everything better for you. People who faced business failure had this stigma that online businesses wouldn’t do them any good, which is definitely not true. It's definitely scary the first time you hear it. But the moment you learn everything about it. Do not be like other companies who got scared of trying online business. After all, you’ll never know unless you try, right?

How to Avoid Business Failure

Now that we’re done understanding the different reasons for business failure, let’s not get to another important topic you should know about—tips on how to avoid business failure.


Image taken from Founder Mastermind

1. Do a Market Research

If there is one guaranteed way how to avoid business failure, it is having deep knowledge of your business. Before spending money on things, do research first. Spend your time looking for information that can help you with the type of business you are about to start. Ask questions from people you know who have relevant experience in your niche. You can do surveys to know what type of current market you are about to face. The moment you get all this information, use them as your guide in formulating an effective strategy for your business. Doing market research can help you avoid business failure by spending money, time, and effort on the wrong subjects. When you are equipped with a reliable collection of information and research, things will definitely go smoothly. Aside from that, you can definitely save yourself from a tragic business failure.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Like we mentioned earlier, goals play a crucial role in saving you from business failure. It is important that before you start a business, you prepare yourself with a deep understanding of how you want things to go on your way. It is easy to pick the right website templates, themes, logos, and names if you clearly understand what you want your customers to think about you. Set your insights on the right things and avoid making unrealistic goals for your business. This is actually one common mistake businesses make, resulting in facing business failure. Be open-minded when setting your goals. What do you specifically want to achieve? Why did you start such a business? What keeps you going to continue entering such a niche? Ask yourself questions like these, and it would be easier for you to understand where you are coming from, thus helping you avoid business failure.

3. Take it Online

If there is one awesome tip we can give you on how to avoid business failure, it is creating your own website. As part of a rapidly-changing world, we humans must be flexible and adapt to the changes around us. When you create an online store, it will be easier for you to handle your business no matter where you are. Putting your business online has a lot of advantages that will surprise you, especially now that we are still in the pandemic. You don’t really have to be scared about business failure. As long as you have the right set of information, tools, and a reliable partner like us here in Strikingly, everything will be a piece of cake for you


Image taken from We Are Superheroes

Starting your own business comes with a ton of responsibility. Before reaching your first sale, you must spend a lot of time figuring things out. Picking the right target audience is a must. After that, you must research what marketing strategies best fit your target market. And right after that, you still have to go through a lot of trial and error to see if your ideas fit the market you chose to work on. Sounds really a lot, right? But, doing all these things will not only give you the best online business you could have but, most importantly, save you from one of the most common fears of entrepreneurs—business failure.

If you want to know more about how to avoid business failure, chat with us today, and we’ll get you started.