Web Development Tools

There is no better feeling than building your website and creating an online presence. Apart from using the top web development tools and promoting your personal portfolio, creating a website will open the door to many opportunities. By developing your website, you will have the chance to attract wider audiences. It also improves your communication with your target audience. At times, website development also introduces ourselves to a particular network. However, developing a website isn’t a walk-in-the-park for everyone.

To build a website, you have to go through several obstacles, and one of them is the usage of development tools for a website. No matter how brilliant your structure is regarding website development, you cannot build a website if you don’t know how to use the development tools. Fortunately for you, numerous development tools to choose from can make your life easy.

What is Website Development?

Website development is defined as the number of tasks related to developing websites for hosting via the internet. The development process includes web design, content development, security configuration, and much more. To conduct website development, you must understand web development tools. Initially, it was so complicated and tricky to understand the dynamics of the essential tools for web development.

If you knew how to build a website, you were considered the last wonder of the world in terms of computer science. You had to learn programming languages and go through various tutorials to effectively develop and publish your website. Even though the development of a website requires mathematics today, it is much simpler than the previous years. You need to use an effective website builder and research your development tools appropriately. By doing that, your desired website will be in front of you.

Best Website Development Tools

1. Sublime Text

If we talk about using the best web development tools, we have to start with the basics. We must prioritize an excellent code editor with a well-designed and ultra-efficient user interface. Several development tools will tick all the boxes if we talk about this feature. However, the best and arguably the most popular development tool is known as Sublime Text.

sublime text code

Image taken from Sublime Text

As it is run by an individual development team, the reason behind Sublime Text’s success is the massive array of keyboard shortcuts. For example, the functionality to perform simultaneous editing (making similar interactive modifications to multiple selected areas) alongside quick navigation to data, symbols, and lines. When you spend more than eight hours on your code editor every day, these shortcuts may come in handy to save time for yourself. There are tutorials available on the Internet for coding on Sublime text.

2. Chrome Developer Tools

Wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could edit your HTML or CSS in real-time or conduct debugging of your Javascript by just going through the performance bar of your website? Chrome developer tools seem to be one of the great web development tools in this regard. Considered to be Google’s built-in tools, these tools are available for both Google Chrome and Safari.

Chrome developer tools enable developers to access the internals of their web applications. Apart from that, a package of network tools allow you to optimize your loading flows. The timeline will help you to get a deep understanding of what the browser is going through at any moment. Google has the tendency to provide an update after every six weeks. So, make sure that you check out those updates and their YouTube channel.

3. GitHub

It truly is one of the worst experiences if you work on your web development tools and screw up your project feature. You can enter the version control systems (VCS), specifically GitHub, to make your life easy. By showcasing your project with the used tools for web developers, you can go through all the changes you have made or even go back to the previous state.

There are various reasons why GitHub is crucial to web developers. The repository hosting service also provides an open-source development community, making it easy for the development teams to communicate. Accordingly, it also offers other components, such as feature requests, task management, and wikis for particular projects.

4. Sass

If you can save time in your development phase, you are guaranteed to have some of the top web development tools at your disposal. While coding, one of the first things you learn is not to be repetitive. Another thing you learn is that CSS is usually not repetitive. When you start using a CSS preprocessor, you can write maintainable code without writing too much CSS into it.

The most popular development tool in this regard is Sass. Developed in 2014, it is an open-source project that commonly defines CSS preprocessors’ behavior. Even though it is initially tricky for the web designers, Sass’ combination variables, nests (conditions), and mixins will render easy CSS during compilation. This means that your stylesheets will be readable and repetitive.

Strikingly as a Website Developer Tool

1. Website Templates

Even though having great web development tools is essential for developing a professional website, you must understand the importance of a high-quality website builder, such as Strikingly. The website templates of Strikingly are truly second to none. All of them are unique and present you with a particular category. The templates can correspond with any website design.

strikingly website template

Image taken from Strikingly

When you develop your own website with Strikingly, you don’t even need to a hire professional web developer or learn programming skills. Strikingly will do everything for you in the most prolific manner and make your website live. Make sure that you include all of your preferences, and they will be displayed on your screen within a few clicks. As you can see from the image above, there are categories associated with the website templates, such as blog, business, portfolio, etc. You have to select one of them and customize it as per your creativity.

2. Robust Features

Unlike with the essential tools for web development, you don’t need the technical expertise to build a website on Strikingly. If you cannot understand the usage of web development tools, you most probably would have to hire a web developer who can build you a professional website. As you can see with the image below, the website editor of Strikingly is clean and straightforward. This makes it easy for Strikingly users to develop their website accordingly.

strikingly website editor

Image taken from Strikingly

To establish a website, you have to make a few changes in your editor’s settings. You can modify your site from the bar on the left side. There are four important settings at the top of the website editor i.e. audience, style, store, and settings. For example, if you intend to create an eCommerce website, you will click on “Store”. Moreover, you can choose to add sections to your website. After adding them, you can rearrange them as per your website plan.

3. SEO Practices

After using the best web development tools to build your website, it is crucial to implement the best search engine optimization (SEO) strategies on your website. These strategies enable you to attract wider audiences to your platform and reach people outside your network. Apart from attracting audiences, SEO also serves as an essential asset for inbound marketing, as it promotes relevant content and increases your website’s authority.

strikingly seo checklist

Image taken from Strikingly

It is not enough to just build your website and have nothing to show for your hard work. Fortunately for you, Strikingly possesses an SEO checklist that helps you optimize various parts of the website, such as meta-title and meta-descriptions. On Strikingly, the free plan users may not have access every feature of the SEO checklist, so it is important to upgrade your account.


If you want to make the most out of tools for web developers, make sure that you assess your options properly. There are plenty of development tools for you to choose from. Some have limited functionality, whereas others provide functionality as per their premium plans. Therefore, you must know which of the web development tools will bring the most value to you. Apart from that, you must make sure that you rely on the correct website builder to create a website that stands from the rest of the website owners.

develop your website

Image taken from Strikingly

If necessary, you can use this blog as a reference to find the best development tools for your website. If you intend to develop your website, you must get down to basics and start with the free plan of Strikingly. Once you get yourself registered on our website builder, you will enjoy all the features mentioned in the review. Consequently, we can say that by relying on the right website builder and doing the research for your development tools, you can take your website to the next level.