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This is the time when digital technology thrives and dominates our world. Hence, having a website is just as important as having a physical store, office, or phone number. Why wait for customers to come to your store when they can browse your website from the comfort of their homes? Strikingly offers easy-to-build websites that do not require coding, and you can create one in minutes! In this art…

If you're an eCommerce business owner, you already know how important it is to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience. One of the best ways to ensure customer satisfaction is to offer multiple payment options on your website. You will create a more enjoyable, secure, and efficient shopping experience by allowing shoppers to pay with their preferred payment method. Not only will thi…

When toying with the idea of putting up a small business, the first question your should ask is how to grow your business. But let's be honest, to grow your business is not all flowers and rainbows. It requires a lot of work, and it entails playing different roles. It also means dealing with business compliance and taxes, as well as sales and marketing. If you want to grow your business, it requi…

Have you ever needed to get information from several sources and collate it into one central location? If so, you'll know that this can take a lot of time and effort if you do it manually, not to mention leaving you open to all kinds of human error. This is where JotForm comes in. It is an online form-builder service that allows anyone to create forms, polls, or surveys and integrate them into th…

Nowadays, creating or getting a photography magazine is very easy. You can either order a hard copy from the comfort of your home or access digital photography magazines in any part of the world. As a photographer, you can start your photo magazine as well. It was not always this easy, though. Some of the best photography magazines you know were made in the days of less advanced technology and wi…

The world of marketing is constantly evolving. What worked for your business in the past may be applicable to our current situation. If you're not seeing the results that you wanted from your online advertising strategies, don't fret. You're not alone. Right now, it's probably time to rethink your online advertising approach. While it's true that there's no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy th…

It's almost the holidays, and we all know it's the most profitable time of the year for all businesses, including eCommerce. For this year's holiday season, you must differentiate yourself from your competitors. A free shipping offer is guaranteed to increase your conversion rates. Many businesses say they can't afford free shipping because of low profit margin. However, if done right, you can si…

An organic marketing strategy is a tried and tested way to increase your traffic and market your product. Best of all, it doesn't break the bank. In its very essence, an organic strategy is anything outside paid marketing strategies and processes. Simple and actionable. These are two words that best describe organic marketing. Just like any other marketing strategy, the focus of organic marketing…

Videos have made a good stride in the field of marketing for the last decade. However, most people are still asking, "Is video marketing worth it?" It is. For you and your business. Video marketing is great if you want to educate, generate more leads and convert your customers. If you landed on this article because you're looking for a video marketing guide, you're in luck. This article will disc…

A lot of people have found happiness in building and creating their stuff. While some have a penchant for crafting, some have converted their passion into an income-generating hobby. Crafting is nothing new. People have been working on their crafts--and perfecting them--for thousands of years. However, not all crafts are created the same. Some require little to no experience, but some require inn…

A margin calculator can greatly affect your business' success. It sounds wild, but it is true. Shortly, you will learn exactly how. But first, let us talk about Henry Ford (of blessed memory), and the rather interesting way he transformed Ford Motors. Experts and stakeholders had tried all they knew to improve the gross profit margin at Ford. Still, year after year, the turnover came back low. Th…

New templates are up again! We're highlighting our amazing new features to inspire your creativity.

For the past years, businesses have implemented tons of strategies for their content marketing. They took time researching the best content marketing strategy they could use to achieve their goals. From putting a blog section on their website pages to regularly sending newsletters to their subscribers, businesses have been continuously being creative with their content marketing strategy. One of …

A web design style guide is similar to a branding style guide, but instead of your brand's logo and other elements, a style guide for websites contains information about your site's design. The designer puts together a website style guide for websites while they're designing your site. It includes the primary colors of your site, font types and sizes, buttons and hover effects, etc. Why is a web …

With the launch of YouTube shorts, it looks like short-form videos will stay with us for a long time. Why have concise video formats become this popular lately? Brandon Saunders, Hubspot Academy's digital marketer, says people's attention spans have been reduced because of social media. Therefore, they are more attracted to short-form videos. YouTube shorts are like regular YouTube videos, but th…

The sales process was simpler and more predictable in the past, but today it has become much more complicated. It doesn't depend on the work of a single salesperson to drive home prosperous results anymore; it's much more than that. What is B2B sales? B2B sales refer to one business selling a product or service to another business. It is converse to B2C sales in which one company sells a product/…