blog design

Are you someone looking for a hobby you can enjoy while only staying at home? How about trying something new while making money at the same time? You might want to start your own blog design if you are.


Image taken from Ashmith

Blogging is considered one of the latest trends many people are engaging in. Many individuals and even companies are starting their own blog design examples and using them in sharing their thoughts in the online community. There is a wide range of blog design examples that beginners could choose from. You can create your own blog design depending on the niche you are most interested in. There are blog designs that focus on giving information regarding fitness and health, fashion, art, cooking, travel, and even marketing a business. With the best website design choice for a blog, followers can have the chance to easily connect with their favorite blogger.

Kerryn gamble blog

Image taken from Kerryn Gamble

Benefits of A Blog Design

At first, it may seem like the best blog designs can’t do anything besides letting you share your thoughts online. But there are tons of reasons that will surprise you on why you should start making a beautiful blog design now. And to keep you on track, we listed two of them below, just for you.

1. Drives Traffic

Website traffic is essential in securing a good SEO ranking. When you have good website traffic, your website gains more attention from your target market. Using effective blog design examples, optimize search engines, and easily make this happen. It may seem not to like it, but many website visitors found immediate interest in any blog design that catches their attention. You can use your beautiful blog design examples to drive more people to scroll through your website if you own a business. Through your blog designs, you can also add tips and tricks about anything under the sun, which will help you capture more attention and develop more curiosity from your online readers. Besides, who wouldn’t want the attention, right?

2. Social Media Engagement

Social media is undeniably, one powerful digital marketing tool. Many individuals nowadays own at least one social media account, whether in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and the likes, giving businesses an instant opportunity. People spend most of their time browsing their phones, looking through their social media accounts, especially now, where most are stuck in our own homes. By making beautiful blog design examples and posting them on social media, spreading the good word about your existence will surely be a no-brainer.

Each time you create and post the best blog designs article, you create an article that people can enjoy reading and share on their social media accounts. In return, more people can see your works online, and you have the chance to gain more conversions and increase your sales. Social media engagement will make digital marketing easier for you and expose you to a larger world where opportunities wait for you and your best blog designs.


Image taken from Pupitre

What to Put on Your Blog Design?

Now that we’re done with the benefits of having the best website design for a blogger like you, let’s now get to another important aspect you shouldn’t miss—choosing the best elements to include in your blog design.

1. Stunning Blog Homepage

A great homepage blog design is a great blog website. Your homepage is the first thing your online reader will notice on your blog design website. Once a website visitor sees a beautiful blog design on your website, they will be more encouraged to continue and browse through your blog page. When making your best blog designs, one thing to keep in mind is to keep things simple yet catchy. Avoid using extravagant and too crowded blog design templates, for it will only irritate a reader’s eyes.

Here in Strikingly, we only give the best designer made themes and templates for our users. We offer them a variety of beautiful blog designs that will help them create the best website design and, most importantly, express their own selves freely.

For you to achieve a stunning blog design homepage, it must have these three basic characteristics:

  • Catch the website reader’s attention at a glance
  • Introduces what your website is all about
  • Tempts them to go and scroll through the page

If your blog design homepage possesses these characteristics, then congratulations! You just booked yourself the best website design for an awesome blogger.

2. Your Logo

Website logos are another important element you should never forget when making your blog design. Logos are known as “symbols” for your business’s name and how your customers will remember them. Aside from that, logos can be used as a reference on what will be the official color theme of your beautiful blog design. As a business seeking an identity in the eCommerce world, use the chance and design your own logo. Make a logo that is not just prettily designed but, most importantly, screams who you and your business is.

After designing your own logo, you can now add it on your blog design website. Put it on the most prominent part where it can be clearly seen by whoever visits your website. You can also use them as your best website design’s favicon—just like how we do it in Strikingly.

3. Catchy Header

Headers are among blog design elements that greet your online viewers as soon as they land on your website. With this being said, having a striking header on your beautiful blog design examples is only a must.

Blog design headers help your online viewers know what your brand is all about. It keeps them on track and recognizes your brand even at a glance. A good header alongside your logo can turn undecided readers into loyal customers. Your blog design also appears more professional and trustworthy, especially for first-time visitors. Once you’ve managed to grab their attention, you can easily start your conversion process and make them follow you and your blog website.


Image taken from Modern Songtress

Offering the best website design is Strikingly’s agenda. We ensure that our users enjoy the headers we have and their clients. Once you start a simple blog with us, you immediately have the freedom to create and design your own header without having that much trouble—as to how web designing should be.

4. Smooth Navigation

Navigation is another element you shouldn’t miss. It serves as a guide for your online readers. By having a smooth set of navigation bars, you can easily set up the hierarchy within your website. You can display all categories so that your viewers will not miss a single detail.

Strikingly’s navigation options are among the most reliable in eCommerce. As the admin of your own blog design website, you have the freedom to manipulate them however you want them to be—even having no experience with coding. Amazing, right?

5. Your Bio

Your blogger’s biography will help you secure a professional and more interesting blog design website. Nowadays, many readers tend to spend time reading a blogger’s biography once they see them. They are eager to get to know the writer behind every blog they will read. If you wish to form a stable connection with your readers, do not be afraid to include a biography on your beautiful blog designs layout. You can include basic information about you and even some of the achievements you’ve made to gain more attention. Once your online viewers see that you are not afraid to share who you are and what inspires you to do the things you do, they will develop more interest in you.


Image taken from Pretty Olive Interiors

6. Subscription

Subscription helps bloggers keep in touch with their readers. By having a subscription bar on your best website design layout, you can easily collect information from your readers. Information such as emails and social media accounts can give you the chance to send them regards in the form of newsletters, making them feel loved by your business. Adding subscription bars on your website also allows you to drive more traffic to your website.

Strikingly is among few website-building platforms which allow users to freely add subscription buttons to their website. Our blog subscription feature is in the form of an email service available for all our users. Once enabled, you will be able to collect email subscribers from your blog website and send them updates about your blogs. Aside from this, we also have a membership plan which you can use to create a community with your readers.

7. High-Quality Images

Any blog design without awesome photos looks dull. According to a study, more readers engage with blogs with photos. High-quality images increase more traffic than a plain blog with only text. If you wish to add photos on your blogging website, use only high-quality ones to make your blog look more enticing. Aside from this, always add your source if the photo wasn’t taken by you to avoid misunderstandings.


Image taken from Against the Grain

Starting your own blog design may appear complicated specifically for a beginner. But if you are someone who truly wants to explore the world of blogging, then challenges wouldn’t be a big deal for you. Do not be afraid to try new things. Be bold. Pick the right partner and use your voice to influence people with your blogs. And if you still don’t know how to pick the best blog design for you? Worry no more because we in Strikingly definitely got your back. Chat with us today, and we’ll help you get started.