
A social media content calendar is a plan for the content an organization will post on social media platforms. It includes the specific dates and times that the content will be posted and the types of content that will be shared.

Organizations can use a social media calendar template or a specialized social media content calendar tool to create a social media content calendar. The content in a social media calendar may vary, but it could include text, images, videos, and links to articles or other resources.

A social media content calendar can help your organization to effectively plan and schedule content in advance. It helps to create a content schedule that ensures your business is regularly posting fresh, relevant content and helps them stay organized and on track with their social media marketing efforts.

10 Reasons Your Business Needs a Social Media Content Calendar

There are several reasons your business will benefit from using a content calendar. We have discussed 10 of them below. Read them carefully, If you are a business owner or social media content strategist.


A social media content calendar can help businesses maintain a consistent presence on social media by ensuring that they are regularly posting fresh, relevant content. This can help businesses build a loyal following and keep their audience engaged.


Planning and Organization

A content calendar allows businesses to plan and schedule their content in advance rather than coming up with new content to post daily. This can save time and help businesses stay organized, allowing them to focus on other tasks and priorities.

Meeting Marketing and Communication Goals

By planning and scheduling content in advance, businesses can align their social media efforts with their overall marketing and communication goals. For example, they can use a content calendar to promote new products or services, engage with customers, or share important updates.

Measuring and Analyzing Performance

A content calendar can also help businesses track the performance of their social media content strategy, allowing them to see which types of content are most effective at engaging their target audience. This can help businesses refine their content strategy and improve their social media efforts over time.

Collaboration and Team Coordination

A content calendar can be a useful tool for coordinating the efforts of a team or multiple teams working on social media. It can enhance collaboration, help everyone stay on the same page, and ensure that the right content is being shared at the right time.

Personalization and Targeting

A content calendar can help businesses tailor their content to specific audiences or segments, allowing them to create more personalized and targeted messages. For example, they can create separate content calendars for different customer segments or target their content to specific regions or languages.

Avoiding Duplication

A content calendar can also help businesses avoid duplication of content, ensuring that they are sharing a variety of different types of content and not just repeating the same messages. This can help businesses keep their content fresh and interesting for their audience.

Seasonal and Event-based Planning

A content calendar can be handy for your business when you need to plan content around specific events or seasons, such as holidays or major product launches. It can help them ensure they are sharing relevant content at the right time and taking advantage of timely opportunities.

Integration with Other Marketing Efforts

A social media content calendar can also help businesses integrate their social media efforts with other marketing efforts, such as email campaigns or paid advertising. This can help them create a cohesive and consistent marketing strategy across all channels.


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Content Audit

A content audit is a process of reviewing and evaluating the content on a website or digital marketing platform. The purpose of a content audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing content, as well as any gaps or inconsistencies. A content audit can help to inform social media content strategy and planning, as well as identify opportunities for improving the user experience and increasing the effectiveness of the content.

During a content audit, a content strategist or analyst will typically review each page or piece of content on the website or platform, taking note of various characteristics such as the type of content, its relevance and quality, its formatting and structure, and its performance metrics (e.g., page views, engagement). The content strategist may also consider factors such as the target audience, the content's purpose, and the website's or platform's goals.

A social media content calendar tool can also help you to track the performance of your social media content, allowing you to see which types of content resonate with your audience and which are not. This can be valuable information to include in a content audit, as it can help you to identify what is working well and what may need to be adjusted or improved.

How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar

To build a successful business, you must know how to create a social media content calendar. Here are some tips and tricks you can follow to build one.

1) Determine Your Goals

The first step in creating a social media content calendar is to determine your goals. What do you want to achieve through your social media efforts? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Understanding your goals will help you determine the type of content you should share and how often you should post.

2) Choose Your Platforms

Next, you will need to choose the social media platforms you will use. Different platforms have different audiences and formats, so choosing the platforms most relevant to your business and your goals is important.

3) Create a Content Schedule

Once you have determined your goals and chosen your platforms, you can create a content schedule. This will involve deciding how often you want to post and what types of content you want to share. You can use a social media calendar template or a specialized social media content calendar tool to help you create and organize your schedule.

4) Determine the Content You will Share

Next, you will need to determine the content you will be sharing on your social media platforms. This might include text, images, videos, or links to articles or other resources. Be sure to mix up the types of content you share to keep your audience engaged.

4) Schedule Your Content

Once you have determined the content you will share, you can schedule it using your social media calendar tool. Be sure to include specific dates and times for each piece of content.

5) Review and Adjust Your Calendar

After you have created your initial social media content calendar, review it regularly to ensure it is still aligned with your goals and meeting the needs of your audience. If necessary, make adjustments to your content schedule as needed.

7 Best Social Media Content Calendar Tools


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Hootsuite is a social media management platform that includes a content calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, as well as track the performance of your content.


CoSchedule is a content marketing platform that includes a social media calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publishes content across multiple social media platforms, as well as collaborate with team members and integrate with other marketing tools.


Asana is a project management tool with a social media calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, collaborate with team members and track tasks and deadlines.


Buffer is a social media management platform with a content calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, as well as track the performance of your content and optimize your posting schedule.


Planable is a social media collaboration and planning platform with a content calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publishes content across multiple social media platforms, as well as collaborate with team members and clients and preview your content in a simulated feed.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management platform with a content calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, as well as track the performance of your content and collaborate with team members.


Later is a social media scheduling and planning tool with a content calendar feature. It allows you to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, as well as collaborate with team members and analyze the performance of your content

Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Social Media Content Calendar Tool

  • Compatibility with your content management system
  • Ease of use
  • Scheduling capabilities
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Integration with other tools
  • Pricing
  • Customer Support
  • Integration with other tools


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1. Compatibility with your content management system: Ensure the scheduling tool is compatible with your current content management system (CMS) or social media platform.

2. Ease of use: Look for a tool that is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface.

3. Scheduling capabilities: Consider the scheduling options available, such as scheduling individual posts or bulk scheduling.

4. Collaboration features: If you have a team working on content, look for a tool that allows for collaboration, such as the ability to assign tasks and leave comments.

5. Analytics and reporting: Choose a tool that provides analytics and reporting on your content performance, such as the reach and engagement of your posts.

6. Integration with other tools: Consider whether the scheduling tool integrates with other tools you use, such as email marketing platforms or customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

7. Customer support: Check to see if the tool offers customer support, such as a help center or live chat, in case you have any questions or run into issues.

8. Pricing: Compare pricing for different tools to find one that fits your budget.


The social media content calendar tips you have read here should enable you to create a workable content calendar for your business. If you encounter difficulties while creating yours, you can consult a content strategist for ideas. Remember that one pro tip you must take note of is that your website must be compatible with your social media pages.

Strikingly is a website building tool that allows you to integrate your social media into your website. It means your site visitors can visit your social media to learn more about you or interact better with you. We have templates for everything, whether it's eCommerce or a simple blog. Check out our templates and start building a free website with us.