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The meaning and methods of work, as we knew them before, have changed. The internet revolution has offered us new ways to earn a living besides corporate jobs. For most people, entrepreneurship in the 21st century means building an online business. One of the many ways to build a business online is by starting a freelance business. Starting a freelance business can sometimes be overwhelming, espe…

Tidy. You probably know the meaning of that word. But for now, we are not here to talk about that meaning you are familiar with. Instead, we are talking about the first-ever web design tool created in 1995. It was called “HTML Tidy.” Tidy for short. Dave Raggett created it in 1995 as a way to help people clean up their HTML code. At the time, only a few people knew how to build a website. Most we…

Managing a website requires knowledge of website-building elements like cookies. These small text files are essential website components to understand and let your audience know. When you log on to a website, the online platform you click on sends cookies to the device you are using. Your device then stores the cookies on a file located on your website browser. Accepting cookies means accepting c…

We hope you like good music because our opening story today is about Snapchat, Rihanna, and Chris Brown. In 2018, some game creators launched an ad campaign for a game called 'would you rather?' on Snapchat. In the campaign, users were supposed to choose one of two similar or opposite actions that they would do over the other. It should have been a cool way to engage users and drive traffic to th…

A social media content calendar is a plan for the content an organization will post on social media platforms. It includes the specific dates and times that the content will be posted and the types of content that will be shared. Organizations can use a social media calendar template or a specialized social media content calendar tool to create a social media content calendar. The content in a so…

In today's day and age, every form of marketing revolves around relationship marketing. Any business's marketing objectives and plans are to create a relationship marketing strategy and satisfy its target audience. If you achieve a high customer satisfaction score, people will eventually buy from your online store. You can conduct relationship marketing in many ways. Depending on the business pha…

Social media platforms are getting lots of recognition worldwide as businesses use them to promote their products and services. Organizations have started understanding the importance of influential social media posts for their plans. Therefore, they are developing new methodologies to use social media influencers to increase their online sales. Many social media websites are established to help …

Working for an online company is a privilege. With all the aspiring candidates wanting to join famous business lines online, you can become one of the lucky employees who finally made it to the cut. Once hired, you could work with outstanding entrepreneurs and learn unique ideas from them. You get a VIP seat on their incredible secrets and how they made their business successful. Working on a pow…

Justin Hall. That’s the lead character in this very, very short story. Wherever he got the idea, we are glad he didn’t let it go to waste. He wanted to show the world the amazing things that went on in his mind. It did not matter if they were random fun thoughts, how his day went, or serious scientific brainstorming. What did he do to get his thoughts out there? He told everybody! Just kidding. H…

There are at least 2 billion websites in the world today, according to Web Tribunal. In other words, 2 billion business or personal websites are constantly in need of website maintenance. You already know the number was not always this high, so how did we get here? In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), invented the World Wide Web …

Have you ever made an impulsive purchase online because of an enticing message telling you so? This is the effect of a perfect CTA, and you need to know what they are and how to use them to launch a successful online business. This article will help you understand the effect of a powerful call to action and how you can use it to improve your website. eCommerce is becoming a popular option, and a …

Being a local tour guide can be an exciting and fulfilling line of work, especially if you live in places with many tourists. There isn't much in becoming a tour guide, but getting customers to take tours around your home area is the real task. You need a guide to help you prepare yourself mentally and financially before you launch your one-person tour guide company. Local tour guides make a lot …

An inventory isn't just about product listings. Entering the business world means getting a tighter grip on your inventory systems and your company's stock control, account balances, storage costs, stock investments, and stockout preventions. You must know what an inventory order is and how inventory tracking works. As a business leader in a competitive field, practicing regular inventory managem…

Image taken from Canva Picking the right business name among hundreds of unique business name ideas is an important decision that can significantly impact your company's success. A great name for a business can help you stand out from the competition, attract customers, and build a strong brand. On the other hand, a poor business name can be confusing, unmemorable, or off-putting to potential cus…

In today's world, visual identity plays a crucial role in how the public perceives a company or organization. It is the visual representation of a brand. It includes elements such as the logo, color scheme, typography, and imagery used to communicate the brand's values, mission, and personality. A strong visual identity helps a company or organization to stand out in the marketplace and be easily…