The Psychology of Logo Design: How Colors and Shapes Impact Brand Perception

Logo design is a crucial aspect of any business's branding strategy. A well-designed logo not only sets your business apart from the competition, but also communicates your brand's values and personality to potential customers. But what makes a good logo? What are the logo design tips you need to know to make a good logo that will effectively represent your brand?

In this blog post, we'll explore the psychology of logo design, specifically how color, shape, typography, adaptability, and simplicity impact brand perception. We'll provide the information you need to create a logo that resonates with your audience and sets your business up for success.

The Importance Of Logo Design

Your logo is often the first thing people see when encountering your brand. It's a visual representation of your business and should communicate your brand's values, personality, and purpose. A good logo can help your business stand out in a crowded marketplace and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Did you know that colors can evoke different emotions and influence our perceptions? Or that shapes can convey different meanings and messages? Understanding how color and shape impact brand perception is key to creating a logo that effectively communicates your brand's message.

One great example of a company with effective logo design is Strikingly. Strikingly's logo is a great representation of their brand's values, and it effectively communicates their mission to empower people to build their online presence. Throughout this blog post, we'll use Strikingly as an example of effective logo design, highlighting what makes their logo successful and how you can apply those principles to your logo design efforts.

Let's dive in and explore what makes a great logo, using Strikingly as an example of a company with an effective logo design.

Understanding Color Psychology In Logo Design

When it comes to logo design, color is an essential element that can significantly impact brand perception. Understanding how colors affect emotions and convey different meanings is crucial in creating a logo that effectively communicates your brand's message.

Startup Youth Logo Design

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Emotions And Brand Perception: Can Colors Affect Them?

Colors have the power to evoke different emotions, influence behavior, and impact brand perception. For example, red can stimulate appetite and create a sense of urgency, which is why it's often used in food and retail logos. On the other hand, blue can convey trust, professionalism, and calmness, making it a popular choice for financial and healthcare companies.

Colors are not just aesthetically pleasing elements in a logo but also have a significant psychological impact on the viewer. Each color has its own unique emotional association that can either enhance or detracts from the intended message of the brand.

For instance, yellow is often associated with optimism, while green is associated with nature and eco-friendliness. The color red creates a sense of urgency and stimulates appetite. It can also be associated with passion and excitement. On the other hand, blue is often associated with trust. Other colors, like purple, can be associated with luxury, while black and white can convey sophistication and simplicity.

When selecting the colors for a logo, it's important to consider the emotions and values that are associated with them. A brand that wants to convey a sense of excitement and energy may opt for brighter and bolder colors, while a brand that wants to convey a sense of calmness and reliability may opt for more muted and soothing colors. The chosen colors should also align with the company's overall brand message and identity.

Understanding The Meaning Of Colors

Different colors have different meanings and associations, and understanding these can help you make informed decisions about the colors you choose for your logo. For example, green is associated with nature, growth, and health, making it a great choice for organic and environmentally conscious brands. Yellow, on the other hand, can represent optimism, joy, and warmth, making it a great choice for brands that want to convey a sense of happiness and positivity.

In addition to the associations mentioned, colors can also have cultural and regional significance. For example, in Western cultures, the color white is often associated with purity and weddings, while in some Eastern cultures, it is associated with mourning and funerals. Similarly, the color red is often seen as lucky and auspicious in Chinese culture, while in some African cultures, it is associated with danger and warning.

It's important to consider the context and audience of your brand when selecting colors for your logo. For example, if you're targeting an international audience, you'll want to be aware of cultural differences and ensure your color choices are appropriate and not offensive. Similarly, if you're targeting a specific age group or demographic, you may want to choose more appealing colors.

Overall, understanding the psychology of color can help you make strategic decisions regarding your logo design, and can ultimately impact the success and perception of your brand.

Strikingly's logo is an excellent example of effective color use in logo design. Their logo features a bold, vibrant purple that communicates quality, wisdom, and creativity. The purple also contrasts nicely with the white text, making it visually appealing and easy to read.

Strikingly's Logo Design Exudes Quality, Wisdom and Creativity

Image taken from Strikingly

Other companies that use color effectively in their logos include McDonald's, which uses the color red to stimulate appetite and create a sense of urgency, and Spotify, which uses a bright green color to convey growth and energy.

By understanding color psychology, you can choose colors for your logo that effectively communicate your brand's message and resonate with your audience. In the next section, we'll explore how the shape of your logo can also impact brand perception.

The Power Of Shapes In Logo Design

While color is undoubtedly an important element in logo design, the shape of your logo can also significantly impact how it's perceived by your audience. The shape of a logo can evoke different emotions and convey various meanings, so it's crucial to choose a shape that effectively communicates your brand's message.

Shapes Can Impact Your Brand Message

Different shapes can convey different messages and evoke different emotions. For example, a circular shape can represent unity, community, and inclusivity, while a triangular shape can convey strength, stability, and direction. The shape of your logo can also influence how it's perceived by your audience, whether it's playful and fun or serious and professional.

OOO Logo Design Using Shapes for Log Design

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Understanding the meanings behind different shapes can help you choose a shape that effectively communicates your brand's message. For example, a heart shape can represent love and compassion, making it an excellent choice for brands in the healthcare or charity industry. A square shape can represent stability and structure, making it a great choice for financial or legal brands.

Strikingly's logo is a great example of how shape can impact brand perception. Their logo features a simple yet effective design with a circular shape that represents community and inclusivity. The circular shape also gives a modern, friendly, and approachable vibe to their brand, which is in line with their mission of empowering people to build their online presence.

Other companies that use shape effectively in their logos include Nike, which uses a simple, swoosh-like shape that represents motion and energy, and FedEx, which uses negative space to create an arrow shape that represents direction and progress.

Incorporating shape in your logo design can help you create a logo that effectively communicates your brand's message and resonates with your audience. In the next section, we'll explore some logo design tips to help you create a good logo.

Combining Color And Shape For Effective Logo Design

Now that we've explored the impact of color and shape on logo design, it's time to look at how these elements can work together to create a powerful logo. When used effectively, color and shape can complement each other and enhance a logo's overall message.

Colors and Shapes: Working Together For A Powerful Logo

Color and shape can be used together in a variety of ways to create a logo that effectively communicates your brand's message. For example, using warm colors like red or orange combined with a circular shape can create a logo that conveys energy, excitement, and inclusivity. On the other hand, using cooler colors like blue or green in combination with a square shape can create a logo that conveys stability, reliability, and trustworthiness.

Other companies that have successfully combined color and shape in their logos include McDonald's, which uses a yellow arch shape that represents the golden arches of their restaurants, and Coca-Cola, which uses a red and white combination to create a logo that's instantly recognizable and memorable.

By combining color and shape in your logo design, you can create a logo that effectively communicates your brand's message and resonates with your audience. In the next section, we'll share some logo design tips to help you make a good logo.

Understanding Typography in Logo Design

When it comes to logo design, typography is another important element to consider. Typography refers to the style and arrangement of text in a design, and it can significantly impact how a logo is perceived by its audience.

Typography Affects Your Brand Perception

Typography can convey a range of emotions and messages, from playful and whimsical to serious and professional. The typeface you choose for your logo can help communicate your brand's personality, values, and mission to your audience.

There are many different types of fonts to choose from, including serif, sans-serif, script, and display fonts.

  • Serif fonts, which have small lines or flourishes at the ends of the letters, are often seen as more traditional and formal.
  • Sans-serif fonts, which don't have these lines, are often seen as modern and clean.
  • Script fonts, which mimic handwriting, can convey a sense of elegance and sophistication.
  • Display fonts, which are often highly stylized, can create a bold and memorable statement.

GDC Consulting Logo: Using Typography in Logo Design

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Strikingly's logo is a great example of how typography can be used effectively in logo design. They use a clean, modern sans-serif font that conveys a sense of simplicity, professionalism, and approachability.

Other companies that use typography effectively in their logos include Coca-Cola, which uses a highly recognizable script font, and FedEx, which uses a bold and distinctive sans-serif font.

By understanding the different types of fonts and how they can be used to convey different messages, you can choose a typeface for your logo that effectively communicates your brand's personality and values. In the next section, we'll share some logo design tips to help you make a good logo.

The Importance of Adaptability and Simplicity in Logo Design

A great logo not only looks good, but it also needs to be adaptable and simple. A logo that doesn't translate well across different mediums, such as print or digital, can quickly lose its impact. Similarly, a complicated logo that takes too long to recognize can be forgettable.

When designing a logo, it's important to consider its adaptability and simplicity. Your logo should be versatile enough to work well in different contexts and sizes. Simplicity is key so that it's easy for people to recognize and remember.

Strikingly's logo is a perfect example of a simple and adaptable design. Their original logo featured a more detailed image of their brand name, but it was difficult to reproduce in small sizes. They simplified the design and chose a more abstract, stylized letter “S” that could be easily recognized and resized.

Some tips for ensuring your logo is adaptable and simple include using clean and straightforward shapes, limiting the use of colors, and selecting a font that is easy to read in different sizes.

A great logo is one that is not only visually appealing but also adaptable and simple. By considering these factors, you can create a logo that is effective and memorable, just like Strikingly's logo.


Your logo is often the first impression a potential customer will have of your brand, and it's important to make it a good one. A great logo can communicate the essence of your brand and leave a lasting impression on your audience. By taking the time to understand the psychology of logo design, you can create a logo that effectively communicates your brand's values and personality.

It's clear that effective logo design requires careful consideration of color, shape, typography, adaptability, and simplicity. A good logo is not just aesthetically pleasing, but it also needs to convey the right message to the audience. By understanding the psychology of logo design, you can create a logo that resonates with your audience and helps build your brand's identity.

Always consider the psychology of logo design when designing their own logos. By understanding how color, shape, typography, adaptability, and simplicity impact brand perception, you can create a logo that truly reflects your brand's identity. And if you need inspiration, Strikingly is a great example to follow. Their logo effectively communicates their brand's simplicity and adaptability, while also being aesthetically pleasing and memorable.

What are you waiting for? Get creative and make a good logo that will leave a lasting impression on your audience!