best brand color

When you decide to leave your respective company and look forward to starting your own business, or start a highly innovative business startup, understanding the impact of brand color on client’s behavior will be key to your brand’s success. According to research, 85% of the clients believe that branding colors are the biggest factor in selecting a product. Alongside that, 92% of the people believe that visual experience is a key marketing factor for choosing a product.

The good thing about this is that there is a methodology in selecting the most appropriate color for your business brand. This article will help you in assuring the right color for your startup and guide you in the ways that you can attract customers via this strategy.

Examples of the Best Brand Colors

If you want to know how to choose brand colors for your business, you can look into many examples surrounding you. Make sure that you think about the brands that you see every day and see how color impacts their visual identity. Google has multiple colors, McDonald’s is red and blue and Coca-Cola is red.

Soft tones are continuing to be one of the best brand color schemes in the market today. SMUK Interior Design on Strikingly is an ideal example. The website used classy and beautiful shades to enhance the crucial portions of the website. A huge chunk of white space adds to the minimalist appeal and gives the page a breathing space. The biggest quality of its brand design is simplicity and enabling the other images to become an important part of the page.

Soft tones and minimalism are ideal for the welfare of your website. Therefore, we can see SMUK Interior Design stay at the top for many years to come. If it suits your brand, consider this website as a benchmark.

founder mastermind design

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Second, bold color schemes for websites are also establishing their credentials in the web designing world recently. We can look into the bright block colors along with the bright headlines that attract the client’s attention. Founder Mastermind is an ideal example as it provides by-invitation-only events and a direct call to action to ask the consumers for joining them. The website is simple and the yellow background color makes it easier for the client to understand the content in it.

You must know that this strategy only works when a brand color isn’t distractive. On Strikingly, Founder Mastermind only used two colors that were not causing any interference. The tidiness of the selected typeface and the displayed assets play a part in the impact of the website color.

Factors in Choosing the Correct Color for your Brand

If you are creating a business brand, regardless of it being for personal work or professional work, opting for the best color scheme is an important part that you must not avoid. A brand color palette is not just associated with aesthetics, but also for generating adequate responses towards your product or service and content. An appropriate color palette improves audience engagement. Before looking at the call to action of a landing page, clients pay attention to the visuals, graphics, and images displayed on the website.

So let’s look at the factors that will enable you to choose the correct color for your respective brand.

1. Understanding of the Color

mixture of colors

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

There has been a lot of research regarding the color theory of brands and products. Whether you use a color in the background or the banner image, every color has a specific story associated with them. You may seem lost when investigating the theories behind every color. Here is a summary for all these colors:

  • Red corresponds with danger, excitement, and exhilaration. It also indicates love and passion.
  • Pink associates itself with sentimental values and romance.
  • Orange is full of excitement and vitality. It is creative, adventurous, and also has signs of being cheap.
  • Yellow brings a vibe of optimism to a website. This color is associated with happy and playful times.
  • Green is often used to show sustainability. However, it can also display prestige and wealth.
  • Blue is a reliable color. It can be used as a calming influence or to show a depressing state of affairs.
  • Purple is all about royalty. It can be mysterious.
  • White brings simplicity and innocence.
  • Multicolor can be a combination of any two particular colors. It's ideal to capture the diversity of a website.

Across all this spectrum, there are many additional branding colors to look into. Different colors, such as baby blue or navy, all play a part in displaying their color story.

2. Identifying Specific Brand Essence

specific brand essence

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

To choose the best brand color for your business, you must know about the colors that correspond to your website. You must identify what the color of your website is about. For example, if your color requires a specific font and style, you can look into the text changer to suit your website’s demands. You must understand what your objectives are regarding your brand and how it can impact audience engagement.

You must think about your brand in the following ways:

  • Brand Goals: You should make your audience informed about your website.
  • Audience Engagement: You must make your audience feel positive about your website.
  • Personality Traits: You should decide whether your website is funny or for an inspirational purpose.

How you get received by your customers plays a massive part in narrowing down your brand color schemes. Hence, even if your product is organic, your brand essence may show the celebration of goodness, which allows you to go for a positive yellow color.

3. Looking Into the Types of Colors

Let’s be honest with ourselves, there are many shades of different colors. Therefore, let’s look into the corresponding colors, both as a specified color of the brand and part of the brand color palette.

types of colors

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Color Hues refers to primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). As you have seen in many of the layout designs, these colors can create any other color, depending on the way they are mixed. Color Shade is when black gets integrated into a color. The more the shade within a color, the more black color gets added into the original color. Color Tint is the white version of Color Shade, which enables the overall color to become light.

Many brands in the market have over one color associated with their design. Although their logo may be blue, their website background color can be yellow or green. This combination is referred to as the brand palette. It shows that colors must have a lethal combination to work together in harmony.

Choosing an appropriate color palette can be difficult, but you don’t need to be a designer to choose it. You can look into Strikingly, which will help you choose the right colors for your website. We ensure that you define the best colors for your website and create an effective combination out of them. Another crucial aspect is that you can look into the color codes associated with them.

Where Should the Colors of Your Brand Appear?

Once you have done all your analysis, picked out the best brand color, and established a palette of associative colors, you must put them into action straight away. Across every touchpoint, make sure that your selected color has the desired effect and works in multiple ways.

Here are a few places in which the colors of your brand can appear:

  • Logo
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Advertisements
  • Instore
  • Stationary
  • Staff Uniforms
  • Functions

Creating Brand Guidelines

When you build your brand online, there is one thing that you must know i.e. creating brand guidelines. Brand guidelines are the rules and regulations to showcase the appearance of your brand, which helps brand color consistency. Creating and maintaining a strong brand identity will enable different customers to rank your website highly. If you want to know how to pick brand colors, you must go through the brand guidelines to understand their impact on the overall website.

customer logo guidelines

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

One of the key components of brand guidelines is branding colors. It should be able to display these colors across all formats. Some external aspects of brand guidelines include:

  • Overview of the Brand
  • Voice Tone
  • Logo Treatment
  • Color Palette
  • Typography or Font
  • Image Styles
  • Design Styles


So there have it, we can safely say that choosing brand colors has a tremendous impact on the consumer’s behavior. If your brand color isn’t attractive to him, he will eventually the same product from another shop. The presentation skills are as important as the product quality. When you are pricing a product, you must know all the financial details surrounding it. However, if you have a considerable color for your brand, it will attract the customers to your product website as they will go through your content comprehensively.

Strikingly will give you many inspirations for your website color. Even the best template that you get from us must be customized to suit your respective branding. As long as you understand your business requirements, choosing the right color for your brand becomes an exciting process. Are you ready to create your website? Come to Strikingly and design your website today.