Mobile Advertising

This post has everything you need to know about mobile advertising. We will start with observing the fundamental aspects and move on to some of the complicated features you need to learn about mobile ads. Once you finish reading how mobile advertising works, you can apply the tactics and techniques discussed here in your business.

If you are interested in beating the competition in your industry and making the most out of the benefits of mobile advertising, you are on the right web page. Let’s dive right into it.

Why Mobile Advertising is Gaining Momentum?

This is the era when people all around us are using mobile devices more than ever before. If you want to reach out to the largest pool of audiences, you have to start using mobile advertising. Mobile ads are a great way of connecting with your target audience. People browse through the apps on their mobile phones every few minutes a day. Having a space on someone’s mobile device is like having your property in your target customer’s most precious asset.

Let’s talk about the fundamentals and benefits of mobile advertising, so that you can better understand why this trend is gaining momentum at such a fast pace.

How Mobile Advertising Works?

Mobile advertising is one of the numerous digital marketing techniques, which has become very popular with the increased usage of mobile devices to browse, scroll through, and engage with digital content. Mobile ads aim to approach the target customers by connecting with them through their mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile gadgets. You can reach out to them on their mobile devices through SMS, mobile apps, social media platforms, emails, or your mobile website.

Instagram feed on a website built on Strikingly

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

mobile website created on Strikingly

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Thanks to technological advancement, there are many different ways to entice customers to view your marketing content on their smartphones. Most people spend more time on their mobile devices than on their computers. That’s why mobile advertising often gets faster results for businesses than the other forms of digital marketing. An ad run on the desktop version of a site or app has a lesser chance of being viewed than that targeted for mobile apps. This is because more users are viewing the website or app on their phones at any given point in time.

Advertising campaigns that only have a desktop reach often run in the background. For instance, on a laptop, when an ad is running, the user can easily open another Google Chrome tab and continue with their work, leaving the ad to play invisibly in the original hidden tab. This causes a waste of effort and resources for the business, as a large portion of their reach does not bring them any results. How can the users be enticed to take any desired action when they don’t even view the ad properly?

mobile checkout on a website built on Strikingly

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Mobile ads, on the other hand, are harder to ignore. It is a lot more effective to reach people on devices they love to spend time on. For successful mobile advertising, however, you must ensure the following.

  1. Your content should be mobile-friendly. For example, if you build a website, make sure you create a mobile version of the website. There is nothing more off-putting to users than to see the text or images on your web pages appear crammed up when they open your site from their mobile device.
  2. Make the most use of mobile apps. Gone are the days when building a website for your business would suffice. These days you also need to create an app to showcase your business, especially if you want to stand out in the competition.
  3. Create appealing and attractive mobile ads. Merely running a mobile advertising campaign does not cut it. Most industries are highly competitive and operate in a digitally advanced environment. Make sure your mobile ads are attractive and catchy enough for your audience to want to spend time viewing them.

mobile website built on Strikingly with catchy images and clear text

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Benefits of Mobile Advertising

Here are a few benefits of mobile advertising.

  1. Mobile ads are a convenient way of conveying your marketing messages to the audience. You can efficiently address your target audience through user-friendly software interfaces designed to send messages to individuals and groups directly on their mobile devices.

a mobile ad on a website

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Designing a mobile advertising campaign is more straightforward than designing a desktop campaign for any mobile user. There are many advertising agencies out there that can help you with any issues you might face when you create mobile ads. You can even purchase user-friendly tools that provide ready-to-use templates to work. Sometimes the templates are so precisely built that they serve as examples of mobile advertising for beginners.

sponsored mobile ad in a user's Facebook newsfeed

  1. Mobile advertising is a relatively faster and more instant way of reaching your target audience. People always have their mobile phones with them, whether they keep them in their hands, pockets, wallets, handbags, or on the table right in front of them. If you particularly plan your mobile ads strategy keeping the lifestyle of your target audience in mind, you can really get to your potential customers almost instantly.

a news portal offering the audience to advertise their business by placing sponsored mobile ads on this website

Image taken from Coin Telegraph

  1. Mobile ads are speedy in terms of their loading time. It is vital to avoid making your website visitors wait before seeing what’s there on the page. If your web pages take too long to load, your audience will get bored and leave your site. This will increase the bounce rate of your website, which is not good for its search rankings.
  2. It is beneficial to use automation in advertising. Mobile advertising makes automation easier since you have so many tools, applications, and software available. When you shift data or messages from one platform to another, keeping them original is usually impossible. But with mobile advertising, you can maintain the originality of your ads while moving them from one platform to another. This is the benefit of automating your advertisements.
  3. Mobile ads should be tracked to check and evaluate the results. Mobile advertising provides a lot of valuable insights into your reach and audience. These analytics can be used to strategize your future marketing campaigns to gain higher returns on your advertising expenses. Knowing how much traffic is generated to your website through your mobile ads allows you to fine-tune your campaigns to generate more quality leads.

a Strikingly user's website traffic stats

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Mobile ads can usually be created with a responsive design. This means your mobile advertising campaigns can be run smoothly on other platforms and devices without distorting the layout or browsing experience of the ads. Whether these ads are in text, images, or video format, they are responsive enough to be opened from different kinds of devices, including desktop computers and laptops.

mobile version of a Strikingly user's website advertising their tourism services

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

  1. Mobile ads have a location-based feature. This feature is usually only available for mobile phones. This means you can give out information to your audience which is relevant and specific to their current location. This is a huge benefit of mobile advertising, as it ensures the right messages are delivered to the right people.
  2. Mobile advertising campaigns can be designed in multiple languages. Mobile devices can detect the user’s location and show the ad in the most appropriate language of that location. Language selection is also made based on the user’s custom language preference set in their mobile device. Although this feature is also available on other devices, it is more commonly available on mobile devices.

a sponsored ad in a user's Facebook app newsfeed in the native language of the user's location

Image taken from Facebook

  1. Mobile ads are cost-effective because they drive better and quicker results for businesses. They entice viewers to take desired actions instantly. With mobile advertising, you do not have to spend huge amounts of budget on your advertising campaigns. You can run a simple ad on a popular social media app, such as Facebook or Instagram, and get a lot of traction for your brand and website.

Importance of a Mobile Website for Effective Mobile Advertising

Anything essential for your mobile advertising campaigns to be effective is to have a mobile-friendly version of your website. Your mobile ads need to direct the interested viewers somewhere on the internet, where you can explain to them the next steps they need to take if they want to make a purchase. This will be your brand website.

Strikingly user's ad agency website

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Since your mobile ads will be viewed on the users’ mobile devices, your website will also be opened. Thus, your website must be viewed smoothly, conveniently, and neatly on mobile phones.

If you are looking for a suitable website builder to build a mobile-friendly website, try out Strikingly. Many of our users are running attractive and professionally built websites. They have audiences visiting their site from desktops as well as mobile phones. The best thing is to create your website on your own, using the tools we provide on our platform. Once you begin, the website building process is so simple on Strikingly that your site will be up and running in just a couple of hours.