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Videos have made a good stride in the field of marketing for the last decade. However, most people are still asking, "Is video marketing worth it?" It is. For you and your business. Video marketing is great if you want to educate, generate more leads and convert your customers. If you landed on this article because you're looking for a video marketing guide, you're in luck. This article will disc…

A lot of people have found happiness in building and creating their stuff. While some have a penchant for crafting, some have converted their passion into an income-generating hobby. Crafting is nothing new. People have been working on their crafts--and perfecting them--for thousands of years. However, not all crafts are created the same. Some require little to no experience, but some require inn…

A margin calculator can greatly affect your business' success. It sounds wild, but it is true. Shortly, you will learn exactly how. But first, let us talk about Henry Ford (of blessed memory), and the rather interesting way he transformed Ford Motors. Experts and stakeholders had tried all they knew to improve the gross profit margin at Ford. Still, year after year, the turnover came back low. Th…

New templates are up again! We're highlighting our amazing new features to inspire your creativity.

For the past years, businesses have implemented tons of strategies for their content marketing. They took time researching the best content marketing strategy they could use to achieve their goals. From putting a blog section on their website pages to regularly sending newsletters to their subscribers, businesses have been continuously being creative with their content marketing strategy. One of …

A web design style guide is similar to a branding style guide, but instead of your brand's logo and other elements, a style guide for websites contains information about your site's design. The designer puts together a website style guide for websites while they're designing your site. It includes the primary colors of your site, font types and sizes, buttons and hover effects, etc. Why is a web …

With the launch of YouTube shorts, it looks like short-form videos will stay with us for a long time. Why have concise video formats become this popular lately? Brandon Saunders, Hubspot Academy's digital marketer, says people's attention spans have been reduced because of social media. Therefore, they are more attracted to short-form videos. YouTube shorts are like regular YouTube videos, but th…

The sales process was simpler and more predictable in the past, but today it has become much more complicated. It doesn't depend on the work of a single salesperson to drive home prosperous results anymore; it's much more than that. What is B2B sales? B2B sales refer to one business selling a product or service to another business. It is converse to B2C sales in which one company sells a product/…

Did you know jumping on the Instagram trends bandwagon can help your business generate sales? While following Instagram trends may seem useless to some people, they can significantly benefit a business by exposing your content to a broader range of audience. Instagram is a visual platform that, nowadays, almost every marketer uses as a marketing tool. Nearly everyone with an Instagram account use…

Can your hotel website design be why your hotel doesn't see many guests? Yes. Your hotel's website gives your potential clients an overview of your business. In this digitally progressing age, the first thing most people do to know about a company is go to its website. And the website doesn't only provide contact and pricing information but also reflects your brand's image and identity. While cre…

With the evolution of digital marketing and people becoming more associated with mobile phones, marketers are identifying ways to target these communities. There is a reason why many marketers are shifting their focus toward digital marketing to sell their products online. According to research shared by Design Rush, the global eCommerce market is expected to reach $3.4 trillion by 2025. Hence, y…

Since there are so many profiles and companies in the market, optimizing every word you write to achieve many results is essential. You will reach your community goals by keeping your social media optimization strategies consistent with your brand. Eventually, your hard work will result in more sales and conversions for your company. Regardless of the niche, social media optimization has a lot of…

Psychological pricing is one of the marketing strategies almost all brands implement to increase their sales. You must have encountered numerous examples of psychological pricing strategies but didn't realize them because you may not know what psychological pricing is. What is psychological pricing? It is a marketing strategy where the products or services are priced in a way that attracts custom…

Every business owner aims for customer satisfaction every day because happy customers are a valuable resource. They are more inclined to tell their friends and family about your business as a result of their positive experience. And it's a bonus if you did a good job and create a happy customers base. With excellent customer service, you can have happy customers. According to one survey, almost 4…

As a startup business owner, you will find yourself amidst the journey of firsts. Starting a business is quite exhausting, from your first website to the first content you publish, from your first media appearance to your first website visit. In an ideal world, you can create creative content ideas for your website and get the audience's attention to follow next. But we all know this is not alway…

Search engine ranking is a crucial element of any website. It is essential in helping business websites reach out to their target audience. For the past years, businesses have taken their part in ensuring that their websites are filled with elements such as keywords, backlinks, meta descriptions, anchor links, alt tags, etc. These elements are essential in securing an SEO-friendly website and hel…