selling vintage

Online businesses have been booming since the internet and advanced technology introduced online shopping and online payments. All kinds of sellers and buyers flocked towards online marketplaces. Different products flooded the market. The competitive advantage of each business now lies in the uniqueness of its products and its marketing strategies. In this article, let’s talk about a truly original and unique set of products that you can sell - vintage decor and items.

Vintage decor and items are not easy to find, so vintage buying and selling pose an even greater challenge. Nevertheless, those selling vintage can attest to how worthwhile and profitable it can be if done right and smart. Vintage decor covers a wide range of varieties and so there is much to explore and market when you decide to sell vintage items. From rugs, carpets, frames, hanging ornaments to clocks, table decorations, ornaments, furniture, etc., selling vintage items involves looking for items created 20 to 100 years ago. Anything earlier than that is considered retro already, while those beyond that are antiquities. This is a basic fact that you should know about when you start selling vintage.

Read on as we dig deeper on how to sell vintage items. And we’ve thrown in some tips based on people’s experiences with vintage buying and selling for a long time.

How to Sell Vintage Decor and Items?

1. Research, Establish, and Plan

The first step in selling vintage is to know more about these products and the market you will enter. A wide array of products and their types, qualities, features, etc., is involved in this kind of business. So before you get started vintage buying and selling, arm yourself with the proper knowledge and understanding of everything you might encounter. You can spend some time online researching the market, the customers, and particular specifications that you should know about selling vintage items and products. In this business, knowing your products and the right customer segment to market is essential for this venture.

After doing so, you should know the ins and outs of the different categories and vintage niches. At this point, you now need to establish the specific kinds of products that you want to focus on. It may be wise to only concentrate on a particular category, especially if you are just starting out in this business. This will help you narrow down the vintage decor and items you would be looking for in the market. What you have established as your own niche will determine the rest of the steps you need to take as you start selling vintage.

Once you have established this, you can now start planning how you will go about selling vintage. You have to continue your research and expand it into developing a solid plan on how you will actually commence with your vintage buying and selling business. You should start looking at different marketing strategies that are best suited to your chosen niche. It is essential that you already have something in mind as you go along vintage buying and selling merchandise. Doing this will help your next step and actions to have a much better flow and ultimately ensure a much better chance of success for you and your business.

2. Look, Explore, and Shop

The next step you should take is to start looking for locations and stores to start your hunt. This is the real first step towards vintage buying and selling. You can start by lining up different locations to scour for vintage decor and items you want to sell. It will be smart to start looking at those near you and slowly expand your reach from there. You can set a day on your calendar when you can go to all of these locations in search of what will start your journey of selling vintage items.

Don’t be afraid and reluctant to explore. Some say that the best vintage decor and items are like hidden treasures. So you really have to put your keen eyes to good use. This might eventually test your patience but know that finding the right items will be worthwhile. To be successful in selling vintage items, you have to first find the best vintage decor, objects, and merchandise that you can get your hands on. Looking through different stores must be done with attention to detail to ensure the quality of your products. Don’t be shy to ask the store owners or employees about specific items (and even other locations where you can find what you are looking for).

Once you do find the right items, of course, you should start buying (or at least reserving them). In the plan you made earlier, your budget must take one of the most important priorities. You should have planned and clearly set how much you are willing to spend because not all of these vintage items are particularly cheap to avail of. But you can’t exactly start vintage buying and selling without spending anything. Don’t enjoy the shopping experience too much because no matter how beautiful these vintage decor and items are, remember that your goal is to start a business of selling vintage. In addition, take note of the storage space that you have allotted for your business venture of selling vintage items. Make sure that you don’t go overboard with your shopping because vintage decor and items are not something that you can particularly pile or cramp together.

3. Price, Package, and Ship

The next thing you need to do is to consider the pricing strategies that you must use. This part can be particularly tricky for you. Vintage decor and items, after all, usually have a certain price range in the market. Keep in mind that not all of your items will be priced the same. Some are rarer than others so that may be more valuable. Even those that are small in size might be more expensive than those that are big and take up a lot of space. So you must be careful in how you decide to price your items. Take into consideration not just how the market is pulsing, you also have to consider which pricing formula would work best for you and your chosen market.

Packaging is also something that you have to be smart about. Sometimes, you can’t really put too high a premium on the cost of your item because it might not sell. You have to be particularly crafty because you can’t spend too much money on your packaging, but you also can’t spend too little. See, when you sell vintage, you more or less sell fragile items and have to be packaged very carefully. So do your research and find ways where your packaging can be efficient and effective while also not being too costly. Selling vintage items and decor won’t be easy to pack, but you will earn more loyal customers if you do it right and ensure their quality.

Shipping your vintage decor and items is another vital part of your journey towards success in selling vintage. As already mentioned, these vintage decors and items vary in shapes and sizes, and most (if not all) are fragile and have to be handled with the utmost care. This is also another vital consideration in the costing and pricing of your products. You have to find the right shipping partners that you can trust with your vintage decor and items and negotiate with to get the best prices.

Tips Towards the Success of Selling Vintage Items

  • Always have a lot of stock.
  • Take high-quality pictures of your products.
  • Have a certain aesthetic and style.
  • Build an online store and familiarize yourself with SEO techniques.
  • Have a good social media presence.
  • Take part in the community of businesses that sell vintage.

Selling Vintage Items with Strikingly

  1. Log in with Strikingly.
  2. Open your Strikingly Editor and click on the “Add Store”.

Strikingly Add Ecommerce

Image taken from Strikingly Product

  1. Add the Store Section.

Strikingly Add Store Section

Image taken from Strikingly Product

  1. Upon adding your store section, hover over it and click “Add Product”

Strikingly Add Product

Image taken from Strikingly Product

  1. This will allow you to add products by putting in the name, description, price, and pictures so you can start selling vintage items.

Strikingly Product Description

Image taken from Strikingly Product

  1. When you add all the items you have for your vintage buying and selling, this is one of the layouts we have previewed for you.

Strikingly Online Store Layout

Image taken from Strikingly Product

You can add more products and even change the layouts of your online store. Strikingly offers you a lot of templates that you can choose from that will best suit your needs. You can even add a background that will match and highlight your products better.

Vintage buying and selling is certainly not an easy business to venture into, but it is certainly one that can be very profitable in the end. We hope this article has given you valuable and helpful information on starting your own online business of selling vintage decor and items. Keep in mind that you don’t have to do all of this on your own. With the right partners, you help yourself, and you arm your business with the right tools to be more successful in the industry you entered into. Let Strikingly be the first one of those trusted partners and sign up now!